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Mr. Grumpy Bear

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Mr. Grumpy Bear last won the day on February 26 2015

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About Mr. Grumpy Bear

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  1. (C3) Chicago vs (A2) Tampa Bay Winner: Chicago # of Games: 6
  2. Effort: 2/2 - Lack of coloring, lol, text, blending is enough here. Look: 2.5/3 - The duplicate render in the background is not my favorite. I am also not a fan of the text. The blending is pretty good though and try messing with some lighting next time. Creativity: 1/1 - Yessir. Overall: 5.5/6
  3. Effort: 2/2 - Sorry Cuffy, The coloring, text, blending is enough here. Look: 2.5/3 - Coloring is great, smudging not so much and text not so much. I feel you can do better but it is best to experiment to get better. Creativity: 1/1 - Yessir. Overall: 5.5/6 Final: 5
  4. Player Name:Brady Stropko VHL Team:Seattle Bears Cash you have:$11,500,000 Purchase Name:Free Week x 2 Cost of Purchase:$6,000,000 Cash Left:$5,500,000
  5. I need to go inactive, this is horrible.
  6. Fackin penalties
  7. Meute Dynamo Express Legion
  8. Cologne Seattle Vikings Meute
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