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Everything posted by .sniffuM

  1. Twas our third season in existence If you make it 5 seasons instead of 4 and include S74 when Warsaw last missed the playoffs, our gap on Helsinki and Seattle shrinks but we maintain the lead. Go out one more year though and cover Warsaw's entire existence, and we get leapfrogged by at least those two teams, possibly Moscow as well. That 41 point season in our first year definitely didn't help.
  2. I wanna clarify after talking to some people that I'm not leaving the league, just stepping away from the GM job. yall can't get rid of me that easy
  3. What a crazy 3 year run for Helsinki. First ever 3-0 collapse and first ever 2-0 wildcard collapse sandwiched around a finals appearance.
  4. I dunno, that's up to the other guys.
  5. Hey all. As some of you may know, I’ve been dealing with some stuff lately and it’s all come together to put me to the point that I will have to step away from the GM world. So, following the conclusion of the Season 78 playoffs, I will be stepping down as Warsaw Predators GM. Hopefully by opening up the job now the league can have someone solid in place for as soon as the offseason begins. After I failed at guiding Vasteras in their post-curse-break years way back when, I didn’t think I’d ever try my hand at GMing in a sim league again (at least not in a top level league). I’ve been blessed with amazing players and good luck, but to be able to have the sustained success that Warsaw has been able to have these past four seasons has been awesome. I proved to myself that I could do it, which was pretty cool, and I ended up enjoying the job more than I ever thought I would (most of the time ). It's tough to nail down one recommendation with the team housing multiple stellar newer members that will eventually be VHL GMs one day, but I was told I could only pick one, so my recommendation will go to @dlamb. Constant VHLM GM snubs aside, dlamb has a ton of experience with GM leagues, knows Warsaw hockey inside and out, and has proven to me over the years that, as someone on the team I could always lean on for another opinion, he can succeed in a VHL GM job. I hope he and any Warsaw player interested in the job will get legitimate consideration. Now I just gotta go win a cup real quick then I’ll be out.
  6. *Week ending June 27th* (Answer 6 questions for 2 TPE) 1. We have made the playoffs for the fourth consecutive season. What can you take from past playoff experiences into this latest round of postseason play? 2. We won the Victory Cup for the second consecutive season, this time sharing the award with Chicago. What does taking this award mean to our team and the legacy of this group of players? 3. What are your predictions for New York-DC and Helsinki-Malmo? 4. What is your favorite flavor of gum? 5. What is your least favorite flavor of gum? 6. Which team that missed the playoffs are you most surprised about? 7. Which team that made the playoffs has your favorite logo/color scheme (besides Warsaw of course )? 8. If you could be any animal, which animal would you be and why? 9. Which league leader in any category are you most impressed with for their performance this season? 10. Light or dark liquor?
  7. When I first joined a sim league (a baseball league called EPL that used OOTP6.5 to simulate, found it randomly in the off-topic section of the GoalLineBlitz forum in around 2008), I primarily enjoyed that these leagues allowed me a way to act on my budding interest in sports while kinda focusing on the 'nerdier' aspects of the numbers over the action, which was always what appealed to me more. When someone from the VHL joined the EPL and started making graphics that blew everything people in the EPL were making out of the water, I immediately joined the VHL and found a community aspect that really engaged me. It took a few tries for me to actually stick around, but in the end the thing that really kept me around (especially with hockey never being a sport I followed or particularly enjoyed) was the GFX community. My being able to grow several levels beyond where I ever thought I would possibly get with my own GFX abilities is a testament to the great GFX community the VHL has.
  8. *Week ending June 20th* (Answer 6 questions for 2 TPE) 1. We've gone through a rough stretch lately that has us barely clinging onto the top spot in the EU. What can we do to re-gain some positive momentum? 2. Which EU team do you feel stands as our biggest threat in the postseason? 3. What were your thoughts on the flurry of trade deadline activity? 4. Which new recreate for the Season 80 VHL draft are you most excited for? 5. Youtube or Twitch? 6. Which of the 10 teams currently in playoff positions do you think is most likely to miss the playoffs and why? 7. How would you grade your player's performance this season on a scale of 1 to 10? 8. How would you grade the team's performance this season on a scale of 1 to 10?
  9. Excellent career my friend.
  10. *Week ending June 13th* (Answer 6 questions for 2 TPE) 1. Coming off our roughest sim of the season, what can we do to get back on course? 2. Many of the teams around us in the European Conference standings are riding positive momentum. How do we stay ahead of the pack? 3. Our backup goalie has been a sore spot for us, but we only have one more game to play them. How does it feel to nearly be done with WAR G for the season? 4. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? 5. Aloe Dear has established herself as the league's points and assists leader for some time now. Is there perhaps a Campbell or Slobodzian trophy coming to a Warsaw player this season? 6. Chris Reynolds is one goal off the VHL lead, pushing to be the first Warsaw player to lead the VHL in the goalscoring category. What can we do to get him there? 7. We're on pace to top our franchise record of 291 goals from last season, being the first VHL team in nearly 20 seasons to score 300 goals if we maintain pace. Do you believe we'll get there? 8. How high can you jump? 9. Aloe Dear finished last season 1 point shy of tying Hunter Heart Helmsley's franchise record of 113 points in a season, but is on pace to shatter it this year with 130. How confident are you that Dear will pass up HHH's season franchise record? 10. What is your favorite dish/meal to cook or prepare by yourself?
