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This just in:




Insofar as the mechanics of your role go in this game, at least. I hope that's good enough for some of you to get over those intrusive thoughts of yours.


It's time for yet ANOTHER round of Town of Salem! Perhaps the league's higher-ups hope that with every death in this game, my motivation to be here dies a little bit too--but they could not be farther from the truth. Town of Salem isn't the constant it was years ago, but there is also no reason to say that I do not still run it.


Case in point--Game 31. Let's get going.



I have executive-ordered this game to be STANDARD MAFIA, after a few circumstances of its setup made that make a lot of sense. Your role list is as follows:


















Your player list is also as follows, and there are 15 of you:



@Da Trifecta















Tell me if you didn't get your role or if I otherwise screwed this up.



Now, on to our fabled copy-paste. As per usual, if you'd like to complain that you can't read it because you're in light mode, I will plastinate your body and make it permanently salute me when I come home from work every day.


Rules are here

The wiki is here





-I'm going with my usual starting and ending times as a general guideline: WHENEVER THE HELL I WAKE UP marks the start of each day phase, and 10 PM EST marks the start of each night phase. Those will be the times that I'll aim for, but, officially, the start of one phase and the end of another comes whenever I make the announcement. You'll be pinged. I will do my best to give out expected announcement times, but I reserve the right to kick off any phase at any time.


-No talking in this thread during night phases. That goes for everybody, regardless of role. I have no power to lock this thread at night, and there's no official penalty for talking in here at night, but if you see one of your fellow citizens doing so, please yell at them for me. I CAN LOCK THE THREAD AT NIGHT, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! If for some reason I forget, or if you have mod powers and can comment in locked threads, please keep the "no talking" rule in mind anyway.


-Do not edit posts. I've been relaxed about not yelling at people who have, but editing is a sneaky way to take out potentially incriminating information. If you say something stupid, too bad. Don't change it.


-If you are reasonably able to be online at the start of the night phases, please make an effort to do so. The JAILOR (if there is a Jailor) is able to speak with you in their own Discord channel at night, and that is when I will put the Jailor's target in said channel. If it is within your power to do so and doesn't present a huge inconvenience, please be online when the night phase starts and please join the server out of respect for the Jailor and their time. If you know you won't be around at the start of the night phase, it might be helpful to give me a message to forward to the Jailor during the day phase should you be placed in jail that night.


-DO NOT PM ANYBODY. All communication must happen in this thread, unless you have already received an invite to a Discord server where you may speak as well. If you haven't, keep everything here. Should you wish to contact someone directly, too bad! Whispers don't exist in this format.


-STAY ACTIVE. If you do go two day and night phases in a row without speaking in public, speaking in a private Discord, or sending me a night action (or specifically telling me you do not want to take a night action), I will swing the Mighty Gustav Hammer of Death. You do not want the Mighty Gustav Hammer of Death, and neither does anybody on your side.


-NO ROLES ARE OFF THE TABLE. If you play the online game, you may be familiar with a Classic mode being the default, where many of the newer roles are not used. In these games, if the evil faction is the Mafia, ALL roles which are not members of the Coven may be used, and vice versa. This includes Any All and Town Traitor.


-Last but not least, friendly reminder that no discussion relevant to this game in particular is allowed in the #general channel of the game server while this game is running.


-Just kidding! Actually last but not least--IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK YOUR DISCORD CHANNEL FOR NOTIFICATIONS PRIOR TO EACH DAY PHASE. It might not end well for you if you don't!


-And last but not least for the third time, if you choose to change a night action, please, please, send a new message rather than editing your old one. I've missed changes because of this before as an edit doesn't give me any sort of notification if I've already seen and missed the first one...so make sure I've got it right by separating your submissions!

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Remember the rules folks ,


If Ricer dies, vote eagles

If ricer sneezes, jail eagles

If Eagles is confirmed mayor, kill him if ricer says so


* I am not claiming mayor, and any actions happening to ricer doesn’t automatically means it’s me. We have a truce and I’ll treat him like anyone else in the game lol

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6 hours ago, eaglesfan036 said:

Remember the rules folks ,


If Ricer dies, vote eagles

If ricer sneezes, jail eagles

If Eagles is confirmed mayor, kill him if ricer says so


* I am not claiming mayor, and any actions happening to ricer doesn’t automatically means it’s me. We have a truce and I’ll treat him like anyone else in the game lol

Best Friends Friend GIF by PermissionIO

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  • Gustav locked this topic

The sun goes down in Salem for the first time in months. Even Wawa is closed--here, it's so those who live near Wawas in real life can watch the Eagles play underwhelmingly tonight, but the idea that the town may begin to eat itself instead of a sub is also enough to keep its population at home.


And for the first time in months, a VHLer may die. Get those actions in and hope for the best.


Gustav will likely have things started up at 9-something (Eastern) tomorrow.



List of living players (15)



@Da Trifecta













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Gustav is back, at 9:something, exactly as promised.


Gustav also has to get to work soon and will skip trying to be exciting.


Night 1 has taken us to some fun places. It's taken @Doomsday to one of the least fun places of all, though--he was killed by the MAFIA last night.


Doom was...


...a JESTER.


Do with this morning what you will, and I'll see you later.



List of living players (14)



@Da Trifecta













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  • Gustav unlocked this topic
1 minute ago, Adrest245 said:

Rip no jester win

Im not totally sold on him being jester. Jailor never told me who they were but were hinting at who they were. I thought it might be doom but I could be wrong

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16 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Im not totally sold on him being jester. Jailor never told me who they were but were hinting at who they were. I thought it might be doom but I could be wrong


Why would you be told?

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23 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Cuz I asked? 


If it's night 1 and you were the first one jailed, how would the jailor know who's who?

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