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Add a Position Swap Cutoff


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Yes, this is an article purely targeting @MexicanCow123. If you haven't been paying attention, our favorite cow decided to reroll his player from forward to defense on the first day of the season. Now, he's certainly allowed to do so, and technically, it was still the offseason. However it messes up VHFL and predictions as well, and I think there should be a cutoff.


I'd say it should be the day VHFL begins, which is usually the first day of free agency in a normal season. That way, teams have the legal tampering period to discuss potential position swaps with a FA, or they have more than a week of pure offseason to discuss position swaps with existing players. There's really no reason for a position swap to occur so late in the offseason.


Teams (and players) should be prepared for the season before the day of the regular season, or at least a couple days into FA. I would see VHLM/VHLE teams complaining about the call-up cutoff as well, especially since it can happen on the first day of the season as well. I think that since those call-ups depend on a TPE mark for players to hit, they inherently need more flexibility. However, if a player was actively trying to hit a soft/hard cap, I would think all the GM's impacted would be aware.

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6 minutes ago, MexicanCow123 said:

Shit I totally forgot about predictions 🤣

Fuck VHFL but rip predictions. 

ngl I went and checked your predictions and scotty's to see if you guys had put jerome in defenseman awards LOL, was ready to flame the fuck out of you

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