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Is it hard to make playoffs in the VHL?


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Is it?


I can't remember a time where a team missed playoffs who were expected to be a shoe-in at the beginning of the season. Generally speaking, I can't really remember off the top of my head a team who missed playoffs who even wanted to be there. 


It seems like there is a definitive cycle for rebuilds, and teams/GM's are super self aware and realistic with their season's expectations. The lotto adjustment which gave every team who missed playoffs an equal 25% chance to win, is certainly eliminating the incentive to be the worst team in the league - but it has also eliminated the chase to get into playoffs. 


There is no doubt, the VHL still suffers from a form of tanking. With the way the next draft is looking, I'm going to predict we have this same issue going forward. It feels like there are always two teams in each conference who feel their window of opportunity is shortened, and enter a rebuild.


Is there a solution? I don't think, I think it's a product of our system. Teams are only able to build around 3-4 players, who really only get 2-3 prime years. It makes the window to be competitive very small and very fragile.. It is the safer route to tank, and that's why I doubt we will ever see a good Playoff race in the foreseeable future, with the current structure of our league.

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GMs try to accelerate rebuilds instead of competing an extra season or two. There is upsets in the playoffs all the time and once you make them anything can happen. It's all on the GMs.

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I actually find it interesting that teams that are rebuilding actually have some players on them. Look at a team like New York, Riga, Calgary and even Helsinki has Harumpf. But they all have players on their teams that are active and are even in their prime. Maybe as more players enter the league second round picks can actually be legitimate VHLers and teams wont have to do the whole rebuild for a few seasons.


Also I guess Davos wanted to make the playoffs last season and didnt.

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Both in like year two of a rebuild.. They were both hardly shoe-ins before the season.,

Oh well that will never happen that a guaranteed shoe in misses the playoffs. Theres only one factor here and it's sim. There's no unpredictability of injuries, chemistry, or melt downs etc. like in NHL.

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When I took over for Riga back in S27 er S28 (damn something like that) I actually took over a team that had traded away all its draft picks.  That meant that we didn't have our own picks to worry about or wanting to miss the playoffs.  At the same time the team was dealing with Free Agents leaving, old players, and basically set for going into a rebuild.  I started the rebuild but then signed as many free agents (inactives & edgar) as I could to try to win anyway since we didn't have our own draft picks.


That is the only scenario other than trying to keep your couple rookie/sophomore players interested and active to try and win.  The only ways to create the playoff race atmosphere based on the nature of the VHL is to have the playoff crossover, add more teams, or decrease the number of playoff teams.


I'm not saying any of these are good ideas but to me its the only way to make a run to the playoffs more interesting.


1) Crossover would prevent that natural 3rd team in each conference that sometimes limps into the playoffs.  It would also make that 4th team in a stacked conference prolong starting the rebuild since they could make the playoffs after.  We used crossover in the past with success.


2) Adding more teams could potentially spread the talent if the cap was lowered to create each team having 1 to 1.5 solid lines among more teams.


3) Reducing the number of playoff teams would make the 2nd/3rd seed now no guarantee see Toronto/Seattle this season for instance.  Regardless of the final outcome Seattle was ahead of Toronto all season after trades Toronto pulled ahead.  If 3 spots weren't guaranteed Seattle could have done some shenanigans to counter knowing a playoff spot wasn't guaranteed.

Edited by Mike
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I actually find it interesting that teams that are rebuilding actually have some players on them. Look at a team like New York, Riga, Calgary and even Helsinki has Harumpf. But they all have players on their teams that are active and are even in their prime. Maybe as more players enter the league second round picks can actually be legitimate VHLers and teams wont have to do the whole rebuild for a few seasons.


Also I guess Davos wanted to make the playoffs last season and didnt.

This seasons draft class is the exception, not the norm. Usually a second round pick can need one year of grooming in the VHLM after being drafted and then come up. However, don't take this years crop as the norm. Next year already has plenty of buzz and names set up for the second round.


I think what Jamie said is the most accurate. It pretty much is on the GM's.

Edited by Kendrick
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the fuck is this supposed to mean jamie 

What she is saying is instead of contending one extra year, they attempt a rebuild but then accelerate it with acquiring players when their team isn't ready. Thus they make it challenging to stay on top, because they think rebuilding is the only way to get back there when they can simply just remain there.

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