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2013-2014 NHL Discussion Thread


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Feaster and Weisbrod fired... Not sure how I feel about this, will be nice getting a guy who can actually assess talent but Weisbrod had done good. 



I just don't want Burke and his ego being GM.

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1 regulation lost in last 17 games.. Lost that regulation game with 30 seconds left, damn you Calgary... DAMN YOU!

they didn't look all that great last night but like most great teams they found a way.....


Jones is on fire right now, toronto should of had 4 or 5 last night 

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I probably would have gone 20-25, but I've always been a proponent of longer suspensions.


I agree with you there. I thought 20 was the perfect number, but knew that if it was 25 or 15 I'd still be alright with it. If it was as low as 10 though I'd likely have a problem. Interesting to note that if it got higher I likely wouldn't of cared...like 50 games even...

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For anyone who cares, the refs in the STL v CBJ game can suck a dick.  There's been 44 minutes of penalties in 40 minutes of play.  About two of the minors have actually be justified, and these refs are destroying any flow in the game

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not really. Flyers missed multiple chances.


The shot totals were insane. Oilers had no business being in that game given how little offense they actually produced. They had like what 16 shots all game? Byrz was easily the best Oiler on the ice. 

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The shot totals were insane. Oilers had no business being in that game given how little offense they actually produced. They had like what 16 shots all game? Byrz was easily the best Oiler on the ice. 


Not really saying much :D


I didn't think Bryz was bad or anything, but I was cracking up during the shoot out. Giroux's goal and Bryz's reactions after each goal during the game just about sum up his entire time in Philly.

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Wow !


Carolina had 10 powerplays and fucking 3 5-on-3. EDIT : And 1 4-on-3 (in regulation)


Montreal had a 3-0 lead and they lost 5-4 in OT. Fucking refereeing in this league , it's unbelievable !

Edited by FueledByRamen
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Wow !


Carolina had 10 powerplays and fucking 3 5-on-3. EDIT : And 1 4-on-3 (in regulation)


Montreal had a 3-0 lead and they lost 5-4 in OT. Fucking refereeing in this league , it's unbelievable !

Not to be an asshole, but if it's a penalty shouldnt it be called?

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I didn't expressed myself well..


They were calling everything for the Canes. They missed a lot of penalties on Carolina's side that were obvious, but called really little ones for Montreal. It was really all over the place. I'm not whining about the loss.. Even with a 3-0 lead , Habs didn't deserved the win , Carey Price did. Therrien like to have a 1-0 ; 2-0 lead and decide to just defend himself and give 35-40 shots to Carey Price and Peter Budaj.


I watch a lot of other teams also and the referees , often , are pure crap. I understand that you can call a lot of penalties during a game , if they're deserved , but giving 3 5-on-3 to one team during a game?

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How in the blue hell do the Caps outshoot a team 30-11 and lose 5-3? 5 goals on 11 shots? Even if some of them were defensive breakdowns that can't happen. Dominating a game like that and losing is flat out an embarrassment. 

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Luongo injured because of constantly getting run over. Similar things happening tonight to lack and not a damn thing being done about it. I rarely complain about reffing out of all the canucks fans who do but this is stupid. The safety of players is on the line and the refs don't seem to give a shit. We have a 42 year old hockey store manager as our backup right now for gods sake.

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Doesn't help that our team does fuck all if our goalies get run over. Teams around the league have no respect for the Canucks, time for them to man the fuck up and push back.

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