To be fair, that GM has also done some recruiting things as well. Even before messaging you, I had a VHL ad in my sig on Breakaway Forums leagues for several seasons (it's a 5th anniversary one, so it's been there for a while). Most of the guys from there died off over here (Ignacio Marino, as well as the guy who is Kyle Peters over there but I forget what name he made over here, either way both are long since inactive). There's one though, Aelred Leskowski (who has the same name, except Leskowsky instead of Leskowski over there - now that I think about it, I think he used the y in his player creation and Jardy just put it in wrong and it stuck) who's still mildly active here.
Granted, Meg made the sig and gave it the link to here, but nonetheless I was the one wearing it and being active over there, trying to get people to come here. I'm still active over there, for that matter, and still have the ad in my sig, just hasn't been particularly useful. The only other people from here who are active over there are Bora and IR. Corco tried it out for a bit, so did Meg, neither stuck. Yet I'm the one with the ad in my sig.
I also tried putting up another thread on Cyberpuck, since the one linked in the Recruiting thread seems to have gone missing. Mine seems to have gone missing as well, so maybe they just don't take well to it.
So don't even try to tell me "that GM" hasn't done anything other than bug you about reddit.
(Assuming you were talking about me, as I know we discussed this with regards to whether the S38 TOR 2nd would be valuable. If you were talking about someone else, then this is merely useful information for you to have and doesn't need to be used to prove anything with regards to the case.)