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Everything posted by scoop

  1. Bad news losing those two, but with Gordon still alive we should still have the votes to put Ricer back in jail. I think he is the only killer now, with Bane out of the game. Given that we got exactly enough votes last time and we have two fewer on our side, we probably need every vote we have. @Devise can multiple people be voted into jail or is it whoever gets the most if more than one get enough?
  2. I'm currently playing through Breath of the Wild, but I don't have anything else in mind for when I'm done with that.
  3. Jerome Reinhart's position change will certainly have messed with that data to some degree.
  4. Group 6 is trash. How do you let the same person get Duncan Idaho and Taylor Mourning?
  5. Keep in mind this is players who were selected top three in at least one group; it doesn't necessarily mean that they were common high picks. Guys like Seabasstard, Telker, Trunov, and Tucker were not really common high picks and in the case of Tucker and Seabasstard, were not common picks in drafts altogether (averaging about 20 picks done in each group at the time of data, Tucker was only selected in one and Seabasstard in two).
  6. scoop

    Games: 52-68

    This is not what I like to see.
  7. I'm not reading all of this, just looking at pictures and reading the nice things you wrote about the games that I like. Timesplitters 2 is the only game I played in that series, and damn was it a fun game. Paper Mario TTYD is an incredible game and I so wish the Paper Mario series didn't become what it did. Granted, I haven't actually played any of the games since then (or the original, for that matter), but TTYD is one of my favorite Gamecube games for sure. Mario Party 7 is the Mario Party game that I have played the most as well, and therefore it is my favorite of the series. Bug Fables definitely helped fill the itch for a new Paper Mario game. I don't believe I ever actually finished it. I probably just got busy or something and forgot about it. Now that I'm reminded of it and can probably find time, maybe I'll give it a shot again.
  8. scoop

    Games: 37-51

    I feel like this guy fits the color scheme a bit more.
  9. If you were factoring into anyone's predictions, they have no one to blame but themselves.
  10. scoop

    Games: 1-18

    3 Stars 1 - Ronan Lavelle (DCD) 2 - Bubbles Utonium (DCD) Proud of these baby Dragons carrying us in their first VHL game.
  11. 1. I like the team I have drafted this season. I definitely think I have the potential to win, but I'm not real fond of the fact that two of my three forwards are not going to get a lot of hits. Looking back, I definitely reached on picking Matty Fire, and a pick like that could cost me. Looking at the teams now that our draft is done, my guess is that I'll be in the top three along with @Berocka and @Gustav but last season I finished last in my group so what do I know. Since coming back to the VHL like 4 seasons ago, my VHFL performances have not been great, aside from I think one season. There was a time long ago in the early days of the VHFL when I used to be more successful. I'm just not in tune with the best strategy yet. The scoring was a bit different back then as well, and I didn't even pay attention to the updates to the scoring until this season (though I think it might be just a couple seasons new?). 2. Depends on the drama, I guess. Obviously we want some personality, we can't all just be robots. I think someone like Robbie Zimmers who created drama, but in a way that it was hard to take him seriously and doesn't really affect anything, not bad for the league. It's good to have a heel. Drama when it comes to someone like Anderson or anyone creating multi's, not good. Drama around cheating = bad. 3. A wife, two kids, and a couple cats. Or maybe a cat and a dog. I grew up in a family with six children, and I'd say I'd definitely want no more than three. As for the pets, we were more of a cat family, so cats are what I'm used to. I like dogs as well, and cats and dogs together are extra adorable. QUESTIONS 1. What is a bold prediction you have for the upcoming season? 2. If the VHL cleared all the rosters and held a draft to re-assign all the players, who would you draft with the first overall pick if you were in charge of one of the teams? Players retain their current career age. 3. What is your breakfast of choice?
  12. We have 18 VHFL groups this season, and in 15 of them, Duncan Idaho was the number one selection. He was picked second in two of those groups and fell all the way down to third in the other. Considering he is the best two-way forward in the VHL, and one of the best players altogether, it's not hard to see why he's such a popular pick. Sure, he was only the fourth highest scoring skater, and second highest forward, in the VHFL last season, but the season prior, he was first overall. The season before that, he was in the top three forwards. Even if he isn't the very best, he certainly won't be a disappointment. After Idaho, however, it becomes a decision, one which there does not seem to be much agreement on. Again, Idaho was taking in the top three in 18 of 18 groups. The next highest mark in terms of top three selections was defenseman Hard Markinson, who was picked first in one group, second in five, and third in two more for a total of eight. For a complete breakdown of how many times each player was selected in the top three. 1st 2nd 3rd Top 3 Duncan Idaho 15 2 1 18 Hard Markinson 1 5 2 8 Taylor Mourning 3 2 5 Alex Johnston 3 1 4 Battre Sandstrom 2 1 3 Jerome Reinhart 1 2 3 Vinny Detroit 1 1 2 Reylynn Reinhart 2 2 Jonathan Ori 2 2 Xavier Booberry 1 1 The Seabasstard 1 1 Aurelien Moreau 1 1 Saku Kotkakoivu 1 1 Brendan Telker 1 1 Bogdan Trunov 1 1 Henry Tucker 1 1 It goes beyond just top three selections, however. There is not a single other player who was selected in the top two rounds of every VHFL group. You could say that Hard Markinson is clearly the second most sought after player in the VHFL, as he is the only other player who averages out to be a first round selection. Additionally, he was picked in the first two rounds in 17 of 18 groups. He is yet to be drafted in one group, but they are only 14 picks in thus far. Just looking at how far some of the other more popular picks fell in certain groups: Alex Johnston and Battre Sandstrom, the only players selected in every group at the time of this article, each fell as far as 16th Taylor Mourning was selected 14th in two groups, and is yet to be selected in two groups that are currently in the third round Jerome Reinhart fell to the fourth round in two groups That is just some highlights for those who were more popular top picks, and with many groups still just a couple rounds in, we can't really point to the lows for many of the players on the above table or discuss average draft position. I can say, however, that in the one group that has finished, The Seabasstard, Bogdan Trunov, and Henry Tucker were not selected at all, yet they were each a top three pick in one of the groups.
  13. Calling it now: I'll beat you by roughly the same number of points that Mourning outscores Idaho, making you regret that first overall selection. Tbh I would've picked Idaho first as well actually. I remember last season though when Baby Boomer picked Mourning first in our group right ahead of me I was thinking he was crazy, then Mourning went on to be the highest scoring forward so what do I know.
  14. I'm hoping things go a little better for me this time around, though I guess being the highest scoring last-place team is worth something (not TPE though).
  15. Ah, I missed that one. Sorry for the tag!
  16. May not matter anyway if all of @Jericho @Ptyrell and @Adrest245 have been recruited to the mob or just don't get a vote in on Zack.
  17. I will also say again that Commissioner Gordon might want to reveal so they have the extra voting power.
  18. I think we need a Gordon reveal to get the votes, since I don't think any unaligned are voting with us. VOTE ZACK
  19. That's a weird way to spell D.C. and various D.C. players' names and the things you wrote about them don't all seem to be true.
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