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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Huge hole on the line too with Gross retiring, and it was a weakness to begin with, so I'd say likely 2 WR and 2 O-line with the first 4 picks, hopefully grab someone in FA at least (rumors have Cotchery in talks with us) and maybe piece together something. Secondary sucks right now too but with our front 7, we can make mediocre CBs look good as they won't have to cover for as long. Need at least one tackle from somewhere though, so we can keep Kugbila at guard and not have to play him at tackle. Lafell got far more money with NE than he'd ever have gotten with CAR, to be fair. Ginn's stock probably rebounded a little too, but not sure why Hixon didn't get another year.
  2. Delaware to the Screwed. You is not happy right now.
  3. I've posted how many Panthers things and you still assume I'm a Steelers fan... Locality bias ftw (not to mention that the Steelers were nowhere near 12-4 last season, which was one of the things in my post)
  4. SO how does a team that went 12-4 last year go from that to a WR corps with two total NFL receptions and one touchdown? If it wasn't for Pilares, we'd have 0 of both...
  5. SO what you're saying is if I win the lottery, deal down and get an extra piece. (You're a lock for #1 so whoever has 1st pick at the time of the draft will have you).
  6. Today on the whole sucked. Pens lost Pitt lost Chelsea lost I went to the strip district to try to find the soccer jersey vendor, not only did I get stuck in the St.Pats crowd but he wasn't even there I was supposed to be off but ended up having to work TODAY CAN GO BLOW A FAT ONE.
  7. WHAT IS THIS. Why have you made me like a rap song? (Seriously though, this is good)
  8. .930 on the game and still got crushed. that's how tons of shots work
  9. There was a guy who used to be in most of the football leagues, Brady Lynch, who was in a band.
  10. The two are linked in the sim. One can't expand without the other
  11. Throw in Kez Kincaid instead of Phil. Actually, he's the best person to use. He was a waiver guy, so in a world with parity, he'd definitely still have been on the team, which may not have been the case for Randal or other picks (if we were limiting the picks). If Bratislava hypothetically still won the league but did so by barely scraping by, if the league had maybe 7 teams within 10-15 points of each other, does it appear equally as interesting? Is the locker room as active? Spread it too thin, give everyone a little bit of activity, and in some cases it might douse the fires of people who'd need more teammates. This is all hypothetical of course, and merely playing off of Warren's devil's advocate idea.
  12. I'm referring to posting non-VHL things in non-VHL forums, to make it seem like I'm a regular member
  13. Yes, but only got it recently for the purposes of this league. Semi-interested in the site though, could post in some other areas to mask the intent somewhat
  14. I hated that rule. Honestly, one of my largest motivations in wanting to become a VHLM Commish back in the day was to get rid of that rule. (Btw it was that you couldn't have more than 6 picks in the first 2 rounds. They could all be firsts, and it didn't matter how many thirds or later) What I'd suggest is a simple roster limiting. I'd say 12 guys, that's 2 lines of forwards, 2 pairs of defense, 1 goalie, and an extra guy. In addition, maybe a roster minimum of 6 guys, that'd give the scrub team incentive to pick up waiver guys because if anything, a new active with 0 TPE is going to be worse for a while than a 30-50 TPE inactive and they'll then want to play the active guy, not only to help the active out (as is their job and as they should be doing anyway) but it would also, in this system, actively help them get worse.
  15. Did you get the couch's number, or is it more of a one night stand type of thing
  16. Happy because someone understands the phrase "for naught" and doesn't try to pass it off as "for not"
  17. Decent chance he plays another career in Calgary, or failing that, Helsinki. Coincidentally, Rybak and Feltersnatch revisited.
  18. The first rule of Tautology club, is the first rule of Tautology club.

  19. Wait no, apparently it's not official, apparently the guy I got it from just misinterpreted Smith's agent's tweet
  20. Panthers cut Steve Smith
  21. I'm happy because it's finally getting back to running season. It's weird, generally about 8 months are running season and 4 months are too cold or snowy, but the 4 months seem longer than the 8.
  22. If you're doing well, the crew might benefit from trying to bring you on board, but if you feel that you no longer want to partake, that is of course something you can choose to do.
  23. Let's do this then. A. You apparently misinterpreted what I was trying to do. B. I apparently phrased it in such a way that made it easy to misinterpret. Blame is on both of us somewhat. Not that blame does any good, since this has all already happened and has no impact on going forward. Let's just go forward then. Don't tell me I'm insulting you when I'm not, don't assume I'm not trying to recruit when I am, and I won't assume I'm able to ask you a series of questions about how your recruiting endeavors are going. Personally, if you're finding success, I'd think you would want people to know that, since it gives a better idea as to how best to do it going forward, but if you don't want to share your information, that's fine.
  24. If that's how you interpreted it, that's on you. I was just trying to gauge the strength of the draft, and without getting at least a vague idea of how recruiting is going, there's no way to know that. As you're the one that's doing the biggest part, it's only logical to go to you to see how you project it. So again, don't assume things.
  25. To be fair, that GM has also done some recruiting things as well. Even before messaging you, I had a VHL ad in my sig on Breakaway Forums leagues for several seasons (it's a 5th anniversary one, so it's been there for a while). Most of the guys from there died off over here (Ignacio Marino, as well as the guy who is Kyle Peters over there but I forget what name he made over here, either way both are long since inactive). There's one though, Aelred Leskowski (who has the same name, except Leskowsky instead of Leskowski over there - now that I think about it, I think he used the y in his player creation and Jardy just put it in wrong and it stuck) who's still mildly active here. Granted, Meg made the sig and gave it the link to here, but nonetheless I was the one wearing it and being active over there, trying to get people to come here. I'm still active over there, for that matter, and still have the ad in my sig, just hasn't been particularly useful. The only other people from here who are active over there are Bora and IR. Corco tried it out for a bit, so did Meg, neither stuck. Yet I'm the one with the ad in my sig. I also tried putting up another thread on Cyberpuck, since the one linked in the Recruiting thread seems to have gone missing. Mine seems to have gone missing as well, so maybe they just don't take well to it. So don't even try to tell me "that GM" hasn't done anything other than bug you about reddit. (Assuming you were talking about me, as I know we discussed this with regards to whether the S38 TOR 2nd would be valuable. If you were talking about someone else, then this is merely useful information for you to have and doesn't need to be used to prove anything with regards to the case.)
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