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ToS2: Sign Up


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*Becomes more dedicated to various real-life commitments*


*Devotes less time to sim leagues*


*Gets COVID*


Shit. I'm back I guess.



For the first time ever in our realm of sim sports leagues, we're going to play a little bit of Town of Salem 2. If you're new, stupid, or otherwise unfamiliar, ToS2 is a spin-off of Town of Salem, which we've played exclusively up to this point (and so, as far as I know, has everyone else on forums). We're going to try ToS2 here, and if it's successful, we'll probably integrate it as a game mode!


The rules that we will consider official are here.

I word this the way I do because some cases require modifications to run on the forum. Also, ToS2 isn't as well-documented as ToS, so we might be running with some mechanics that differ from reality. For our purposes, what's in those rules goes and whatever isn't might just need to be a judgment call.


PLEASE PLAY TRIVIA THIS TIME. I intentionally made it easy because I want you to look over the rules and answering some easy questions will help with your understanding.


The link to trivia is here.


Let's make this fun! I'd like to start this up Friday, so I have something to do while I'm trapped at home--so sign up quick.

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