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45 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

While fishing, you must have come across some secret Squirtle Hatchery. You find..


Squirtle lv 18

Squirtle lv 20

Squirtle lv 18


Can't make this stuff up!

Lol fight all of them with Bulbasaur using Vine Whip and if  dead use both eevee 

Edited by Lemorse7
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1 minute ago, Ptyrell said:

"I remembered my pass this time!" You shout the the games keeper. He rolls his eyes and lets you through.


Immediately you come upon a Rhyhorn pack. As your jeep approaches, the herd begins to migrate away. Two stragglers stay behind to face you--a mother and her child. And on the cliffs above, you see a relatively rare Jynx watching everything.


Rhyhorn lv 20

Rhyhorn lv 13

Jynx lv 10

Catch Jynk w Pokeballs

Fight Lv 20 Rhyhorn with Meowth

Let Lv 13 Rhyhorn flee

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1 hour ago, Doomsday said:


Action 3: Work some more.


Action 4: Explore Saffron City again.

It's all about that grind, am I right? You earn $592.


While walking home from work, you are accosted by a most heinous gang of creatures...


Koffing lv 20

Koffing lv 13

Gastly lv 10

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21 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Meowth lv 20

Koffing lv 13

Koffing lv 20


Bulbasaur 14 - damage meowth

Bellsprout 16 finishes meowth. Loses to koffing

Ponyta 15 - beats both koffing easily with Flamethrower.


Bellsprout gains 4 levels

Ponyta gains 7 levels


You gain $317



In the Safari Zone you find...


Rhyhorn lv 11

Exeggcute lv 12

Exeggcute lv 17

Bulbasaur vine whips and vine nae nae's rhyhorn

Ekans acids until dead

Haunter shadow ballz


Action 4 explore safari zone again

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56 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

I better use Pokeballs on the Pikachu. If it sucks all my balls, Eevee can murder it for Pokémon Yellow starter supremacy.

Bellsprout lv 20

Pikachu lv 11

Bellsprout lv 14 


(Exp Share on magikarp)


After your 3rd throw, Pikachu ran away! Our first time this game! So it appears the Pokemon Yellow showdown will have to wait another day...


(But on the bright side, you still have 2 pokeballs left)

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7 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Bellsprout lv 20

Pikachu lv 11

Bellsprout lv 14 


(Exp Share on magikarp)


After your 3rd throw, Pikachu ran away! Our first time this game! So it appears the Pokemon Yellow showdown will have to wait another day...


(But on the bright side, you still have 2 pokeballs left)

I’ll throw balls at the Level 20 Bellsprout to try to upgrade. Failing that, I’ll have Bellsprout push psychedelics on it until it passes out, and then I’ll have Eevee finish it off.


Then, regardless of the above outcome, have Eevee murder the Level 14 Bellsprout 

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1 hour ago, Ptyrell said:

It's all about that grind, am I right? You earn $592.


While walking home from work, you are accosted by a most heinous gang of creatures...


Koffing lv 20

Koffing lv 13

Gastly lv 10


Kadabra wastes both Koffings easily with Psybeam. 


Exeggcute can finish Gastly with a combination of the two moves. 

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2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Finally all the regions have been visited! Also now I really want Cinnabon...


You find...


Ponyta lv 10

Growlithe lv 12

Growlithe lv 20

Use Geodude Rock attack on Ponyta, then Growlithe lv 20 then the lesser growlithe, if he faints use Rhyhorn Rock attack, if he faints use charmander tackle

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@Doomsday receives:




@rory  receives:




Followed up with:


@Doomsday receives:




@rory  receives:





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2 hours ago, omgitshim said:

Revised Action 2: Challenge Lorelei


Exp Share on no one

Sitrus Berry on Poliwhirl


Poliwhirl uses Body Slam on the Glaceon. When it faints, have Ivysaur use Body Slam.


Leave Ivysaur in to take the first hit against Jynx, then Gyarados uses Hyper Beam.


Keep using Hyper Beam on the Lapras.

Lorelei stared at your blithely as you approached. "You! I saw you lose to Bruno earlier today. Have you come to embarrass yourself to me now?"


Glaceon lv 30 (162 HP) vs Poliwhirl lv 27 (97.2 HP)

Both Pokemon trade blows doing about 39 damage per hit. After the second hit, Poliwhirl uses a sitrus berry to heal 60 HP! Glaceon tanks up more damage though in the end. Wins with 3.24 HP remaining.


Ivysaur lv 20 finishes the job.


Next up lv 40 Jynx (156 HP). Jynx uses Blizzard. Super effective! 208 Damage! Ivysaur faints.


Gyarados lv 26 next! Gyarados uses Hyper Beam for 84.24 damage. Jynx responds with Blizzard for 104 damage! But another Hyper Beam does the trick.


Lorelei sends out Lapras lv 50! One Hydro Pump finishes the job.


"I applaud your effort in getting this far. However you still have more to learn before you earn the ice Badge. Now if you'll excuse me.. I'm late to meet Rory at Luke's."


Ivysaur and Gyarados gained 5 levels each!

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2 hours ago, Berocka said:

Use Geodude Rock attack on Ponyta, then Growlithe lv 20 then the lesser growlithe, if he faints use Rhyhorn Rock attack, if he faints use charmander tackle

@Ptyrell Can I also use the rare candy on Charmander (if this applies before the fight use scratch)

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4 hours ago, dlamb said:

Ivysaur razorblade the shit out of all 3 of them, please. I have oran berries, yeah? If Ivysaur gets low, am I able to just say use one?


Magikarp still has an exp share btw.


