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Jardy's Fucking Retirecast: Episode One


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Fuck you. Unless I'm a favourite member

ofc not. But I do praise you for being a far superior simmer.



Before I listen, which Neil Young song and which brand of beer?

My My, Hey Hey. And Pilsner.


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Good listen. Was listening with the rental car's bluetooth feature from my phone and had trouble getting a good audio level from my end, was in the process of turning up the volume very loud when you must have moved your mic or something, because it caused me to jump in my seat :lol:

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Only just got around to listening to this. The things I've noticed to comment on:


1. For some reason it's odd for me to think of myself as one of the few S1 guys left. I keep thinking there are a lot of us but there really aren't.

2. We're the same age? Odd, never thought of it haha.

3. Holy shit, you've been here 5 years? I remember when you first joined. Fuck,  how long have I been here haha

4. Do the thing in Quebec and then swing by the maritimes. I'm sure we can put together a VHL meet up with all us maritimers. Myself, Draper, I think at least 1 or 2 others are in NS. There used to be like 4 of us in Moncton so who knows who's still around haha

5. I still love you Jardy, we just never talk because I never see you on chat haha


I'll have to listen to episode 2 tomorrow when I'm back checking archives again

Edited by Beketov
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