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Has Jruutu fallen off?


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Famous VHL member Jruutu has formerly made waves in the forum community with his excellent "exposee" style articles bringing attention to important issues in the league. However, his recent forum activity has cast doubt amongst community members if Jruutu is bringing the same heat as he once was. Instead of changing attention to the most prominent issues - such as legendary articles "Most likely GM's to step down?", and "Analyzing comments", Jruutu is hitting the same chords that have been in the mainstream for many seasons. His articles this week were discussing the lack of updates being approved on Tuesday morning, where the queue is generally hovering around one hundred as the week has just begun. This "problem" has been discussed ad nauseam since I joined the VHL over ten seasons ago. His media spot was a criticism on how the recent hybrid build system has created the same "meta problem" as before, as if people were going to suddenly forget the 3 season period dominated by high scoring, low passing players and not build their players around them.


These issues beg the question - has Jruutu fallen off? His fan base (me included) has become disenfranchised with his lack of new content and this can be seen evident as their recent transition to becoming Joey Pizza fans. Only the future will tell if Jruutu can bounce back to being an influential VHL member again, or if his legacy will be dragged through the mud in future seasons.

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Honestly I was a bit underwhelmed this week. His .com article only gave me a quick chuckle and there weren’t enough angry VHLers in the comments. Sad to say it but I think you’re right. I hope Ruutu can bounce back to his prime days soon.

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This is outrageous! Just because I sing the "classics" does not mean I am never going back to the studio to create new material.


6 hours ago, Frank said:

@jRuutu I leave for a few years and you break bad. I'll always remember Fabio Jokinen fondly. 

All that is left is his superiorly talented, but still worse, maybe relative, Erlantz Jokinen.


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