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Everything posted by Squinty

  1. This draft is sucky like everyone's faces
  2. That's actually very impressive
  3. How do you get a bunch of red letters wrong?
  4. All these mad chirps towards Vasty, aight Swaggy P aight
  5. These are hella sweet, although you're missing two of us (Clifford and Grigorenko)
  6. Vasteras, is this even a question?
  7. Hurray for more than Welfare!!!
  8. just kiddong ching chong got it hurray!
  9. At least we know the reason for his disappearance now...he had to film the movie.
  10. Effort: 0.75/2 - 4 layers ish, can't give you much here, sorry. Look: 1.25/3 - Again, sorry, but there really isn't much here. Low quality and distorted picture, couple of C4D's on lighten, slapped on Arial text. I'd suggest checking out some tutorials, they tend to help. Creativity: 0.75/1 - Nothing special Total: 2.75/6 Overall: 3/6
  11. Effort: 2/2 - I think this is one of your bests Look: 2.75/3 - The only thing is that right in the middle, it's way too busy...like way too much going on. And maybe if you put a box behind the text with like 25% opacity or something, it might make it easier to read the text. I like it though. Creativity: 1/1 - Yup Total: 5.75/6 Overall: 6/6
  12. Effort: 1.75/2 - Aside from the fact that it's a gif, there isn't much to it. GIF SIGS AREN'T THAT HARD NOAH Look: 2.5/3 - Grunge isn't doing it for me, at least not the brown tinge of it. LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE SHAT ON IT NOAH! Creativity: 1/1 - IT SUCKS NOAH FUCK YOU Total: 5.25/6 Overall: 5/6
  13. Effort: 2/2 - U dun gud Look: 2.5/3 - The background is kind of cartoony, which kind of throws off the style of the sig, but overall, it looks nice. Text over the render is hard to read, but stock work is cool and I dig the splatter. Creativity: 1/1 - Yes sir Total: 5.5/6 Overall: 6/6
  14. Effort: 2/2 - Yeah more or less Look: 2.25/3 - Overall, it's a bit washed out. Stock work is alright, but the diagonal building thing on the right isn't working at all. Text could use some more work as well. Creativity: 1/1 - Reminds me of Arabian Nights or something like that Total: 5.25/6 Overall: 5/6
  15. Damn, better than I thought it
  16. Effort: 2/2 - I'm too lazy to look in the cut gallery for this, so i'll just assume that you did the JC yourself so full marks hurray! Look: 1.75/3 - Overall, this looks really flat. There isn't too much depth to it, and the letters in the background are really distracting. Work on incorporating different kind of stocks and blending modes into this as well, to add more. Creativity: 1/1 - Guess so Total: 4.75/6 Overall: 5/6
  17. Effort: 2/2 - Obviously not. Look: 2.75/3 - Couple things, text is over sharpened a bit, and the Ladd's face should probably be brought out more, but the rest is niiiice Creativity: 1/1 - Yeah no. Total: 5.75/6 Overall: 6/6
  18. Effort: 2/2 - Ez mark Look: 3/3 - This is sick. Zero complaints. Creativity: 1/1 - Yeah Total: 6/6
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