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My first VHL job


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Since I joined VHL almost a year and a half ago, interestingly I haven't had a job in VHL. I have been a lone wolf and just been going from team to team just doing my job, getting those TPE, and getting the goals for my teams. I have burned out of VHL and I have had insane fun. But this time I decided to try it and applied for a job in D.C.


Previous AGM, Big Al @bigAL went on to be a commish and I have known Enorama @Enorama for some time too, so I thought it was a fantastic opportunity to get my feet wet and try something different and new in VHL. The job sounds pretty easy - you just have to make some press conferences, talk with people and be a right hand to the GM, and I thought that it was something I can do (I can). After the VHL draft, Eno sent me a message and he told me that you're hired, kid. Not exact words, but something close to that. I have always told everyone, that I won't get any jobs in VHL, because they don't quite interest me and, honestly, I was never even that into those jobs, but this time I wanted to change this up and try this.


D.C is a cool team, never quite played for it, but I felt like I know that team better than most of the other VHL teams, mostly because of Eno talking about D.C. When I joined D.C I felt at home - there were very cool people - Juice @Juice, who is such a cool dude and always really nice, how could you not love Juice? 😘  eagles @WentzKneeFan036, my secret, not so secret lover ❤️, Big Al. He was my first AGM and a goddamn legend too. He and Ricer @Ricer13 made Miami the most fun place in the VHL at the time. And of course the rest of the awesome players too. This free agency we acquired Jiggs @JigglyGumballs too, he is really cool also, too bad he is a weeb though. So in short, we have a really fun squad, but we also know how to win games sometimes.


100% real picture, that shows my love for D.C!


Remember how I said that this job is easy? Well, not really. Here I was, answering all of those press conference questions in 2 minutes and not really thinking too hard for those answers, but now I have to think of these questions. Here I am sitting on Monday evening, watching some videos and debating in my head if this question is good, how could I answer that question. It usually becomes an hour to think of 6 simple questions, that someone will spend a few minutes answering, but I am not even complaining. I enjoy this and it makes me fulfill one of my dreams - being something similar to a journalist.


My first few weeks have been interesting and refreshing, and I hope to have a nice time in D.C with the boys! Go D.C and let's get some wins now! 

Edited by osens
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Great text! I am currently trying to find my first job in the VHL and i really love to see what it is like to have a job and more specificly your first one. your article is very well written and very nice to read. Keep up the good work and good luck on your first job.

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I'm in the exact same boat as you. I just started a job with Miami and making pressers is not terrible but its more difficult than you would think. I pretty much relate to this entire thing even starting a year and a half ago. That's about when I jumped in too. great read 10/10

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Review: Well, first of all, I share your pain on creating press conference questions. I've been doing it for a while now, and sometimes the pipeline runs dry. Anyways, in what may not quite be a rags-to-riches story but an intriguing one nevertheless. Formatting is solid, indents were inconsistent but were there. Very relevant image. 9/10

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