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Graphics tournaments in the VHL have usually worked basically like that though and it's always the same thing. The last one I was in I made the best sig I'd ever made to that point for the second round and my reward was losing to Koradek by 15 instead of 25.

I really like the idea of putting the sigs in a poll each week and having people vote for the 2 worst or 4 worst of the week or whatever and doing the elimination that way. Maybe do them one by one once you get to like the top 6 or something. It also allows us to have less or more than 16 people.

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So now that it looks like we won't get any more signups, we're at 19. There are a few ways we could do it, using Beketov/SL's method, that I see fit:


1: Round 1: cut 3, down to 16

Round 2: cut 3, down to 13

Round 3: cut 3, down to 10

Round 4: cut 3, down to 7

Round 5: cut 2, down to 5

Round 6: cut 2, down to 3

Round 7: Final Round


2: Round 1: cut 5, down to 14

Round 2: cut 4, down to 10

Round 3: cut 2, down to 8

Round 4: cut 2, down to 6

Round 5: cut 2, down to 4

Round 6: cut 2, down to 2

Round 7: Final Round


Or something to that effect. With so many people, it's tough to find a balance of something that won't take too long to complete but that also doesn't eliminate too many people at a time.

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I'll try to do something with that. I want to give a chance to members who,s being eliminated to return in the competition. So maybe a dead match every round to determine who stay and who don't.

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Round 1 : Cut 5, keep 2. 17

Round 2 : Cut 5, keep 2, 14

Round 3 : Cut 3, keep 1  12

Round 4 : Cut 3, keep 1  10

Round 5 : Cut 3, keep 1 : 8






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To determine the seed

Every round, we'll decide the ones who needs to be cut and which one is the best (top 3). The top 3 receives pts and that's how we determine the seeds.

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