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  1. Haha
    Rin reacted to JigglyGumballs in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
  2. Fire
    Rin got a reaction from Grape in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    Stop, I can only get so hard...
  3. Fire
    Rin got a reaction from Ahma in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    Stop, I can only get so hard...
  4. Fire
    Rin reacted to Spartan in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    Most self aware updater who can't read 600 words
  5. Like
    Rin reacted to Spartan in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    I've been pretty outspoken about this in the past so I think people know my position. I appreciate the efforts of the people who run the social media accounts. It is a tireless and thankless effort that has had no direction in the past from the league or from a head of recruitment. However, I think we've conflated marketing with recruitment, and the overall goal of recruitment has not been met. I've said before in the thread of one of my podcasts how these efforts can be analyzed for usefulness - evaluate the growth of our various social media accounts over time and identify how many members have been brought in from social media. To me as VHLM Commissioner, that's all I care about. I'm very glad if recruitment is assisting the M's efforts of engaging our current users by appreciating their work on PTs. That's their secondary purpose to me after bringing in new users. I've asked in the past for recruitment to become the impartial rookie mentors when that topic was brought up, and that suggestion was declined. So while I appreciate those recognition efforts and am fine with them continuing, we have to realize that it's just not the main facet of the job.
    There's discussions (and negotiations) with YouTubers for a drive now, so there are efforts being made. Some new hires were also brought it and I'd expect them to be brought to speed very soon so Subject isn't the sole social media representative if that's the focus. I think Z's point of refocusing graphics to also include comments or links to join the VHL would be better, and I also have no issue with the idea of giving any member who joins from social media a newly worded "5 point bonus" that our GMs can explain to them. When it comes to real player likeness, I'm not an expert there but if there hasn't been an issue using real players for this many years, I'm not sure our activity as a league is significant enough when we're not even selling a service. We're completely free to participate in and donations are not required whatsoever. It's a free community that is kept alive by the generosity of members who wish to contribute.
    Last point regarding pay, we've had issues in the past where recruitment members claimed pay without doing the work. It was a VSN issue as they were the roles earning 6+ TPE a week. I have no issue giving recruitment the same responsibility of pointing to their efforts that week. Whether it was working on a graphic that can be easily posted, or communication with reddits/youtubers (which can be tracked in the Recruitment server where all the commissioners, the head of PT and some updaters are), I think weekly - not daily - efforts can be confirmed for pay. If we need written standards to be defined, it's possible. But the point isn't to make this a job, rather that we recognize that making any sort of recruitment related graphic is worth 6 TPE, or taking even an hour or two in a week to reach out to places to advertise is worth 6 TPE. To me the pay isn't about mandating the time every member of the team puts in each week, but rather the idea that any work being put in has such a great effect on the survival of the league.
    Anyways it's 1:30 AM and I've been swamped almost all day so let me know if I said something that doesn't make sense.
  6. Haha
    Rin got a reaction from McLovin in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    Stop, I can only get so hard...
  7. Boring
    Rin reacted to Subject056 in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    Sweet article! It's been featured on our IG story today! 🔥
    As the only person who has been posting on our Instagram account since August 2023, I apologize for doing such a poor job and not meeting the VHL'S expectations. I thought featuring the work done by our members would not only help retain, but also recognize the hard work put in by our members as well as possibly help build our social media presence by catching users eyes. Daily posts and stories on Instagram have slowed down, including player of the week stats and weekly standings due to burnout and it being too much for one person to coordinate and build on each week. 
    We are working on getting a YouTube ad in place before the trade deadline if possible. We will be assessing the use of social media altogether.
    I hope that you were not insulted by how I've used your graphics on the VHL Instagram account. If you were in anyway offended let me know and I can remove your posts. 
    In the meantime I hope you enjoy your article being featured as today's story. With a "sloppy" resize, an "unprofessional" filter and catchy tune to bring in the masses. 
  8. Haha
    Rin reacted to Moon in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    @ZetterbergI highly suggest you shut your mouth, as we both know you couldnt do any better seeing as you got fired from recruitment team LMFAO... Just STFU and let us work
  9. Like
    Rin reacted to Zetterberg in VHLM and Recruitment are so bad right now   
    Hello VHL, just wanted to rant about something real quick, I’m sure I’m not the first to talk about this and I’d hope that higher ups are aware of the issue but I feel it’s worth getting more attention. What is happening in the VHLM. Teams have no players! Like at all! Look at this!! 

