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Everything posted by STZ

  1. STZ


    Ahh I recognize the name from SBA, welcome!
  2. STZ


    OOTP has been developed for a number of years.. They rushed this out, and took on waaaaay more than they could handle. I got this the day the beta came out, and the game has barely evolved from there.. But hey, at least I found this site from the FHM boards..
  3. To be specific, it's the right cheek you're a pain in..
  4. Riley Stevens (COL) for Spearing (Major / Game Misconduct) at 1:28 What a weapon!
  5. Out Wrangled
  6. Can't beat LeBeauuu
  7. Yeah, i heard he might be ready for the Olympics!
  8. STZ


    It's a big waste of money.. I bought it, and have probably simmed a total of a month. Just get NHL 14..
  9. STZ

    DAV/SEA ; S35

  10. Free NYA G, holy smokes
  11. #applemastaaa
  12. STZ

    RIG/SEA ; S35

  13. I feel ur pain bro
  14. Why a tree?
  15. STZ

    Xavier Troup

    Troup there it is..
  16. Taco needs to lay off the COD: Ghosts and start training more..
  17. Go daddy needs to crash more often.. Oz is finally putting up points
  18. This line be clickin
  19. This game got dirty
  20. Holy crap.
  21. Don't forget where he won his cup before Yukon..
  22. Where I'm from we have the tallest liftlocks in the world. Yeah, contain your excitement..
  23. VinnyChezno is mine I'll show off my dirty French tickler
  24. Pretty sure CHL isnt 1v1
  25. I think I wrote Peterborough Petes for Osborne
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