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Town of Pallet #2


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1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:


You bought 3 great balls for 540 


You encounter:

Geodude 14
Gastly 16
Geodude 18


Bellsprout vs lv.14 Geodude. Uses Vine Whip until it's down.

Then we take on the lv.18 Geodude. Uses Vine Whip until it's down. Then we take on the Gastly with more Vine Whips.

Whenever Bellsprout inevitably faints, Charmeleon will pick up the slack with Flamethrower.


If I calc'd right, we should be gucci.

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1 hour ago, Spartan said:

Fight the lvl 13 Scyther with Pursuit

Use 2 pokeballs on Bellsprout, fight with Pursuit if both aren't successful

Use 2 great balls on lvl 17 scyther, then pokeballs until success

You catch the Bellsprout on the first throw!


Level 17 Scyther continues not to have any of your guys' shit however, as it evades both your Great balls and all 7 of your remaining Pokeballs. 😬 Would you like to use more balls, or tangle with the bug using Gastly and Bellsprout?


I'll wait for the fate of this Scyther before the fight with the other Scyther. TECHNICALLY catches should be resolved before fights.


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4 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:


You encounter:



Axew 17
Axew 18
Mimikyu 15

@Alexthat lv 17 Axew is still hanging around btw with 3 HP. Your Zorua lost but you can still finish it off with the new Axew or Mimikyu and gain levels and some $$$

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1 minute ago, Ptyrell said:

@Alexthat lv 17 Axew is still hanging around btw with 3 HP. Your Zorua lost but you can still finish it off with the new Axew or Mimikyu and gain levels and some $$$

use the new Axew and dragon claw please, sorry I didn't know

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3 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

You catch the Bellsprout on the first throw!


Level 17 Scyther continues not to have any of your guys' shit however, as it evades both your Great balls and all 7 of your remaining Pokeballs. 😬 Would you like to use more balls, or tangle with the bug using Gastly and Bellsprout?


I'll wait for the fate of this Scyther before the fight with the other Scyther. TECHNICALLY catches should be resolved before fights.


Wtf this Scyther better be the pokemon version of Jesus


Use the great balls to success

Then go bonk the other lvl 13 Scyther until it dies (with Pursuit)

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1 hour ago, ctots said:

Nurse Joy is feeling confident after collecting a trio of pokemon from Route 1, time to capitalize on this momentum and set sights on a different area of exploration!


Action 3 - Explore Mt. Moon

You encounter some rocky bois:


Onix 16
Onix 16
Larvitar 18


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47 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

As you park out by the Lake (80 miles from Sante Fe), you find:



Grubbin 16
Sneasel 16
Sneasel 18


Don't ask me why the left and right borders didn't copy as well.

Scizor equips Amulet Coin and attacks Sneasel 18 and 16

When faints Honedge takes over  and attacks with fury cutter.

Honedge attacks Grubbin with Aerial Ace. 


If they faint, hold for further actions

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1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

go shopping buy 4 greatballs 


action 4: go back to my fave city Goldenrod city and bring with you your Raikou luck charm 🤞

You find a great deal on greatballs, but forget your coupons at home!


In Goldenrod city you set out looking for Raikou. Instead you find...


Eevee lv 18

Eevee lv 14

Meowth lv 14


Two Eevees is a decent consolation prize right?


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22 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

You encounter some rocky bois:



Onix 16
Onix 16
Larvitar 18


Let's capture larvitar by any means necessary (pokeballs first, then great ball, ultra ball if needed)


If any pokeballs are left after trying to catch larvitar, attempt catching level 16 onix.


Bulbasaur will vine whip the remaining onix (or 2).

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2 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You find a great deal on greatballs, but forget your coupons at home!


In Goldenrod city you set out looking for Raikou. Instead you find...


Eevee lv 18

Eevee lv 14

Meowth lv 14


Two Eevees is a decent consolation prize right?


catch both eevees with greatballs 


Fight Meowth with Riolu double kick

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43 minutes ago, McWolf said:


Bellsprout vs lv.14 Geodude. Uses Vine Whip until it's down.

Then we take on the lv.18 Geodude. Uses Vine Whip until it's down. Then we take on the Gastly with more Vine Whips.

Whenever Bellsprout inevitably faints, Charmeleon will pick up the slack with Flamethrower.


If I calc'd right, we should be gucci.

Geodude 14
Gastly 16
Geodude 18


Bellsprout does some fancy vine whippery on the rock pile and takes out both! It survives with 3.5 HP, and Gastly finishes it off. If the first Geodude had used Rock Throw instead of Tackle, the Bellsprout might have lost to the second Geodude!


Charmeleon gives no Fs and takes out Gastly.


Bellsprout gains 5 levels

Charmeleon gains 2 levels

You gain $301


Bellsprout evolves into Weepinbell!


angry fight GIF

Edited by Ptyrell
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49 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Zorua knocks the sheep's block off in two hits. It has 21.7 hp remaining.

^Zorua should be lvl 17 now correct? 3rd action is now complete (Grubbin caught, Syther caught, Wooloo died)


Action #4: work

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40 minutes ago, Spartan said:

Wtf this Scyther better be the pokemon version of Jesus


Use the great balls to success

Then go bonk the other lvl 13 Scyther until it dies (with Pursuit)

Your next Greatball works!


You then send out Gastly to take out this pimpsqueek Scyther.


Scyther uses Wing Attack twice and Gastly goes down! Scyther has 34 HP left.


Would you like to send Bellsprout out next for the slaughter, or use your new Scyther?


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Just now, Ptyrell said:

Your next Greatball works!

Fire Elmo GIF


Just now, Ptyrell said:

You then send out Gastly to take out this pimpsqueek Scyther.

  Hide contents

Scyther uses Wing Attack twice and Gastly goes down! Scyther has 34 HP left.


Would you like to send Bellsprout out next for the slaughter, or use your new Scyther?


Staring Episode 2 GIF by The Office


Give me some Scyther on Scyther action please, Wing Attack it to death

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38 minutes ago, Gustav said:

Work x2


Buy an Old Rod and explore Mt. Moon.

You spend half the day up to your waist in the river catching fish with your bare hands and earn $1149.


Exhausted, you decide you'd better buy a fishing rod for next time. Unfortunately they only have an Old Rod in stock, and the guy upcharges you $100 for it!!


On your way back to the river, you decide you don't actually like fishing and go exploring some caves instead. You find...

Ponyta 14
Litwick 16
Poliwag 15
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