    How are these actual teams that are actually stepping on to the ice night after night?? That’s embarrassing. I get teams having 6-4-1 instead of the irl usual of 12-6-2. It’s sim hockey everyone wants some minutes but running a 2-1-1?!?! Or a 3-0-1?!?!?! 0 defenders on a hockey team…How is this supposed to encourage anyone on those teams to keep playing? And it’s not just Mexico and Halifax, Miami is running a 3-1-1, Mississauga is running a 4-2-1, Philly is running a 4-2-1. Hell the top team in the league rn Houston has 5 forwards and is about to lose one to IA.
    The VHLM either needs to fold a bunch of teams next season or we fix the real problem and get recruitment to do something. Now I would like to say if you are apart of recruitment I don’t dislike you guys as members. But as the recruitment team you need to stop fucking around with reposting graphics that makes no sense to anyone outside the league on instagram and TikTok. Start doing what works. Get YouTube ads out, they bring in players every time and the majority of current members came from YouTube (me included). And get some better ideas for promotion I’m sorry but the instagram looks like garbage.
    The image quality is all over the place the framing is even more all over the place. It looks sloppy and unprofessional. No one is gonna be drawn in to a post with Alex Letang in a Malmo Jersey with the name Reese McFleury plastered across his body. Cause it doesn’t make any sense to anyone outside of the vhl, which just so happens to be WHO YOU ARE ADVERTISING TO!! Like look at this post and tell me you aren’t going to instantly scroll by it.

    Genuinely there’s maybe 3 posts where I’d imagine a normal person looks and doesn’t think “wtf” then keeps scrolling. 
    Also probably the most important part do we even know if we’re allowed to be using NHL players to promote our site? Like it’s definitely okay to make stuff for the forum because it’s personal projects, but when it crosses into advertising I have to imagine that’s not allowed right? Like those are real people’s likenesses being used to promote the VHL without giving them financial compensation or getting consent.
    It feels like recruitment has been bumbling around not putting any real effort or at least not coordinating a proper vision of how to promote the site. To end it, save the VHLM by getting a god damn YouTube ad out, and fix the sloppy mess that is the social media accounts. 
  10. Haha
    Rin got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Stealing Other People’s Work   
    Clear giveaway, nobody has ever muttered this sentence before
  11. Like
    Rin got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Looking Ahead for New York   
    Given that this season is basically a wash with the E being...underwhelming...I've been looking even further ahead to my eventual VHL call-up and what that might entail. I've already poked someone about having an NYA Rin drawn, an artist with a super cute style that I've gone with before for VHL related Rin artwork. You could definitely say that I'm ready to be a part of the VHL organization.
    I'll be joining the roster alongside Callum Gary Jannick Janser (@Daniel Janser) as a complete shakeup for the defensive core of New York, which was absolutely the biggest draft need for the squad heading into the s91 selection. We'll join the up-and-coming...ahem-- WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ( @rory ), who easily projects to be the goalie of the future for New York. If I had to guess, I'd say that the number of W's in that name is the number of cups this core will end up winning.
    A quick look through VHL history shows that the New York Americans haven't claimed the Continental Cup since s53. It's been nearly 40 seasons since this franchise was on top of the world. A number like that is a huge target for me, you'd love to be a part of the squad that breaks a curse and defies all odds. I'll absolutely have to do my best in earning to make sure we're poised make history.
    I've been lagging a little bit in my TPE earning, but joining the Americans has put a little bit of wind in my sails. I've been getting ready to knock some career PTs out of the way, eyeing up some player store purchases to help give me a nice boost, and of course-- getting a new Rin render for some thematic graphics.
    Davos got theirs, now it's time to go get ours.
  12. Like
    Rin got a reaction from badcolethetitan in Looking Ahead for New York   
    Given that this season is basically a wash with the E being...underwhelming...I've been looking even further ahead to my eventual VHL call-up and what that might entail. I've already poked someone about having an NYA Rin drawn, an artist with a super cute style that I've gone with before for VHL related Rin artwork. You could definitely say that I'm ready to be a part of the VHL organization.
    I'll be joining the roster alongside Callum Gary Jannick Janser (@Daniel Janser) as a complete shakeup for the defensive core of New York, which was absolutely the biggest draft need for the squad heading into the s91 selection. We'll join the up-and-coming...ahem-- WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ( @rory ), who easily projects to be the goalie of the future for New York. If I had to guess, I'd say that the number of W's in that name is the number of cups this core will end up winning.