EDIT: tackle on machop pls

Machop lv 11

Geodude lv 12

Geodude lv 20


Before a battle begins, you should declare that a Pokemon is holding a berry. Then the Pokemon automatically eats it when it goes below half health. In this case, I'm pretty sure the Ivysaur will have no problem and not need a berry.


Ivysaur uses Body Slam (better than tackle) on Machop and takes him out in 2 hits. Ivysaur has 65.4 HP remaining.

Against Geodude, Razor Leaf takes him out in 1 hit! 60.72 HP remaining.

Against the stronger Geodude... Another 1 hit KO!


Magikarp gains 6 levels. Magikarp evolves into Gyarados!


You earn $278

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4 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

Lol fight all of them with Bulbasaur using Vine Whip and if  dead use both eevee 

Squirtle lv 18

Squirtle lv 20

Squirtle lv 18


Bulbasaur lv 11 vs the Squirtle Brigade!

Bulbasaur defeated the first Squirtle with 1 HP remaining!

The second Squirtle takes out Bulbasaur, but then loses to Eevee lv 19 again by just barely!

The last Squirtle is beaten more handily by the lv 21 Eevee.


Bulbasaur gains 5 levels and evolves into Ivysaur!

Eevee lv 19 gains 4 levels

Eevee lv 21 gains 2 levels


You gain $368

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6 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Machop lv 18 - you catch him on the 3rd try

Onix lv 11 - 1st try!

Machop lv 16 - wrecked by Gyarados


You gain $141. Gyarados gains a level.


You work a double for $1190.

You buy a bicycle!


On route 1 you find..


Eevee lv 14

Abra lv 18

Exeggcute lv 15

Pokeball on exeggcute, followed by great balls

Abra same after.


If balls run out, i will provide battle instructions

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5 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Catch Jynk w Pokeballs

Fight Lv 20 Rhyhorn with Meowth

Let Lv 13 Rhyhorn flee

Rhyhorn lv 20

Rhyhorn lv 13

Jynx lv 10


You catch Jynx on your last ball!


Your Meowth faces off against the Rhyhorn. The Rhyhorn is too tanky! Meowth takes him down to about half HP.


Reaching into your bag... you summon... Magikarp! ... nothing.


But wait, you have 1 more ball in there! Who is that Pokemon?


It's Jynx! Jynx uses Blizzard. It is super effective and does 52 damage! Rhyhorn faints. The other rhyhorn runs away.


Jynx gains 5 levels. You gain $113

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Action 3: Work

Action 4: Challenge Agatha


Exp Share on Ivysaur


Gyarados uses Hyper Beam against Umbreon.

Continue to use Hyper Beam against Arbok. If Gyarados faints, Ivysaur cleans up with Body Slam.

Ivysaur uses Razor Leaf against Gengar, the Poliwhirl uses Water Pulse (Gyarados would use Dragon Rush if it gets a chance to attack but I don't think it will).

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9 hours ago, rory said:

Bulbasaur vine whips and vine nae nae's rhyhorn

Ekans acids until dead

Haunter shadow ballz


Action 4 explore safari zone again

Rhyhorn lv 11

Exeggcute lv 12

Exeggcute lv 17


bulba lv 14 - wrecks rhyhorn in 2 hits. Takes out about half of lv 12 Exeggcute's HP

ekans 10 - Beats the lv 12 Exeggcute with 2 HP remaining! Then dies to the big one.

haunter 26 (hadn't evolved yet) - one shots Exeggcute


Bulba gains 2 levels. Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur!

Ekans gains 4 levels

Haunter gains 1 level


You gain $387.


You go exploring again and find...


Ekans lv 12

Lapras lv 19 

Rhyhorn lv 11

Edited by Ptyrell
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9 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

I’ll throw balls at the Level 20 Bellsprout to try to upgrade. Failing that, I’ll have Bellsprout push psychedelics on it until it passes out, and then I’ll have Eevee finish it off.


Then, regardless of the above outcome, have Eevee murder the Level 14 Bellsprout 

Bellsprout lv 20

Pikachu lv 11 - ran away

Bellsprout lv 14 

(Exp Share on magikarp)


You catch the lv 20 Bellsprout on the first try!


Eevee murders the lv 14 Bellsprout, wipes off its prints, and flees the crime scene.


Magikarp gains 2 levels. Magikarp evolves into Gyarados!


You gain $112.

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8 hours ago, Doomsday said:


Kadabra wastes both Koffings easily with Psybeam. 


Exeggcute can finish Gastly with a combination of the two moves. 

Koffing lv 20

Koffing lv 13

Gastly lv 10


Kadabra and Exeggcute destroy them all the while staring at a spoon.

Kadabra gains 3 levels

Exeggcute gains 1 level


You gain $366

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8 hours ago, Berocka said:

Use Geodude Rock attack on Ponyta, then Growlithe lv 20 then the lesser growlithe, if he faints use Rhyhorn Rock attack, if he faints use charmander tackle

Ponyta lv 10

Growlithe lv 12

Growlithe lv 20


Geodude lv 15

Rhyhorn lv 11


Geodude takes out Ponyta in 2 hits and the first Growlithe in 4 hits



Geodude gains 3 levels

Charmander gains 5 levels.


Charmander evolves into Charmeleon!


You gain $374

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6 hours ago, Berocka said:

@Ptyrell Can I also use the rare candy on Charmander (if this applies before the fight use scratch)

Sorry I saw this after. Feel free to edit your post if it hasn't been processed yet. Your Charmander gained max levels, so actually worked out better that you didn't use the rare candy.

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4 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Pokeball on exeggcute, followed by great balls

Abra same after.


If balls run out, i will provide battle instructions

Eevee lv 14


Exeggcute lv 15 - first pokeball!

Abra lv 18 - first pokeball! wow you've got some good aim.


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