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About PensFan101

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  1. Not this year, but made it to Hamburg for a weekend and watched as they got embarrassed by Schalke in what was one of the coldest days I've ever experienced.
  2. Student exchange. Been living in Växjö, which is sort of in the southern part of the country.
  3. Pretty much the reaction I was expecting.
  4. Hey y'all, So it goes without saying that I've disappeared from the league this year, but I hope everything's still gong strong around here. Logged in not to come back to the league, but to share a story. This summer marks the VHL's 7th Anniversary, and I'm (for better or for worse) one of the original GM's and the infamous face of Västerås IK in this league. Well, this year, I finally got to make it to ABB Arena (formerly Rocklundahallen) in Västerås to see a game. Was the last game of the regular season and neither Västerås nor Almtuna had anything to play for, but it was a dream come to true to see the real time I've come to love so much in action. Even though I'm not a part of the VHL anymore, it will always be a big part of my formative years and it continues to inspire and take me places I wouldn't have gone otherwise. This trip to Västerås is pretty solid proof of that. Attached to this post is the photographic evidence!
  5. http://www.mixcloud.com/RadioLUR/radio-vis-51213/ Here's episode 2, where I get interviewed briefly about my life.
  6. http://www.mixcloud.com/RadioLUR/vis-radio-ja-visst-281113/ After a multi-year hiatus, I recently got involved with producing a radio show here at my new University in Växjö, Sweden. It's about student life, campus news, and cross-cultural banter. Between me being sick and having a crackly voice and working with two complete radio newbies, the first episode of our soon to be weekly show turned out not too badly. It's a great example of some of the real life skills I've been able to develop thanks to the VHL. Producing the Podcast Without a Name for 25 or 26 episodes was incredibly rewarding, gave me invaluable broadcasting experience, and a level of comfort in these situations that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else. Maybe these sort of skills are things we can market the league with, to help rebuild the member base. Thought I would share it if anyone wanted to hear what I'm up to these days, or misses the sound of my oh so sexy radio voice (I'll see myself out now).
  7. 3. Iron Eagles , Mattis Trumbauer 15 (Leon Leitner) at 15:40 BOOM ett
  8. claimage
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