    A quick look through VHL history shows that the New York Americans haven't claimed the Continental Cup since s53. It's been nearly 40 seasons since this franchise was on top of the world. A number like that is a huge target for me, you'd love to be a part of the squad that breaks a curse and defies all odds. I'll absolutely have to do my best in earning to make sure we're poised make history.
    I've been lagging a little bit in my TPE earning, but joining the Americans has put a little bit of wind in my sails. I've been getting ready to knock some career PTs out of the way, eyeing up some player store purchases to help give me a nice boost, and of course-- getting a new Rin render for some thematic graphics.
    Davos got theirs, now it's time to go get ours.
  13. Cheers
    Rin got a reaction from Daniel Janser in Looking Ahead for New York   
    Given that this season is basically a wash with the E being...underwhelming...I've been looking even further ahead to my eventual VHL call-up and what that might entail. I've already poked someone about having an NYA Rin drawn, an artist with a super cute style that I've gone with before for VHL related Rin artwork. You could definitely say that I'm ready to be a part of the VHL organization.
    I'll be joining the roster alongside Callum Gary Jannick Janser (@Daniel Janser) as a complete shakeup for the defensive core of New York, which was absolutely the biggest draft need for the squad heading into the s91 selection. We'll join the up-and-coming...ahem-- WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ( @rory ), who easily projects to be the goalie of the future for New York. If I had to guess, I'd say that the number of W's in that name is the number of cups this core will end up winning.
    A quick look through VHL history shows that the New York Americans haven't claimed the Continental Cup since s53. It's been nearly 40 seasons since this franchise was on top of the world. A number like that is a huge target for me, you'd love to be a part of the squad that breaks a curse and defies all odds. I'll absolutely have to do my best in earning to make sure we're poised make history.
    I've been lagging a little bit in my TPE earning, but joining the Americans has put a little bit of wind in my sails. I've been getting ready to knock some career PTs out of the way, eyeing up some player store purchases to help give me a nice boost, and of course-- getting a new Rin render for some thematic graphics.
    Davos got theirs, now it's time to go get ours.
  14. Like
    Rin got a reaction from Banackock in Looking Ahead for New York   
    Given that this season is basically a wash with the E being...underwhelming...I've been looking even further ahead to my eventual VHL call-up and what that might entail. I've already poked someone about having an NYA Rin drawn, an artist with a super cute style that I've gone with before for VHL related Rin artwork. You could definitely say that I'm ready to be a part of the VHL organization.
    I'll be joining the roster alongside Callum Gary Jannick Janser (@Daniel Janser) as a complete shakeup for the defensive core of New York, which was absolutely the biggest draft need for the squad heading into the s91 selection. We'll join the up-and-coming...ahem-- WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ( @rory ), who easily projects to be the goalie of the future for New York. If I had to guess, I'd say that the number of W's in that name is the number of cups this core will end up winning.
    A quick look through VHL history shows that the New York Americans haven't claimed the Continental Cup since s53. It's been nearly 40 seasons since this franchise was on top of the world. A number like that is a huge target for me, you'd love to be a part of the squad that breaks a curse and defies all odds. I'll absolutely have to do my best in earning to make sure we're poised make history.
    I've been lagging a little bit in my TPE earning, but joining the Americans has put a little bit of wind in my sails. I've been getting ready to knock some career PTs out of the way, eyeing up some player store purchases to help give me a nice boost, and of course-- getting a new Rin render for some thematic graphics.
    Davos got theirs, now it's time to go get ours.
  15. Haha
    Rin got a reaction from Zetterberg in Stealing Other People’s Work   
    Clear giveaway, nobody has ever muttered this sentence before
  16. Boring
    Rin reacted to LastOneUp in Stealing Other People's Work   
    I think it's super embarrassing you put so much time into this and took this so personally. It was offseason, I had nothing to write about so I used info in your article to learn about and rewrite another version of the rankings. Big fucking deal. Cry me a river. You're such a victim of this monster that had a similar article in this fake hockey community, boo hoo. 
  17. Sad
    Rin got a reaction from Spartan in The E is kind of a joke so far   
    Finally got an LR invite, nobody is talking in there and nobody has even assigned me a player role. I don't know if anyone even PLAYS for this team
    Is this what the E is about? I get to hang out in VHLExodus for a season, serving a one year prison sentence until I get the call-up?
