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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. After much deliberation, this position has been filled. Congratulations to Ahma on becoming the new VHL EU Player Page Updater of Stats, Awards, and Player Movement. He's been an enthusiastic member on the board ever since he joined back at the end of March and I believe he will continue to be an asset to the VHL community for many more seasons. Thank you to all that applied. All were great candidates. Stay posted for more job listings.
  2. I can't skip a week of KnightTime - the show must go on - but Happy Birthday
  3. yay team
  4. Cote gote goat
  5. Dear god - you're aren't going to get to my questiions but - answer these in one-word answers: Where were you travelling? Was it good? True or False - the Irishman's dilemma is truly "do i eat the potato now, or wait until it ferments and drink it?" Cologne just got bitched up by Calgary. You say what to eaglesfan? True or False - You like your women like you like your coffee - black, bitter, and preferably fair trade
  6. until I realized that streety also just like his own post -then he became the prime minister of AWESOMEVILLE
  7. Corco, me, and assturds
  8. Since I killed the other Knight and am the only one left - it's true - but it also means I'm the best. until you re-create
  9. Rami-ng his way to a #FunkTrophy
  10. I saw boubs live reaction to him opening this thread. lol.
  11. You didn't tell us enough lllama stories...
  12. time to get drunk and watch it again.
  13. They'll keep doing it until it doesn't get a reaction out of you. That's why it's so hard to pick on me - someone says "phil you stupid sack of shit" I reply "yea... and no matter how many times I shower... I still smell like it ) So un-retire on!
  14. well written, well played, well deserved.
  15. Oh yes plz me pewpewpew (Edit* - because Quebec aint a Cup winning Cup pewpew) ------------- Look, my thoughts on the subject is that Boychuk and 3 moons are both phenominal first gens. Look at their TPE earning rate. Honestly, they;ve both been pretty much active for the duration of their careers and since the STHS is such a fuckwit... a player's success is determined basically by situational luck and circumstance. I would say that 3 moons has had better linemates and better teams than boychuk has but to argue one is better than the other when they are both very active first gens is stupid/awesome. btw - I was a better first-gen and still should be consider the GOAT so suck it,
  16. Just ctrl + f "phil" and that's all you need to know tbh
  17. GG Wild Would only not be mad losing to you guys!
  18. Episode #11 Featured Players: Evgeny Nezhmetdinov Member Names: Alucard Run Time: 9 minutes Previous Episodes: #10 #9 #8 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1
  19. Phil

    TD card

    I was totally expecting my VISA application to go through.. instead I get a hockey card?
  20. Voted: In Your Face with Robbie Zimmers.
  21. Needs more controversy tbh: Quebec playing Class
  22. I would have called him Tyler Cunt... but it's too late. You missed you glorious chance. No give-sies back-sies.
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