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Everything posted by scoop

  1. Honestly, I'm fine with Vasteras moving. I understand that there is a negative connotation around the team (undeserved, I should add), but I really don't think it's as bad as you believe. And that's what my issue with the things you and others are saying. You don't really take time to find the truth, but rather just make it up and say what's true.
  2. Also, please rephrase what you said so that it supports your argument, rather than directly opposes it.
  3. Squinty? You're using Squinty in your argument?
  4. Name some prominent members other than Kendrick and Green who outright don't want to play for Vasteras.
  5. While I unfortunately have to agree that it is evident that Vasteras has an undeserved reputation, the blame is on people like Kyle who perpetuate the hatred. If those people would just shut about about F Vasteras, etc., the problem wouldn't persist.
  6. I wouldn't say that I dislike you, honestly. We've definitely had our differences, probably more frequently than I have with others. But I actually don't dislike you. I actually do enjoy playing League with you well enough. But I don't really think there's been much interaction between us, initiated by either side, on League except a couple times when a number of VHLers were playing. Mayhaps I'll invite you to games every time the both of us are online. Sometimes I lie to myself and say that I'd be fine with an "eat, sleep, video games" life, but I don't think it'd work for me. Heck, there are days when I play League even though I really don't feel like it just to pass the time. I think ultimately what I want to do is someday start a family. Honestly, I'm not actually too concerned with getting a car, and I've thought in the past that I'd be fine riding a bike to work up to something like 10 miles. If it works out that I find a job in accounting, a way to get there (be it close enough to my current residence, or I find a close-enough apartment to move into), then I won't consider a car a necessity.
  7. Since you asked. So I was on the trip with the people (only one of which I knew prior to the trip, and even he I very barely knew). There were 29 of us, and me being me, at the beginning I never spoke much unless spoken to first (a terrible way to go about things, I'm well aware). On the trip, there was another guy named Sam who was much more outgoing than I; he was someone who got attention, and deservedly so. But it was unfortunate for me, because any time I would hear someone say "hey Sam" or something to the like, I'd be like "oh someone's talkin--nope." So for the first few days of the trip, I felt pretty shitty. The third night, the place we were staying at had a bunch of rooms for us to sleep in. I found a room for myself and I started writing in a journal. To be honest, I don't remember what prompted me to do this. Around that time, one of my best friends and my college roommate at the time texted me asking how the trip was going, and I told him how it was going. Anyway, so with the journal, it was nice to just get some of the stuff out, y'know. It was like a release. Plus I could go back and read it and realize how dumb it was for me to feel the ways that I was (not like a "gosh Sam you're dumb" kind of way, but more like a "I can be better than that" kind of way). After a while, I leave the room and some people were talking about me and I was thinking "neat-o, I'm acknowledged!" and they call me over: "Sam!" It was just nice timing because I was feeling especially shitty from earlier that day, and then that night I was talking to my friend, the journal had me feeling better, and then that. Plus it made those people easier for me to talk to the rest of that night. It was the following night that I opened up to everyone during one of our activities (the activity was basically "everyone say something you regret or something you are not proud of; then after, we all shared something that was going well in our lives." So it wasn't just me opening up, but everyone. That made everyone else easier to talk to for the rest of the trip and it started to not suck so much.
  8. scoop

    NYA/TOR ; S39

    baby u Light up my werld like nobody else
  9. scoop

    QUE/RIG ; S39

    You didn't believe that it was a second part of the Williams-KZA trade though.
  10. But Vasteras has active people!
  11. scoop

    NYA/TOR ; S39

    In this draft, even the 17th overall pick could be a great player. No clear winner in my opinion.
  12. It's regular music that I'm listening to. And there's probably a streetlight somewhere nearby across the street.
  13. I spend enough time with you guys, so why not.
  14. I do love cheese. (Honest. Like, in real life, I like cheese a lot.)
  15. scoop

    QUE/RIG ; S39

    Called it, Vic.
  16. scoop

    TOR/RIG ; S39

    Wait, what? I thought were were getting Kjellberg in the second half of the VAS/TOR deal... jk
  17. More things about me: -Chris Miller and I had a mutual Facebook friend. Someone who I went to high school with apparently spent some time in Canada in a cabin near Chris's friend or something like that. I don't remember exactly how they knew each other. Small world, though. -I'm going to sleep now, because I work overnights.
  18. And here's a picture of me. I'm juggling.
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