  11. shotty dOug dimmadome
  12. *Week ending June 6th* (Answer 6 questions for 2 TPE) 1. Which team have you most enjoyed facing so far this season? 2. What has been more surprising to you: Toronto's recent collapse or Moscow's recent surge? 3. Who is the leading candidate to get Warsaw's nomination for Most Improved Player in this early stretch of the season? 4. Got any words of advice for WAR-G so he stops being such a scrub and holding us back when we have to play him? 5. Chicago is giving us the most legit challenge we've had for the league goals and goal differential lead in the past couple seasons. What adjustments can we make to come out on top again? 6. Despite being by far the worst team in the standings, Vancouver has given us a run for our money every time we've played them. What can we do to avoid playing down to our competition in those games? 7. Which non-Warsaw player do you think has been the most impressive so far this season and why? 8. Why is Aloe Dear getting hit so much more than every other player in the league?
  13. Yeah I usually do the collar emblem when I do JCs, but I figured this one would take me a long time so I grabbed a previous JC I did rather than making a new one and apparently I didn't do the collar on that one. Just so you know, this is the graphics discussion forum not the PT forum, so while I appreciate the review idk if you can claim it for TPE. I'd say I'll ping you when I claim these so you can repost then but it's most likely I claim these as VHL.com graphics rather than PTs.
  14. Took a bit to feel some inspiration and I wanted to get these out together. Pretty happy with both. @diamond_ace or @qripll
  15. @tcookie @Minion come get your sigs
  16. @gorlab and @jhatty8 made a couple collab sigs, one set with Gorlab creating the base and jhatty finishing the sig off, and the other set with the inverse. I will post both sets of bases and finished products in here, your job is to vote on which set you believe came together better. If you do not take this 100% seriously, I will find you, and I will kill you. Okay now let's see the sigs! 1. ---> 2. --->
  17. I have recorded myself listening to all previous 3ppao episodes at the same time. This is the chaos edition, with my recording put over what I had to listen to for about 2 hours. https://anchor.fm/muff-ii/episodes/chaosppao-e11nnc9 If you would like to listen to the boring version without the other podcasts put in you can do so here.
  18. This is a podcast, the only episode where I am joined by my esteemed co-hosts: @.sniffuM and @.sniffuM https://anchor.fm/muff-ii/episodes/9ppao-e11nn1f If you listened to the most recent episode of 3ppao, you may know I teased the idea of putting all of the 3ppao episodes together and reacting to them all at once. This is that podcast. The much more interesting, chaos version can be found here. Tier list: https://tiermaker.com/create/fan-fiction-tropes-302768 Claiming for 4 weeks, probably starting somewhere in mid-2023.
  19. *Week ending May 30th* (Answer 6 questions for 2 TPE) 1. We've recovered from losing our first two games to sit at 9-2-0, topping the league and once again holding the league's best goal differential. Was there any doubt in your mind we'd recover after the rough first sim? 2. Chris Reynolds has been on a tear in recent games, leading the team in goals and the league in GWGs while Aloe Dear and Dakota Lamb sit top 3 in the league in assists, and top 10 in the league in points. Whose performance have you been most impressed with on the team thus far? 3. Which line would you say has been the driving force for the team thus far? 4. What are your thoughts on the recently-announced VHLE? 5. What is your favorite animal? 6. Which real-life sport do you think has the most interesting offseason? 7. Which VHL team has surprised you the most this season so far, whether for positive or negative reasons? 8. Which VHL conference has been stronger so far this season in your opinion? 9. What is your favorite movie of all time? 10. Are you looking forward to the return of VHL trivia this week? I know I am!
  20. I had to rescind because I used my inac spot on krishna.
  21. can't believe the European Conference finally got to separate from the VHL at large
  22. It is with great honor that I am here today announcing the Season 78 Warsaw Predators captains! No surprises here, we have been led as a team by this same group of three players since our first ever playoff appearance in Season 75. They have done a stellar job representing the team and, they’re all still here after all, no need to change a good thing! With that, your Season 78 Warsaw Predators captains are: C – Dakota Lamb @dlamb A – Aloe Dear @Renomitsu A – Victor Grachev @KaleebtheMighty I couldn’t ask for a better group of players, members, and (sadly now former) teammates, whether from this group of three players or from anyone that has given this team their services in the past few seasons. I look forward to seeing where we can go and hope we can finally get you guys the cup you deserve!
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