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Calgary Wrangler's Season 81 Awards


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:cal:Calgary Wranglers Season 81 Awards:cal:


      Another great season has wrapped up for the Calgary Wranglers but before we move on to the next one I would like to take a moment to show some recognition to the players for the season we just had. A season full of ups and downs saw the Wrangler's finish 3rd in their conference and win their first playoff off series in quite some time. Ultimately they fell short but they look primed to take another step forward in season 82. Now let's get to the awards and the players who deserve them.

:cal:Top Shelf Award:cal:

      This award is given to the player who leads the team in goals scored during the regular season. This player finished the regular season with 51 goals which is the highest I have seen so far during my tenure as Calgary's GM. He spent the majority of the season manning the second line which makes it all that much more impressive. 51 goals is a new career high for him which is 12 goals better than his previous career high. Congratulations to Gutislav Nasherov @Vat on winning the Season 81 Top Shelf Award!

:cal:Rybak Trophy:cal:


The Rybak Trophy is all about who led the team in points during the regular season. This seasons Top Shelf Award winner Gutislav Nasherov @Vat also led the way for the Wranglers in points as the only player to finish above 100 points. He finished with 51 goals and 50 assists for a total of 101 points which is a new career high for him as well. He beat his previous record but 24 points! He really did make the most of his opportunity last season and put up an elite performance each and every game. Congratulations Nasherov!

:cal:Young Buck Award:cal:


           Prospects are an important part of any organization as they are the players who will shape the future of your franchise. The Young Buck Award shines line on one lucky prospect who showed the most potential to become a future star in the VHL. The recipient of the Young Buck Award for season 81 is Daniel Janser @Daniel Janser. Janser spent season 81 down in the VHLE split between the Oslo Storm and the Istanbul Red Wolves. He was a leader in the Oslo Locker Room as he carried the majority of the work load for a bottom feeder team. His talents were highly sought after and was later traded to the top team in the league in Istanbul. He played more of a depth role for the Wolves but his point totals aren't what make Janser such a special player. The amount of work he puts in, on and off the ice are what make him stand out above the rest. He doesn't take a week off from his training, is constantly checking in on how Calgary is doing and has been chomping at the bit to get his chance to move up to the big show. This is why Daniel Janser is the season 81 Young Buck Award winner!

:cal:Sheriff's Badge:cal:


     It is fitting that this player receives this award time and time again. This is his third consecutive Sheriff's Badge and I am starting to run out of things I can say about this player to explain what he has meant to this organization. He is as selfless as they come, always the voice in the locker room to congratulate the team when they're doing well and the one to pick the team up during heavy slumps. His personal game has had its ups and downs but never lets that get in the way of his team first mentality and will always put his team mates ahead of his own needs. He is going into his final season as a Calgary Wrangler and when his time in the VHL is over he will be sorely missed. Congratulations on another Sheriff's Badge Nathan Perry @tinafrombobsburgers

:cal:Last Line Award:cal:


The Last Line Award is given to the top defensemen during the regular season. This past season the Calgary Wranglers picked up a young defensemen who had been given up on by the Seattle Bears. Well their loss was Calgary's gain as this player was exceptional during his first season with the team. He finished second on the team with 89 points which is 30 points higher than his career high. He also led the Wranglers with 76 assists and was a steady force on the powerplay all season long. Just when you think that offense if what this guy is all about, think again! He had a plus minus of 28 which is +53 better than his previous season and led the team in shots blocked which shows how committed he is on both ends of the ice. Congratulations to Erlantz Jokinen @jRuutu on winning the season 81 Last Line Award.

:cal:Jubis Memorial Trophy:cal:


     This next award is given to the player who demonstrates the best potential at long term success in the VHL. This could be on the ice or off the ice as a user. This winner of this award is already an established, long term member of this league. He is being given this award because his player has demonstrated that he has the potential to be a force in this league for many seasons to come. He came into this league as a rookie last season and had to step into the role of the top line center fairly quickly. It was a lot to ask of a young player in this league but he stepped into the role and lead this team through a roller coaster of a season. He has proven to management and his teammates that he is ready take the next step in this league and I am excited to see what this next season will bring for this young player. Congratulations Saku Kotkakoivu @DollarAndADream on being award the Jubis Memorial Trophy. 


:cal:Most Valuable Wrangler:cal:


    The Most Valuable Wrangler is decided on my the players on the roster. The vote this season was very close as the nominees for this award all had exceptional seasons. The player awarded the Most Valuable Wrangler for season 81 is none other than Gutislav Nasherov @VatThe statistics speak for themselves. He led this team on the ice through a wild season. His play on the ice isn't the only thing that stands out about this player. He is also a big hit in the locker room with his teammates. The comradery with his teammates off the ice creates some amazing chemistry on the ice. Anyone he lined with found success and that's because he helps everyone around him become a better player. It is an honor to have your peers think so highly of you which is why Nasherov is so deserving of this award. Congratulations!


:cal:Top Graphic:cal:


Many users are starting to try their hand at different types of point tasks and as much as it is important to recognize how they are doing on the ice, it is equally important to highlight some of the work they are doing off the ice. Lucifer Oliver Levesque @InstantRockstar has done some exceptional work when it comes to creating graphics. You can scroll through years of graphics this member has contributed over the years and each of them are top tier graphics. I am pleased to have had a member play on the Wranglers with such great talent. Congrats Rockstar on winning the Top Graphic Award! Here is a recent graphic he made for his new player.



:cal:Top Media Spot:cal:


     This next member isn't afraid to share his opinions on matter's throughout the league. He is blunt and honest and that is what I like about the material he writes about. He has been around the league for a long time and is a well respected member. It is well worth the time to check out some of things he has to say. I feel he deserves to be recognized for the work he puts in for his players and that is why Sirkants Klamasteris @hedgehog337 is the winner of the Top Media Spot Award! This article encompasses exactly what I'd expect when reading a Hedge article!





:cal:Top Podcast:cal:


     The podcast game is slowly growing in the VHL and deserves to be recognized to continue to encourage more members to start giving it a try. This member is no stranger to the Podcast game and has been a recipient of this award in the past. His podcasts are always well prepared, laid out and the execution is flawless. Need your VHL fix while driving to and from work? Then I recommend giving any podcast this member puts out. Congratulations Phil The Rock Johnson @Phil on winning the Top Podcast Award! The podcast I have chosen Phil talks about the VHL Playoffs and incorporates another member into his podcast to talk about rookies in the VHL. 



Congratulations to all of our season 81 winners. I am looking forward to what season 82 has in store for the Calgary Wranglers. I truly do appreciate all of you for your commitment to this team. Go Wranglers GO!


word count: 1500 +

Edited by WranglersSuck
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Wow great text, I really really like to read these kind of articles, because I like to see the names of each awards the team has and who wins it and why, each season. The little pictures and the colors for the title of each awards are great. Your text is not just a big wall of text and is separated in paragraphs. Also, you text does not have a lot of mistakes which makes it more readable. I want to finish by congratulate each and everyone of the winners of the awards and you for your incredible text. 

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I am so honoured and humbled to receive one of the coveted awards. I am sure, there are many a seasoned veteran in the league with a lot of silverware to their name, that shed bitter tears for not having been a recipient of one of these trophies.


Go Wranglers!

Edited by Daniel Janser
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