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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Edit added to OP based on how this was calculated last season: *EDIT* It's not simply that the minimum goes up to 13, it's that whatever the formula gives you, add 3 to it. So if you'd otherwise have earned 13, you now have 16. You still max out at 20. @Banackock
  2. Hockey is a cold sport, everyone knows that, so with all the complaints (and rightfully so) about putting teams in Florida and other southern markets, the only logical thing to do is to go way too far correcting it in the opposite direction. Which brings me to my latest and greatest expansion idea: the Alert Auroras. Stationed in Alert, Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, the Auroras would hone their craft in the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world. Mostly, Alert is used for Canadian military and science data collection, with a small permanent population but a good influx of temporary inhabitants. While you're in Alert, there's not a lot else to do, so why not come out and catch an Auroras game? The crowd size on sheer numbers would never be something to boast about in a place with a population of only 62, but if you frame the numbers a different way and base it on the percentage of inhabitants who would buy tickets, no other team would come close. Alert would almost always have 100% of the citizens attend Auroras games because it's a barely inhabited town with no real social events to speak of.
  3. SBA :o The only times I'll ever write somewhere else and link to here, instead of writing here and linking there, is if there's a specific reason for it. I'd say SBA All star week and a 16 TPE task is enough of a reason in this case.
  4. This is funnier now that you're simming VHLM a lot
  5. The phrase "Life's not fair" was intended to refer to things like getting major diseases, things where the inherent unfairness/randomness of life is the primary contributing factor. It was never meant to refer to choices made by an individual or group introducing man-made unfairness into a system, because that's not life that's contributing to the unfairness. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other as to this rule (I don't regularly cap, and I do regularly do a PT) just that particular aspect of your comment bothered me, as it does pretty much every time anyone uses that phrase as it's almost always used incorrectly.
  6. Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen @StamkosFan
  7. ok so now it's my turn i thought we were friends @omgitshim
  8. Now that you're on SEA with @AdamEss maybe he can pop in from time to time #OregonSBA
  9. @VHLM GM @VHLM Commissioner @Commissioner @Admin
  10. diamond_ace

    Waiver Change

    So @Banackock is sending this out to the VHLM GMs as we speak but an announcement is necessary as well, for the sake of having something official to point to in the future. Effective immediately: The waiver cap per team begins at 9. When the average of all teams' claims reaches 6, the cap increases by 2 to 11. As the average increases by 2, so does the cap, onward and upward as is necessary. So 8 ->13, 10 ->15, etc, although by the time we reach numbers like these we'd need to look into an expansion. If at any time the average closes to within 3 of the cap, the cap jumps by 2. OFFICIAL WORDING FOR RULEBOOK (as in, way more complex and wordy but looks more professional): 5. Waiver System and Roster Restrictions Waiver Claim Limits: While roster restrictions are 18/2 (20 players maximum), a waiver claim restriction will be put in place. VHLM teams are only permitted to signing 9 waiver claim players. If all teams together average above 6 claims (all teams collectively together) the cap will increase by 2 for each team to 11. Once that is met on each team, it will continue the same way. This does not includes players who had been signed, but were cut due to inactivity. Example, 4 teams have 7, one has 6 and three have 5 - the league average for teams waiver claims would be 6.125, thus, bumping the waiver total for all teams to 11 claims.
  11. Nice - then Will hasn't updated it yet in the portal. Counts as D for this though so you're good
  12. Paolo Nano @Bushito (Also @RunnerBert11 marvin harding is a LW not a D)
  13. Kefka Palazzo, no team yet, Kris Letang
  14. @JardyB10 come back to us
  15. “And time will destroy all of those as well. Why do people insist on creating things that will inevitably be destroyed? Why do people cling to life, knowing that they must someday die? Knowing that none of it will have meant anything once they do?” -Kefka Palazzo Why do we insist on defending our goal, or scoring in that of the opposition? Why do we insist on competition, crafting such a delicately balanced game, putting our bodies on the line for the good of the sport, when no one will remember us in a lifetime from now? Wins will mean nothing eventually anyway. Playoff berths? Draft picks? Continental Cups? Founder's Cups? Nothing. There is no point to any of it. There is no point to the existence of sim leagues, of hockey, and of the VHL, and so I have come to burn it all to the ground and stand atop the rubble. There are countless stories of those who have wanted to destroy the world, who have tried and failed, thwarted by some force of "good" only to perpetuate the cycle. I have succeeded in destroying one entire world already, so what more will it be for me to tear limb from limb a simple hockey league, only to claim my crown from the ashes? Soon. Make your preparations now. I will be coming and I will not be stopped.
  16. Pretty sure I was the GM of Richan
  17. Ismond Kingfisher @StamkosFan
  18. Evan R. Lawson @Bushito
  19. Ryan Sullivan Jr @StamkosFan
  20. If you're simply looking to contend, I can see the argument for keeping your picks and trying to win on new guys. If you want to actually win the cup, if you see no real value in finishing 3rd every season, then you kind of have to target a season and go for it.
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