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Bana Blab #11


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Hello out there! We're on the air! It's Bana Blab #11. Oh baby here we go. Make some smoke. Make some noise. We continue on our way into double digits of this VHL.com article title that has helped me make it through the darkest of times where your imagination and motivation for writing have come up blank. Heading into this week, there's a few exciting things to talk about. I'm unsure if I'm going to talk about them because I usually just type out whatever comes into my brain at the very moment when writing these kind of articles so I can get them done and out of the way. With that being said, let's fire up (or fire down) the old brain and see what it spits out!


  • The Bears have been fairly active this year when it comes to trading despite the league being logged jammed from lots of teams being at or near the salary cap and a majority of teams being absolutely full to the brim with their roster amounts. Even with our moves, we were not active when we really wanted to be in the off-season, or not as much. Either way, we've fired off the cannons a few times and have sent a few amazing people going. @oilmandan @Phil @Toast @Dtaylwere all hard to trade. Some I have great history with that goes back quite a ways (3 of em). With Phil, I mean we've been in the league together forever but I think this is the first time our paths crossed. All of them are amazing people and it really was difficult to remove that from the team personally. 
  • With that being said, we brought in a few great pieces and people too. @Matt_O I've tried getting on the organization since his first player and never quite came close enough to doing it. He's always been someone I've liked in the league and I've always appreciated the effort and time he's put into some of his articles and his players. Zod is an exciting piece that we're grateful to have on the team and look forward to his future with us. The next two we'll group together as they're a returning act, but we managed to bring back @FrostBeard and @Rayzor_7 to the team. Both have played massive parts in the teams past, current and future successes, whether it be with their players in the sim or their wonderful, guiding minds on the secret council. They're two of the few people I trust most on here and it's wicked to get them back and on DA BEARZ.
  • Seattle has turned around the season. We were in 1st for a little bit and now we're sitting in 2nd above the Chicago Phoenix and LA Stars. We expected to have a good season but the start was a little off. After we got going, we grounded ourselves and felt a little better with how things are going. Hopefully we're able to make it to playoffs and give it another go at the Continental Cup. There's some amazing teams and people fighting it out this year but the Bears are great too! GO BEARS


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