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Everything posted by cLoWn

  1. Review: Really nice graphic you have here. Firstly what caught my attention was how amazing the background looks, I like that you went with an image with a city underneath the black brush stripes, with the VHL logo in it too, everything looks great there, in my opinion. Then I like what you did with the font instead of just going with color, and the fact that it fits with the whole graphic just makes it greater. Amazing job, congrats!
  2. cLoWn


    Review: I really like this graphic. The color palette you decided to use is honestly great, and I think blurring everything else aside from the render's face gives this graphic a bit of "fun" to it. When it comes to the text, I think you chose the font well, and I like that not both texts have the same color, my only complaint with it would be the fact that "Malum" is a bit more difficult to read, like maybe if it were a little bit bigger or positioned a lowered it would be nicer. Good job
  3. 1. I find this question quite difficult because I love animals in general, but since I have 2 cats I'll just go with cats. 2. Maybe around 5 to 7 years to see how well I'm doing in life. 3. Lately it's probably the football Cheetos. Questions. 1. Who's the VHLM player you think has the most potential this season? 2. If you're playing in off-season tournaments, do you enjoy them? And if you played in off-season tournaments before, do you miss participating in them? 3. What places do you wanna travel to?
  4. ID da transação: 9JX94206B97134710 5 TPE Uncapped Doubles week
  5. hey hey hey, no need to call me out like that
  6. Review: This graphic really caught my attention, like, I absolutely love what you did with the background, adding the Malmo Nighthawks logo, with the text which, in my opinion, a very well fitting font that has a like a fading effect all around, positioned in the middle in the "scratched" part of the background, you fit all of that so well, it's impressing honestly. The only thing that throws me off a little bit is the render's faces brightness, I think a lil less brightness would be better, but nevertheless amazing work, good job! 9.5/10
  7. Review: Again, amazing work, your graphics never disappoint, this graphic style will always win my heart, but aside from that fact, I really like the color palette, plus the fact that you decided to go with a different color for "Axle" just makes me like it even more. Overall I think you make everything fit really well together, the background with the render with the font, I think everything is perfect. Really well done 10/10
  8. 1. I think our performance wasn't at 100%, which can't be said about the team we went against. 2. Probably just enjoy life a bit, but also getting ready for the next season. 3. I'm going to the VHLE, so I'm really excited to see how I'll do there, hopefully, I'll achieve a lot and maybe even win the season with my team. 4. Well, the only thing I consistently eat before every game is a chocolate protein bar, we could say it's like a lucky charm ritual of mine. 5. Pretty sure some of them think it's silly but at the same time they respect it. 6. Nah, I'm sure I wouldn't be a good GM/AGM, so I'll just stick with being a player ahaha
  9. Review: Dammn, first things first let me just say how I love this work of yours, starting with the style you chose to go for because that's obviously the first thing that caught my attention, to the two different fonts you used that I think both fit the graphic pretty well, with the logo in the middle that ends up bringing a bit more fun to the graphic's upper part, to the enhanced colors of the jersey, it looks incredible. The only thing I kinda wish was different was if the smoke instead of being on top of the player was behind, but nevertheless well done. 10/10
  10. Review: I'd say this is a pretty simple graphic, and honestly, simple can be the better choice, which seems to be the case, I really enjoy that you decided to go with classic black and white aside from the text and the logo, which are both with a matching red. I also like what you did with the background, like, I think the fact that you chose to put a pattern above the crowd gives a bit more "humor" to it, and I really like that. 8.5/10
  11. 1. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty unhappy about it, but oh well. 2. I've been thinking of going out of the country for a while, we'll see how those plans go though. 3. I'm planning on moving up to the VLHE. 4. For me, this attribute system is pretty nice, because I don't think it's hard to understand, plus I do think it makes sense yeah. 5. Uhm... no comments on this one... 6. I mean, I would say myself, to be honest like, I would be that person 100%.
  12. 1 - Just try being engaging with everyone, to keep everyone motivated. 2 - I think my expectations are pretty high for the next season, just for the fact that I think I've been doing well this season, so up we go. 3 - I'd call him Mr Pee-wee. 4 - Honestly I'm an insect hater so no thanks, but at the same time they're not the worst. 5 - What did the left eye say to the right eye? 6 - Howdy Doody sounds pretty funny to me.
  13. 1. I thought it's a pretty cool theme. 2. I feel like the trades we made were pretty important for the improvements, also just the players individually getting better and better. 3. 77, just because 7 is my favorite number, but I didn't think just 7 would make much sense for a hockey jersey, I don't know. 4. I don't think I would manage all that, so nah. 5. Right now I don't think I have a favorite ice cream flavor, but I enjoy many good flavors, like caramel, coffee, strawberry, and red fruits... 6. I will always recommend Mamma Mia since it's my favorite movie anyway.
  14. 1. I'm feeling good about it, I believe the results are showing and will keep on showing. 2. Well, it's actually my irl name. 3. Unfortunately my brain is blank right now, so no I don't. 4. I follow my brother @leandrofg , and I maybe possibly might be a fan of his graphics, and also @Stevealways with such amazing graphics. 5. To be honest, It's not something I think about, but nah I don't think I do. 6. I don't know if it's the character I relate to the most, but it's the only one I can think of right now: Ellie from The Last of Us.
  15. 1. My bet is on the Calgary Wranglers. 2. Personally my favourite is the VHLE's logo. 3. I don't really see myself being the GM or AGM of a team, but if I had to say one I'd say either Mississauga Hounds or Houston Bulls, because those are the two teams I played for till now, and I got to know the people there and all of them are pretty welcoming, so I know I would enjoy it there. 4. Well, I'm not gonna lie, I would love to become the best player in my league, and also, win an award would be great, whichever award really. 5. I'd pick Hogwarts, for sure, I think it's such an interesting world in so many ways. 6. It might not be my biggest one, but I really find it annoying when people chew really loudly.
  16. cLoWn


    Review: This graphic looks absolutely amazing. The style of the background is really cool, and I like your decision in using that font because it goes well with the style of the graphic, and even tho it meshes well it doesn't mesh to the point of taking a bit too long to understand what the text says, so I really appreciate that. Then the color scheme is great as well. I'd give it a 10/10, good job!
  17. cLoWn

    AG pt.

    Review: I'm gonna be honest, I'm a huge fan of your graphics in general, mostly because of your style I think it's pretty unique, and you always make it look fantastic, whether it's the text, the background, or the player, everything goes amazingly well together. When it comes to this graphic specifically there's only one thing I would like to be different which is to not be able to see the VHLM logo, in the background, through the player's shoulder, but even so, I think this graphic looks CLEAN. 9.9/10
  18. Review: The background is a pretty simple one in general, but I love that you decided to give it some light so it's not 100% simple and gives the graphic a bit more of a "charm". My favorite part is the colors you chose, I think they go great together, and what you did with the one strip of equipment and the text, it's a very smooth way to join them together, although I do think the text takes a bit too long to understand what it says. Overall I really do like how this graphic turned out, it's a 9.7/10 from me.
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