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Everything posted by .sniffuM

  1. I'd participate. Been a while since I felt the fire to make a graphic
  2. Almost every good team that has bought over the past few seasons has ended up worse for wear after the fact. Only exceptions I can think of are Malmo this season (who really needed that defensive upgrade) and Chicago when they added Winter a few seasons ago. Warsaw somehow lost over 10 shots a game going from regressed Gino Digiannantonio to Chris Hylands a few seasons ago, and recovered a bit but not all the way when Hylands switched to D and muffbeav switched to forward.
  3. I wouldn't say the league has been less active, although with recruitment having been largely cut off the past few seasons there aren't as many new people coming in so maybe the league's a little more splintered. Everybody getting tired of everybody else's shit, you know? This season's been really competitive and interesting to follow though. All 8 NA teams were competing for a playoff spot until Toronto decided to sell, and the EU is almost as competitive as well.
  4. It's actually because they changed their discord pfps. Yeah it felt like a topic we could be entertaining with but it's still relatively niche. Hard to find a good tier list out there.
  5. I have much to say when it comes to the VHLM
  6. GG
  7. How are you?
  8. Hopefully. Our schedules don't align so well anymore so we'll do our best but we'll see.
  9. I'm claiming the gif version as a VHL.com next week, the time I spent doing the animation is worth 2 and no one can stop me
  10. idc about any jc this is a legendary piece
  11. Mind you this was before VHFL became as organized as it is but I'm pretty sure I remember there being a scenario a few seasons ago where a few players switched positions while drafts were still going on and they were kept at their initial drafted positions. Don't remember when this was though, probably late 60s sometime.
  12. Transaction ID: 20703047998643366 S79 Doubles Week 5 Uncapped $1 mil store cash
  13. CARSON!!!
  14. Most underrated player in the VHL during your time. Thank you again for your service sid
  15. I will accept my copy of NHL 21 for the gameboy advance pls If I win any of the raffles I'd probably give them to someone else so exclude me if you'd like
  16. .sniffuM

    DAV/HSK; S79

    Okay but: 1) Based on gustav's response to my initial post in here, the commishes were not informed in private either. Unless you mean 'like before' as just between the GMs. 2) The rules say conditions need to be explicitly stated, and the mention of tagging a commissioner makes it clear this is meant to be done publicly. I don't mean to make a big deal out of this, but like it's right there in the rules. You can't just go back to doing it how it used to be done because you want to.
  17. .sniffuM

    DAV/HSK; S79

    I meant to say "If no one knows what the condition is and you and Helsinki's GM step down". As far as the scenario of two people dropping off the face of the earth at an inopportune time, sure it's not likely but it's possible, at which point I was arguing that at least blues should be made aware of the conditions in private but now that peace pulled up the rule it looks like it probably should be stated in public, yeah.
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