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Appreciation of Sigs for the Rock


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In keeping with the Theme Week (where I get no bonus TPE. IF Calgary do not win the Continental Cup - it will be because The Rock has 6 TPE less to work with. Note that @Ricer13!), I have decided to do an Appreciation Post for all the signatures that were made for Phil the Rock Johnson. 


The Rock, who announced his retirement at the end of this season, is on his last legs but performing offensively on par with his best ever season. He has decided to move on and let the Phil Knight Agency focus on the young Phil Strasmore (who will be needing sigs, by the way! ;)




Okay, so first up we have a sig done by @gorlab:



This was a boss signature that really captured the essence of his "don't mess with me attitude". It's also kind of funny you can imagine him saying "you shall not pass!" (You know.. because of LofRs... and the balrog.... gorlab? right? right?) But yea, love this sig!



Next in line we have a sig by one of my favs, @InstantRockstar:




I've always enjoyed being on the same team as IR and also always admired his work, so when he pinged me on discord to inform me that he made me a sig, I was very, very excited. The work speaks for itself - it's a freaking beauty!



@Quik and I go way back. I was so stoked to see him come back to the VHL after a few years away from the league and then just as pumped when he tagged me with this work of art:


It's the first sig that didn't feature Dwayne Johnson, but that doesn't matter. It still captures his essence perfectly. Though based on his career it's more likely he's celebrating a fight won than a goal scored haha!



Next up is a graphic from @BOOM



I have no idea how to make sigs so all of these are amazing to me but there's something about the red and purple background and the texture that I love. Boom and I have played on the same team a few times and I always like hanging with him in the LR. Mad respect for this sig!



@Ricer13 has done so much for me. The guy had enough faith in me to trade for me after my rookie season, despite having 3 points and gave me a reasonable amount of ice time - something I wasn't getting beforehand. He put his faith in me and has allowed me to play out the rest of my days in Calgary. 



On top of all that he also took the time to make me a sig! This has TWO ROCKS! The one on the right is definitely celebrating after pummeling an opponent and the right one shows him in a training session. Again, I love the stone wall background and is a complete metaphor for the Rock's name and personality.




The next one was done by another member I've had a long and great history with. Fellow LFC fan @OrbitingDeath



Looking at these sigs, it's kind of funny that the theme seems to be that they get bigger and bigger - like the rocks muscles or persona. OrbitingDeath, aka Green, has been in the league a long time and is another member I've always enjoyed hanging out with and talking to. I love the face in the background of this sig - very Mt Rushmore. Great work man! 



Lastly (at least of the sigs that I know about) we have ANOTHER piece from @Ricer13



Here, The Rock sits on a Calgary thrown in a very Game of Thrones way - another brilliant homage to  Calgary history perhaps, with the Clegane brothers? I'm pretty sure @JardyB10's Clegane played for Calgary... as really I just assume every player of his played for the horses haha





So to all of you who took the time and effort to make me a signature for this player, I just want to say a massive thank you!!!! If you are ever looking for a subject, perhaps Dwayne Johnson in a suit for Phil Strasmore would be a good one? :P Nah but thank you all so very much and I appreciate you all.


Much love ❤️ 





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1 hour ago, Phil said:

I'm pretty sure @JardyB10's Clegane played for Calgary... as really I just assume every player of his played for the horses

You would think so! But I think the reality is that the only player of mine to dress for the Wranglers after Bunclewirth was my PP2 goon, Motherfucker Sharpe. Not for lack of wanting to go back though, them was just the breaks!

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