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Should CoC Violations be Allowed if it's Funny?


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Back in the recreate wave, one fine upstanding user by the name of @Dil did a little funny and created a character by the name of "Shut Up Ruutu" (still shows up in the index as that too). Sure, telling someone to shut up may not be very nice, but the discourse that was spawned by it was quite amusing to say the least. It was not overly abusive per-say, honestly quite tame in terms of "going after someone". But eventually, the name was forced to be changed to a more acceptable "Rainbow Colours", which, under context, is still pretty funny, but it loses that blunt charm that the original had. Ruutu is a big boy, I think he can handle a funny name at his expense that he will likely rarely see on a regular basis. I doubt having a name telling someone to shut up will cause that much distress amongst the league. But the big big piece of it all, was that it was kind of funny. I can understand blatant harassment of a user is a huge no no and whatnot, but this? I doubt many people would be too upset with this. If it’s done in good faith, then I see no issue with it. If people want to openly insult me or whatever on the forum, feel free. I won’t be mad, so long as it’s funny. 🙂

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