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Claimed:The VHL-an outsider's perspective [Essentially Reviewed]


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Now, before I start this I just wanted to say that I don't really know if this earns me TPE or not but honestly that's not the reason I'm writing this. I didn't really know where else to put something like this and this seemed like the only reasonable place. If it earns me TPE, great, if not, that's fine too. I just wanted to give my take on the VHL from someone who joined a few days ago, hasn't really done much but look around and hasn't even seen a single game take place because it's the off-season. Anyway, enough with the disclaimer, let's jump right in.



an outsiders perspective by: snake3001


Considering the recruitment drive currently taking place, I'm writing this to give more of an in depth look at what someone who just clicked on the site for the first time might think. I'll give my pros and cons of not just the league but of first impressions I got when entering the league as well as what has since convinced me that I will probably become a long term member of this site


First Impressions

This is the one point where it's a little hard for me to come at this from a purely unbiased point. I had been looking for a good hockey simulator league where I didn't have to wait months to join for awhile. My first impressions of this site, however, were a little mixed I'll admit. I was very excited to find a site like this and was pleasantly surprised that the 'create a player' heading I clicked led me not only to a forum where I could create a player, but also to many links that would help me get involved in, what I could already tell, was a very complex site. I watched the video but didn't really enjoy it or find it too overly helpful. It was a bit long and drawn out and I found it easier reading the articles that were posted for new recruits but I suppose it might be helpful to more of a visual learner though it was a little outdated. The articles that people had written were extremely helpful however. Though they didn't answer all my questions, and actually ended up giving me new ones, they were engaging and made me want to find the answers to those questions I had. It was late at night though, so I browsed a bit but could tell that there was a lot going on that I would need to really focus to get (mainly the TPE system) so I went to bed.


Second, Third, Fourth....Impressions

When I started really reading the new player articles I was a little frustrated that some of the links were bad and took me nowhere but it was fairly easy to find what I needed to. The thing that helped me the most was How to get Started Long Version which was very clearly laid out and helped me to understand what the league was all about. My next problem was the TPE system. How to get Started Long Version helped me kind of understand what I could do week by week and some of the early 'graded' uncapped TPE I could earn but that's where it started getting tough. Some of the articles I looked at were graded and unclaimed while others were claimed but not graded and others were neither or both. I admit that I'm still a little confused on that front but this is where one of my favourite things about the site comes into play. The tightly knit community is always great to see but they everyone has seemed very helpful and open. Obviously the articles I read said to ask the GMs or commissioners and they would be more than happy to help but I assumed this was just kind of the customary things that everyone says. But even some of the high end people on this site have been very helpful to my many questions which is always great to see and be apart of.


So far I think I will much enjoy being a art of this site. I think there are some getting started articles that could use some updating as well as the video could be updated and the TPE system should be broken down more so as to not scare off new members by its complexity. Also, the TPE uncapped and graded article system is very confusing to me and could use some clarification. Though, some extra bonuses that I wasn't expecting were the addition of All-star teams, a minor league, some international play, a hall of fame. All these things are what are going to get people to start. The community gets them to stay.

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For starters, yes, this will earn you 6 TPE :P


There was a major change to the grading system last year in which formal "grades" are no longer needed. My guess is that some of the new member orientation articles were missed and not updated. In the past, you would submit a point task (like above) and the point task would be "formally" graded. Once graded, you would be able to claim your TPE for your player. Now, you can claim the TPE as soon as you post it, and a member of the point task team will come through and "review" your point task. They'll give you some feedback and basically make sure that the point task isn't just some random gibberish or a 5 second paint drawing.



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  • Admin

This has been really helpful, I'm glad you've left your feedback. I wish more new members told us about their first impressions.


I did a very quick run through some of the threads in that forum a few weeks ago to make sure they weren't too outdated but the New Member Guide section probably needs a bit more work and I didn't really have the time to read through it.


The point about earning TPE and the TPE scale is very fair. It's actually a remarkably simple system, which hasn't changed much since 2007, but if we make that very clear it can only be helpful.

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3 hours ago, Victor said:

This has been really helpful, I'm glad you've left your feedback. I wish more new members told us about their first impressions.


I did a very quick run through some of the threads in that forum a few weeks ago to make sure they weren't too outdated but the New Member Guide section probably needs a bit more work and I didn't really have the time to read through it.


The point about earning TPE and the TPE scale is very fair. It's actually a remarkably simple system, which hasn't changed much since 2007, but if we make that very clear it can only be helpful.


Maybe we found a mini me :P i wasnt afraid to voice my opinion when i started either 


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2 hours ago, snake3001 said:

makes sense. Especially considering I don't have either yet

lol, yeah some of the questions on there were 'Has your GM been helpful to you?' and stuff like that. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to answer if you don't have a GM.

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