  18. Haha
    Rin reacted to Grape in The E is kind of a joke so far   
    The E being shit as per usual. People might stop shitting on the league if the people running it actually did their jobs.
  19. Sad
    Rin got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in The E is kind of a joke so far   
    Sorry for quite the CTA in the title, but I do want to use my .com article this week to vent about the early experience in the E.
    To start, there's definitely already a bias against the E for me personally-- I feel like it's just another minors season to half-pay attention to while I wait to get back into the majors. It doesn't really feel like it's worth much career-wise to me, but those are all just personal takes from someone who hasn't been through the process yet.
    Even forgetting the bias, though, the start to my E career has been...awful. I was contacted by all of one GM about the draft (and I feel bad for not being able to respond in time), so the draft was a crapshoot. I was drafted by a team that hadn't communicated with me, immediately traded to a team that hadn't communicated with me, and hilariously still have received minimal communication even after the draft. The only contact so far? A single DM that says "here's a link to our Discord server," which includes no text other than that. Not even...y'know, the link to the server. I sent a DM back because it was a funny mistake, whoops forgot to paste the link, but the DM hasn't been checked by the other party since they sent it.
    This was on October the 22nd. I sent a follow-up, still no response.
    So my question...does anyone give a shit about this league? Am I just a trade pawn/NPC to be used on a defensive line? Can I be traded to a team that actually cares?
    I've been in the E for all of a few games and I'm already not a fan. This will be a fun season.
  20. Hmmm
    Rin got a reaction from Gaming Ringleader in The E is kind of a joke so far   
    Sorry for quite the CTA in the title, but I do want to use my .com article this week to vent about the early experience in the E.
    To start, there's definitely already a bias against the E for me personally-- I feel like it's just another minors season to half-pay attention to while I wait to get back into the majors. It doesn't really feel like it's worth much career-wise to me, but those are all just personal takes from someone who hasn't been through the process yet.
    Even forgetting the bias, though, the start to my E career has been...awful. I was contacted by all of one GM about the draft (and I feel bad for not being able to respond in time), so the draft was a crapshoot. I was drafted by a team that hadn't communicated with me, immediately traded to a team that hadn't communicated with me, and hilariously still have received minimal communication even after the draft. The only contact so far? A single DM that says "here's a link to our Discord server," which includes no text other than that. Not even...y'know, the link to the server. I sent a DM back because it was a funny mistake, whoops forgot to paste the link, but the DM hasn't been checked by the other party since they sent it.
    This was on October the 22nd. I sent a follow-up, still no response.
    So my question...does anyone give a shit about this league? Am I just a trade pawn/NPC to be used on a defensive line? Can I be traded to a team that actually cares?
    I've been in the E for all of a few games and I'm already not a fan. This will be a fun season.
  21. Sad
    Rin got a reaction from Spartan in The E is kind of a joke so far   
    Sorry for quite the CTA in the title, but I do want to use my .com article this week to vent about the early experience in the E.
    To start, there's definitely already a bias against the E for me personally-- I feel like it's just another minors season to half-pay attention to while I wait to get back into the majors. It doesn't really feel like it's worth much career-wise to me, but those are all just personal takes from someone who hasn't been through the process yet.
    Even forgetting the bias, though, the start to my E career has been...awful. I was contacted by all of one GM about the draft (and I feel bad for not being able to respond in time), so the draft was a crapshoot. I was drafted by a team that hadn't communicated with me, immediately traded to a team that hadn't communicated with me, and hilariously still have received minimal communication even after the draft. The only contact so far? A single DM that says "here's a link to our Discord server," which includes no text other than that. Not even...y'know, the link to the server. I sent a DM back because it was a funny mistake, whoops forgot to paste the link, but the DM hasn't been checked by the other party since they sent it.
    This was on October the 22nd. I sent a follow-up, still no response.
    So my question...does anyone give a shit about this league? Am I just a trade pawn/NPC to be used on a defensive line? Can I be traded to a team that actually cares?
    I've been in the E for all of a few games and I'm already not a fan. This will be a fun season.
  22. Like
    Rin got a reaction from Ahma in The E is kind of a joke so far   
    Sorry for quite the CTA in the title, but I do want to use my .com article this week to vent about the early experience in the E.
    To start, there's definitely already a bias against the E for me personally-- I feel like it's just another minors season to half-pay attention to while I wait to get back into the majors. It doesn't really feel like it's worth much career-wise to me, but those are all just personal takes from someone who hasn't been through the process yet.
