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Everything posted by Squinty

  1. YESSSSSSS The Kyle curse is broken, Kellinger is GOAT, congrats team, good series Tits!
  2. It wasn't actually me I can't edit posts idiot kids
  3. You can't close a thunderdome thread! That's asinine! Unheard of! Unspeakable! It can't happen!
  4. I read an article the other day in THN I think, saying that if/when the NHL does expand, Seattle is all but guaranteed
  5. Out of everyone in the league, I think you deserve a cup the most. If I ever leave Quebec and if I don't go to my favourite team, I want to help you win
  6. But i've watched your videos!
  7. I'm hosting a Christmas dinner & party later this month. How can I spice it up and make it a really, really great party?
  8. If I wanted to mail my shit to someone, say Kyle, how would I go about doing that?
  9. Who is this man and is he serious
  10. No that's weird, porn stars and gay people shave them. Grown-ups trim them.
  11. Yeah Squinty, I really like what you had to say here. People should listen to this because it's probably the best option. You're the man!
  12. I do like the idea that Devise suggested in his second post about drafting your own player under a collective agreement between GMs, and in the round that is relative to your TPE. That way we can keep the lottery portion and no one has to technically "surrender" a pick.
  13. Turn off these fucking comeback settings
  14. Basically this post thing is just to describe what I've thought about the whole Super Cup so far. It's been fun. I've enjoyed it. Being part of the very first also adds some specialness (is that a word) to it. It's definitely different than being a regular GM. Far more lax (I think), at least in terms of the draft thread having some casual conversation going on in it. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but whatever. When I found out I was drafting third, I was kind of disappointed. I knew right from the get-go that regardless of whether I had the first pick, or the second, or whatever, I wanted Tukio. Devise was 1st, Edgar was 2nd, so really I only had Edgar to worry about. When he drafted Taylor, I was ecstatic, because I now had the (2nd?) best goalie in the league on my team. Which brings me to something. Having our own players on our own teams is stupid. It's unfair to a lot teams. Obviously, Green and Devise have the definite advantage because they didn't have to worry about drafting an elite goaltender, and could start right off with grabbing a star forward. People like Minus and Ball were at more of a disadvantage, because their players obviously don't stack up as well when you compare their TPE for their players to say, Green who has I think 900+ TPE for Lebeau. So yeah, reconsider this rule for the next Super Cup. Anyways, I'm pretty confident that my team can win. Devise probably has the best team in terms of character, simply because he made an effort to draft only actives. I applaud him for that, and kind of wish I did the same. At least I drafted people that weren't complete inactive though (save for Lebedev, but he doesn't count). Regardless, I'm sure that future GMs will lean towards an active team rather than a stronger team, since that's (namely) what this tournament seems to be about. Should be fun. Pce. This is my 600th TPE for Valiq. Hurray.
  15. I thought it was Phil who did it? Still explains lack of updates though
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