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Everything posted by scoop

  1. Use this thread to discuss VHFL things in S53! I don't feel like switching back to the VHLFantasy account so I'm posting this as me. If you have any questions about anything that's in my master spreadsheet, or would like to see anything added, feel free to let me know!
  2. And the fact that the easiest option has been shot down should suggest that the large majority don't feel welfare/pension should/needs to be nerfed directly. I agree, the new update scale probably won't change much. I think it will lessen the gap between the worst and the best players, but probably not by a whole lot. I'm specifically talking about seasons by season, though. The 1st/2nd year players will be a bit closer to players in their prime, but then those younger players will have to face the harsher update scales later on. So I think over the course of a career, what this does is normalize a players relative skill level; rather than players go from being bad to being great, they'll go from being a little better than bad to being a little less than great.
  3. I am one of those BOG members who claims Pension (with one of my players, anyway) and I was definitely not one of the more vocal members on this subject. I wish I had been, because I would've been arguing against the update scale that we ended up with even though it would've hurt my goalie. I really feel like I have no right to talk about it in here, because I am someone on the BOG who didn't care enough to be vocal in there. I am a little conflicted on what my idea would've been, however. Now that I'm putting some thought into it, I think that the change that should've been made is starting the 2 TPE per point at 60. The problem with that, and I recognize this, is that new players are subjected to this earlier in their career, and (specifically for first gens) this could be very discouraging, especially having to go up against already established players. But the thing is, that's how this works. That's reality. This new change is going to allow younger players to be closer in skill to the older players, and if that's what the BOG was shooting for, then fine. But what I don't like is passing this new change off as something that doesn't favor lower TPE players.
  4. I don't know at all what the idea is, but any idea with multiple update scales, I'm 95% sure it's shit (unless maybe it were separate update scales for Skater and Goalies, but I know that's now what you're talking about). How would you go about dealing with a player who sometimes does welfare and sometimes doesn't? You're focusing on the wrong thing. Multiple update scales is bad. If you want to nerf welfare, nerf welfare, but I don't think that's a good idea. I do agree with what I believe you are trying to say regarding this new update scale though. It doesn't give advantage to the people who put in the effort, and rather lessens the gap between the top players and the bottom players. I wish I had actually bothered to participate in the BoG discussions on the update scale, because I believe they got it wrong, but I'll have to live with that. (And, speaking my piece, where I believe they got it wrong was attacking the high end of the attributes; I think the lower end should've been effected because that affects everyone).
  5. I still have my doubts about this. I really don't understand how you aren't seeing that players with more TPE are affected more by this than players with less. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the change. I just don't understand the argument that this hurts welfare/lower TPE guys.
  6. And more importantly, CPU goalies having 175 tpe or whatever amount it is that they get
  7. Any time there is discussion about extending careers, one of the main arguments against it is "Scotty's records"
  8. That's what I was getting at in my subsequent posts. Yeah, 99 SC may get you more points, but I think 99 PH will get you more wins. It's purely speculative, but I think if a team of players with all 40s except 99 PH took on a team of players with all 40s except 99 SC, the PH team wins. I could be very wrong, but now I'm curious to see what would happen. @JardyB10 (Of course, that would mean that the PH players end up with more points than the SC players. But that's on a team where all of the players have those attributes and they're playing against each other; in general, I think the player with SC if placed on a team of normal builds would score more points, but a PH player would be more beneficial to the team).
  9. The record books should be forsaken if it promotes progress for the league. No, I don't think we should actively seek to destroy them, but we should not let them stand in the way of discussing possible change.
  10. I'm just saying Scoring is an offensive attribute through and through. Puck Handling is more useful all around. So yeah, the guy with the Scoring will likely get more points, but it doesn't mean he's better.
  11. Theoretically, yes. Looking at a different comparison, let's talk older TPE whore vs younger TPE whore. Hoarding cheap 2nd/3rd year players has been proving to be a bit of an overpowered strategy, and this will only enhance that. 5th/6th season players will suffer more now relative to before because they are working through the elevated update scale while the young players still have several attributes they can work up to 90, hardly feeling the effects of the new scale. Yes, the older players should theoretically put up better stats, but the gap will be smaller than before.
  12. "Points are the end all be all" -The VHL
  13. The gap won't be bigger because the TPE whores hit 90 first, and they have to start working beyond that. It takes them longer to power through the 90's while the non-TPE whores are working on other attributes because exceeding 90 isn't worth it when they have other stuff to work on.
  14. I actually doubt that tbh. Though I guess if the metric is "who has more goals," then sure, the guy with 99 in Scoring might do better.
  15. EXTEND CAREERS The records are still unlikely to be touched even with players going 11 seasons, but it makes it at least seem a little bit possible.
  16. Tbh anyone who thinks this change is beneficial for the upper echelon of players is wrong. Fyi. It makes it harder for the elite to become elite, while everyone with attributes under 90 remain largely uneffected. I'm probably actually wrong, but without putting much thought into it, that's what it seems like to me.
  17. Honor players that came before by making sure their records can't be touched even if it's detrimental to the league? I get that I'm taking a bit of a leap, but my comment is directed more at the people whose argument against extending careers was "Scotty's records"
  18. Heck, it's even got the word count for a media spot.
  19. Davos' rookie goalie not on there? I think you've made a... n error.
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