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Everything posted by STZ

  1. Lolz
  2. Anyone remember the old Xbox snowboarding game Amped? Well there was a special character which was a penguin and his name was Steezy. I ended up joining my first forum (wrestling forum) when I was 15 under the Username Steezzy (added an extra z, dunno..) That name then evolved into STZ (In my head I say "Ess Tee-Zee"), and yeah... That's it..
  3. definitely better than v1
  4. Dynamo Titans Meute Wranglers
  5. Salo for Vezina
  6. Our recruitment is really low, that's why the pay is high per member. These two members specifically should be rewarded for bringing guys in whether the recruits are successful or not. Yeah, it's a bit high but if it brings members in then it's worth it. Our other "drives" and incentives just weren't working - at least this is drawing some members in.
  7. Oh em gee, tee bee aitch
  8. Gee gee
  9. +1 internet
  10. It's 450 words.
  11. Hi, Apply within to be a writer for the VHL Magazine. The article we are looking for a writer for is the VHL Headlines. It was previously done by Bora, and it is the introductory article which sums up the VHL of the past week both in sim and on the forums. I'll make the decision by Friday Oct 17. This job is a commitment to writing an article EVERY week and in a timely manner. Please take that into consideration, and if you can't do the required work, don't apply.
  12. Quietly becoming one of the best prospects no one is talking about..
  13. My bby gurrl is six months now.. You probably have a lot more advice than any of us, having a 4 year old son. But yeah, congrats again, this should be a pretty entertaining thread to say the least lol.
  14. weee
  15. Can't win em all.. I'll take the 10 game win streak for a loss against a rebuild team any day. gg TO
  16. Dat moment when you realize the word you just typed out didn't get auto-filtered...
  17. Catch a fade, eagles
  18. Good win over number two in the EU.
  19. Dinner is on Jimmy..
  20. 1. eaglesfan 2. Ebola 3. Higgins and Jaime's love affair 4. Davos Meute HC 5. ISIS
  21. I feel like we all went to chucky cheese after this and had a dynamite time #WranglersGudGuys
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