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Everything posted by scoop

  1. @MMFLEX the night you targeted omg, what were the possible roles you got for him? Obviously we know he is Riddler, but we might be able to get something from the other roles you were given
  2. What were the other roles given as possibilities?
  3. No, it still wasn't a good play. Surveillance isn't Lookout equivalent; I'm not sure what ToS equivalent it is, but they were watching who we acted on, not who acted on us.
  4. Not as bad of a play as Adrest keeping surveillance on the two Jailors the last couple nights
  5. We let Berocka out because we believe him to be Catwoman. Could potentially be Falcone, which would mean we made a mistake.
  6. Can't be Berocka. He was permanent access to Jailor discord, which Bane does not.
  7. Default Bane candidates are: Adrest Ptyrell rory Ricer MMFLEX Zack Jericho NSG Advantage Based on who has access to Jail discord, it literally cannot be anyone else. From that last, trusting rory, I believe Bane to be one of Ptyrell Jericho NSG Advantage
  8. So in this list should that be Ricer instead of Berocka then?
  9. Ricer as Zsasz makes sense. He claimed Deadshot, but his story did not make sense. His claims suggested he knew which two players were his targets, not which two roles he was targeting. Berocka claimed Catwoman, but he's suggesting that he knows that omg was not Riddler, but I don't know how mechanically that could be the case. If MMFLEX is truthful, though, then there is a Catwoman in play.
  10. I've heard of Deadshot and Catwoman as two of the unaligned, and they are both currently in jail. Does that line up with what you have?
  11. I didn't see any way that a dead player's role is messed with, but I could have missed something
  12. Is there any way that omg isn't Riddler? Berocka has made a claim in jail that omg is "100% not Riddler"
  13. I assume we're still in Act III day phase and that last line was meant to say Act IV would start on Friday.
  14. Anyone have any info on why Adrest or Doomsday were jailed night one? Or Berocka night two?
  15. Care to share what the heck you guys are talking about?
  16. 1. No. I thought I had a plan, but when it actually came time to add them, I didn't like the way it looked. Part of it had to do with being on a new team where I'm the top forward, so I wanted to favor my scoring attribute more than I otherwise had planned. I planned to mostly build efficiently and not put any of the hybrid attributes above 80, but to get my ratio to somewhere I was satisfied with, I ended up putting Offensive Vision up to 93. It wasn't an easy decision though, because I feel like it's so much wasted TPE. Probably like 50 TPE just to raise Scoring by 2 or something like that. Didn't feel great. 2. I really like the history of the league. I get an actual feeling of nostalgia for it when I'm away for a while, which is crazy to me, but I suppose I did join nearly 13 years ago. Although I'm not as involved as I have been in the past, I do also like the community aspect of it. I'd definitely consider people in the league to be my friends. 3. Motion City Soundtrack QUESTIONS 1. What is a change you would like to see in the league? 2. What is your first significant memory of the VHL? 3. What video game do you think you've spent the most hours playing in your life?
  17. Who has today's riddle?
  18. Shame, and I was gonna let omg stay free.
  19. Because they're someone without access to the jailor discord, making them a potential killer and someone who we have no info on. I just picked one of those 8 at random to get things going.
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