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28 minutes ago, jhatty8 said:

@Advantage if you wanna end it now vote me, if you wanna keep it going then vote GLU


votw goodleftundone


Pretty much this.


Vote jhatty

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39 minutes ago, jhatty8 said:

Adrest is a terrorist for vaguely mentioning that glu is the mafioso and never saying it again

Banger, we all hate @Adrest245

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By the time these threads get to the point where we're killing a confirmed good guy, they're usually pretty quiet.


This was no different. Usually, Town being wrecked happens a little bit later than Night 1.


Unknowingly to Town, @Doomsday was the JAILOR who did, in fact, jail @Ricer13 on that first night. By chance, the MAFIA came for Doom immediately.


On Night 2, Town lost three of its members. After the most important Town role fell on N1, the second-most important--MAYOR @LucyXpher--was taken out by @NSG the JUGGERNAUT.


With half of Town out immediately, including its two largest fighting chances of winning and both Protective roles, it was essentially all we could do to watch our thread turn quiet and uneventful while evils sorted themselves out.


We conclude our game with a fairly expected, but still allowed for, choice to lynch @jhatty8, the Town's last remaining citizen. Given that there is no more Salem left to Town, I think I get to acknowledge Hatty's refusal to adopt the new role names--he was an ESCORT.


However quiet this game may have been, I sincerely hope that you had fun playing it, and that you learned a lot and would come back if it was your first time trying. As always, thank you so much for signing up! As long as I can bring you a fun time, I will never consider it work.




@Advantage - PIRATE

@Da Trifecta - PSYCHIC

@Doomsday - JAILOR

@eaglesfan036 - VAMPIRE

@GoodLeftUndone - MAFIOSO

@jhatty8 - TAVERN KEEPER

@Lemorse7 - DOCTOR

@LucyXpher - MAYOR



@omgitshim - GODFATHER

@Ricer13 - AMBUSHER

@SleepyPlayz - FORGER

@Spartan  - SPY --> VAMPIRE

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And somehow, because I SOMEHOW forgot to mention the winners...




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