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S48 - Brampton/Bratislava


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To Brampton - 

S49 Bratislava 1st

S50 Bratislava 2nd


To Bratislava - 

G - Sven Wolf

LW - Alokin Alset

S50 Brampton 3rd


Yeah, we know what you're thinking. That's one hell of a fucking price for a waiver claimed goalie. It's a little crazy - some may call it steep. This is what I call it..


We're currently 28-5-1 and are chancing our luck at repeating and defending our title. Along with that, we're on a 12 game winning streak. We lost some strong players last season but still have a solid core. The other conference will be a difficult opponent but we wish to defend our title. We say challenge accepted. What we're missing is a goalie.We're doing this amazing without one - I think adding a 92 TPE goalie will give us another boost.


Another crazy fact that I just noticed, we've scored the most goals and let in the least in the league. Neat!


Evidently, next season the rebuild begins! But for one last year, the Watchmen will try and be #1. I want to give my group of guys one last run!



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I knew I wasn't going to compete this season. This is the season where I take my time and understand the sim engine. This is a pretty good return for a player has been on the team for a minimal amount of time, so anytime I can get that I need to jump at the chance. 



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5 minutes ago, Daniel said:

1st and 2nd for an inactive and a waiver claim?! Evans is a god amongst VHLM GMs

Essentially, top 3 players in ANY VHLM draft are theoretically the same as "waiver" players. Their amount of TPE is so high, their main purpose is one season in the league and to help a team compete. There's a reason certain teams didn't want high picks last season.


Thus, Sven Wolf is a high end pick. He's very similar to any other waiver player that plays half a season, gets drafted again and is done. So we took an early step and got him in his first half season rather than last full. We're 28-5-1 and on a 12 game winning streak without a goalie. I want my boys to win a cup - not finish 2nd. At the end of the day, it's about them - not me. If we're doing the best in the league without a goalie, I'm excited to add a 92 TPE and climbing quickly goalie to our roster.


Evan is rebuilding. I'm looking to win my second cup in a row. Essentially, he scratched my back as no other team is really moving a goalie and I scratched his by helping him be a stronger team in the following years (while I rebuild). Once you hoist a cup, come talk. In the meantime, let me try and win my boys a 2nd championship in a row. :);) 

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3 minutes ago, Banackock said:

Essentially, top 3 players in ANY VHLM draft are theoretically the same as "waiver" players. Their amount of TPE is so high, their main purpose is one season in the league and to help a team compete. There's a reason certain teams didn't want high picks last season.


Thus, Sven Wolf is a high end pick. He's very similar to any other waiver player that plays half a season, gets drafted again and is done. So we took an early step and got him in his first half season rather than last full. We're 28-5-1 and on a 12 game winning streak without a goalie. I want my boys to win a cup - not finish 2nd. At the end of the day, it's about them - not me. If we're doing the best in the league without a goalie, I'm excited to add a 92 TPE and climbing quickly goalie to our roster.


Evan is rebuilding. I'm looking to win my second cup in a row. Essentially, he scratched my back as no other team is really moving a goalie and I scratched his by helping him be a stronger team in the following years (while I rebuild). Once you hoist a cup, come talk. In the meantime, let me try and win my boys a 2nd championship in a row. :);) 

I respect the balls in going all in again, worked for you last season so why not give it another shot 

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15 hours ago, Banackock said:

Who are youuu?


Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system


He's posting from the afterlife

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2 hours ago, Green said:


Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system


He's posting from the afterlife


At least someone made the connection. wooooowooooo creepy ghost thinnnngs. 


But srs Bananananacock, I'm disappointed in you.

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