    Even forgetting the bias, though, the start to my E career has been...awful. I was contacted by all of one GM about the draft (and I feel bad for not being able to respond in time), so the draft was a crapshoot. I was drafted by a team that hadn't communicated with me, immediately traded to a team that hadn't communicated with me, and hilariously still have received minimal communication even after the draft. The only contact so far? A single DM that says "here's a link to our Discord server," which includes no text other than that. Not even...y'know, the link to the server. I sent a DM back because it was a funny mistake, whoops forgot to paste the link, but the DM hasn't been checked by the other party since they sent it.
    This was on October the 22nd. I sent a follow-up, still no response.
    So my question...does anyone give a shit about this league? Am I just a trade pawn/NPC to be used on a defensive line? Can I be traded to a team that actually cares?
    I've been in the E for all of a few games and I'm already not a fan. This will be a fun season.
  23. Like
    Rin got a reaction from Trazan in New York, New York!   
    In a rather unexpected turn of events, Rin Kagamine will eventually be heading to one of the most American cities of all- New York- to play with the aptly name Americans.
    Heading into this draft, I was entirely unsure of where I would end up. As a returning player who hasn't been entirely active, and already left once, I could see arguments for either end of my draft stock to be emphasized. Truthfully, I didn't expect to have a player taken in the first round, though I'll also admit that I forgot just how big draft rounds are these days. I was contacted by a fair number of teams with picks right around the middle of the first round, but was a little surprised to see that none of them ended up reaching with their picks. In the end, I was drafted by a team that I hadn't even spoken to before the draft; much to the surprise of our GM @thadthrasher as well, who assumed I would be off the board by then.
    I certainly haven't been keeping up with the highest-tier TPE earners, but I feel like I've also been fairly consistent with what I've set out to do, and that's really the biggest key over the course of a career.
    On that note, though, the floodgates have certainly opened for my VHL to-do list. I can now submit two different career PTs, I'll need to make at least one new signature (one for the VHL and one for the E I suppose), and I need to solidify a plan for builds going forward.
  24. Like
    Rin got a reaction from Gustav in New York, New York!   
    In a rather unexpected turn of events, Rin Kagamine will eventually be heading to one of the most American cities of all- New York- to play with the aptly name Americans.
    Heading into this draft, I was entirely unsure of where I would end up. As a returning player who hasn't been entirely active, and already left once, I could see arguments for either end of my draft stock to be emphasized. Truthfully, I didn't expect to have a player taken in the first round, though I'll also admit that I forgot just how big draft rounds are these days. I was contacted by a fair number of teams with picks right around the middle of the first round, but was a little surprised to see that none of them ended up reaching with their picks. In the end, I was drafted by a team that I hadn't even spoken to before the draft; much to the surprise of our GM @thadthrasher as well, who assumed I would be off the board by then.
    I certainly haven't been keeping up with the highest-tier TPE earners, but I feel like I've also been fairly consistent with what I've set out to do, and that's really the biggest key over the course of a career.
    On that note, though, the floodgates have certainly opened for my VHL to-do list. I can now submit two different career PTs, I'll need to make at least one new signature (one for the VHL and one for the E I suppose), and I need to solidify a plan for builds going forward.
  25. Like
    Rin got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in New York, New York!   
    In a rather unexpected turn of events, Rin Kagamine will eventually be heading to one of the most American cities of all- New York- to play with the aptly name Americans.
    Heading into this draft, I was entirely unsure of where I would end up. As a returning player who hasn't been entirely active, and already left once, I could see arguments for either end of my draft stock to be emphasized. Truthfully, I didn't expect to have a player taken in the first round, though I'll also admit that I forgot just how big draft rounds are these days. I was contacted by a fair number of teams with picks right around the middle of the first round, but was a little surprised to see that none of them ended up reaching with their picks. In the end, I was drafted by a team that I hadn't even spoken to before the draft; much to the surprise of our GM @thadthrasher as well, who assumed I would be off the board by then.
    I certainly haven't been keeping up with the highest-tier TPE earners, but I feel like I've also been fairly consistent with what I've set out to do, and that's really the biggest key over the course of a career.
    On that note, though, the floodgates have certainly opened for my VHL to-do list. I can now submit two different career PTs, I'll need to make at least one new signature (one for the VHL and one for the E I suppose), and I need to solidify a plan for builds going forward.
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