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Claimed:Laichly Rift's Pajodcast Episode 103 - Spoiler Alert!


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We recorded this late last night. Jericho and Chris join me to discuss Kesler as GM, his new trades, end of the playoffs, congratulating Riga, ranking/looking at World Cup Teams. We also spoil Borderlands, Interstellar, Dexter, and a few other things in random references. So enjoy that. :P 


If you click the link you'll find out that Devise is nothing but a biased piece of shit who votes his friends for everything. PPS: I'm perfectly okay posting that little subtext because I know Sterling doesn't listen to this shit. :P:cheers: 

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That's because GAA is a team stat based upon a goaltenders SV% and the total number of shots a team gives up.


I don't agree with that statement at all. New York was just as gifted of a defensive and offensive team in S39. Yet Wahl was average to awful all over the board. A goalie still has to execute on a great team. New York is good regardless, but GAA is just like any other statistic. There are cases in STHS where it is a legit stat, and cases when it is inflated. Just like SV%, Goals, Assists, Hits, SB. Pretty much all stats can both be realistic of a players performance and over inflated due to a team/other circumstances. 

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I don't agree with that statement at all. New York was just as gifted of a defensive and offensive team in S39. Yet Wahl was average to awful all over the board. A goalie still has to execute on a great team. New York is good regardless, but GAA is just like any other statistic. There are cases in STHS where it is a legit stat, and cases when it is inflated. Just like SV%, Goals, Assists, Hits, SB. Pretty much all stats can both be realistic of a players performance and over inflated due to a team/other circumstances. 


Goalie A saves 9 of 10 shots for a SV% of .9 and a GAA of 1.00.


Goalie B saves 18 of 20 shots for a SV% of .9 and a GAA of 2.00.


Did one goalie perform better than the other?

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Goalie A saves 9 of 10 shots for a SV% of .9 and a GAA of 1.00.


Goalie B saves 18 of 20 shots for a SV% of .9 and a GAA of 2.00.


Did one goalie perform better than the other?


A sample size of a single game to determine how good a goalie is? Wow. Come on. 


How about this?


Brick Wahl faced 1567 shots.

Mike Szatkowski Jr faced 1706 shots.


Wahl finished on the season with a .926 save percentage and a 1.80 goals against average.

Szatkowski Jr finished with a 0.924 save percentage and a 2.02 goals against average.


Did one goalie play better than the other? Certainly. You can also argue the same by the way for save percentage. Strange how the goalie on top of the league faced nearly a thousand more shots than the rest of the goalies he's in contention with for SV%. 


At the end of the day, in the case of a player like Wahl, New York let in the least amount of goals in the league. They rocked 3 defenders this year, yeah people forget they lost Zadorov. After Conner Low there was a serious drop off in defensive talent. Further proven by the fact that the Americans were not the best team in the league in shots against. They gave up on average of 24.44 a game, best for 4th in the league. Helsinki was first by the way, probably explains Salo's great GAA being inflated. But not Wahls. 


In this case I don't see how Wahls GAA is over inflated or influenced by team performance. His team was good and so was he. Hell even the Wranglers faced less shots a game than New York and look how Brookside did? Just because your team block shots doesn't mean you play good. You still have to play good!

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I just picked the my example above out of convenience. Also not sure where NYA or Wahl comes into this, as I was responding to Jericho's thing about Bratislava.


Oh! :P Well my argument will stand as a measure of how GAA can still be a legitimate stat. It has proven to be in seasons. There are times when it is suspect and times when it isn't. 

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The intro was quiet, the devise started slowly so I turned the volume up.....I'm an idiot.


Be thankful it was quiet for you, the 'pews' severely damaged my eardrums/IQ

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Yeah I'm a piece of shit, get over it 


Yeah so am I, Tesla and Vlasis were the two studs from S38.


Also I wanna say the behind the scenes stuff that went on between me and boubabi certainly changed the value and only we know it. But obviously no one else will know.

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