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Everything posted by Squinty

  1. I miss Redbull and brooks and eQ and Raw and TMP and all the really good sig makers tbh
  2. Wolf of Wall Street was good. Like 8.5/10 I watched Cast Away last night too. Classic 9/10
  3. 87 PIM on the Quebec side 97 PIM on the Cologne side ---- 184 PIM in total holla
  4. It sounds like a Vietnamese name
  5. It sounds like a Vietnamese name
  6. Gone – Part 1 Why do people go out? There are different answers to this question, but most of the time, people stick to something along the lines of ‘to have a good time’. Really, that statement holds a lot of truth, people do go out to have fun, but people also go out to do crazy shit, and to get really plastered, and famous people like the members of the Quebec City Meute sometimes want to do just that too. After all, they are human beings, prone to urges and devilishness. This is the story of one time, where things just got a little too crazy. The following takes place from the perspective of Naomi Young, who was hired to be the escort of the entire Meute team for their night out, and who remained sober the entire night due to her pregnancy. -------- 5:30pm I got a call at around 5:30pm. It was Doug. ‘Dear god,’ I thought. ‘He already planted a kid inside of me, what more does he want?’ Despite my gut feeling that I shouldn’t answer (and the baby kicking me), I reluctantly picked up. “What do you want Doug?” “A little ‘Hello’ would have been nice, sheesh. Is that how people greet their baby daddy’s these days? Whatever. I have a job for you.” “Eat shit, I’m not giving you a BJ or a handy, go get someone else to do that for you.” “No, no relax bitch. I’m not talking about that. Listen. My mates and I are going out tonight, and I know since you’re a lonely, friendless cunt, you’re not doing anything anyways, so if you’re up for it, you can be our consort for the night and we’ll pay you.” “Do I look like an escort to you?” “Your choice, but that’s $700 you’re saying bye to.” “Fuck. Ok fine, I hate you and everything about you, but I’ll do it.” After all, I couldn't turn down THAT. “Great, come over the the Valiqs’ around 7:30.” -click. He hung up. What had I gotten myself into? Knowing Doug and his teammates, some stupid shit was bound to go down. Whatever, I needed the money. Mitch [Higgins] was a cheap ass GM that was holding my paychecks until my performance got better. Anyways, I got ready for the night, and headed over to the Valiqs’. 7:30pm When I got there, everyone had already started hitting the bottle. Doug was almost passed out, all three of the Valiq brothers were finger dancing with a filet knife, Wesley was pissing off the back porch and Roberto and Skylar looked to be wrestling or something. They weren’t wearing any clothes, but I wasn’t judging. Grigs was at the karaoke machine by himself, and it was clear that the newest Meute, Felix Zamora had gone the hardest. He was lying on the kitchen table in a pile of his own puke. “Holy shit you guys are trash. What am I even doing here?” I said as I walked through the front door. No one heard me, I considered leaving, but hey, that meant abandoning 7 bills. That wasn’t happening, so I shouted the next time. “HEY FUCK FACES. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND TELL ME WHAT WE’RE DOING!” That got their attention. Felix bolted up, his cheek covered in puke, and everyone else kind of started realizing that it wasn’t even 8 yet. “Shit. Hey Nooms!” said Niklas. I always liked him the best of all the Valiq brothers. He was definitely the best looking, he kind of reminds me of Jeff Carter. The others mumbled their greetings, then got up and started getting ready. It was a good thing they were guys, or we probably would’ve been waiting around for hours. Luckily, everyone was ready in 10 minutes. “So what’s the plan?” “Doug didn’t fill you in?” replied Skylar. He gave Doug a smack on the back of the head. I don’t think he felt it. “We’re going to Montreal to hit up New City Gas. Daft Punk and Armin are tag-teaming the tables tonight! It’s gonna be nuts!” “Cool sure whatever, but how are we getting there?” I asked, impatiently. New City Gas Alex appeared behind me. “Close your eyes, count down from 10, and then open them. Prepare to have your mind fucked.” I gave him a puzzled look, but did as he said. Maybe curiosity got the best of me, or maybe I was eager for the challenge of having a half-wit like Alex surprise me. I counted down. 10..9..8.. 7…6…5… 4…3… 2… 1… 8:00pm I opened my eyes. I was blind. No wait, those were just lights. Wow they were bright. And my ears, wait what was that smell? All these thoughts came rushing to my head. I was so disoriented, what was going on? I took a moment to observe my surroundings. We were in the middle of a fucking dance floor. The Meute were around me. “WHERE ARE WE?!” I screamed, hardly noticing that we looked to be one man short. The guys had shitfaced grins on their faces. “We just teleported girl. We’re in Montreal right now!” replied Wes. Roberto grabbed a waitress and started speaking some really fast French. “Blah blah blah, blah blah, French words blah blah more French,” he told the waitress. That wasn’t actually what he said, but it was as close to gibberish as that, at least to me. She gave him a smile, left and came back a minute later. Roberto tipped her, and handed out the shots on her tray to his boys. “Rocky Mountain Bear Fuckers! These things will destroy your liver, so enjoy!” he said. They raised their shot glasses. “To a great year, and an even better night!” cheered Tomas. “Ayyyyy!!!” replied the team. They drank. Only then did I realize that something was wrong. “Guys, where’s Doug?” “WHAT?!” shouted Yuri. “Speak up, I can’t hear you!” Armin was at the turntables at that moment, so loud noise was understandable. “I said, where’s DOUG!?” They heard me. They looked around. He was nowhere to be seen. “Maybe he went to take a piss or something. Or he went to grab a drink,” said Nik. “No, I remember now. He wasn’t around when we teleported here,” I replied, recalling our arrival. Everyone turned to Alex, the inventor. Armin van Buuren He only said two words, but our night just turned upside down. “Oh fuck.” To be Continued…
  7. Yeah like really if this was allowed i'd be the internet version of Sather for sure
  8. I will fight you to protect the rights of equality towards women!!!
  9. Everyone stahhhhp Jamie is the best, don't make this another Janelle situation
  10. I have an iPhone so FUCK YOU DEVISE In other news, Streetlight liked his own post
  12. There's a lot of gay locker room sex that goes in in Quebec. That's probably why fresco came
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