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We lost them too soon. PC


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My activity hasn't been the strongest lately, but it's all due to summer. I've been going out almost every weekend, and had a 2 week vacation a couple of weeks ago. Lots of sun and boating, and trying to get PTs done before the weekend, when usually I save PTs for the weekend. :lol:



Obviously like everyone else I wish there was more activity, even in my LR. It's been okay but everyone has life things and the core members of this league have been around for awhile and are only getting older and fill their days up with other things, including family. It only makes sense.

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33 minutes ago, Higgins said:

lots of pussy out there, everyone taking advantage




So what your saying is Draper started a trend? :P 


Also just an idea maybe but I think expanding some of our admin CP roles would go a long way in allowing more people to step in or up when people get busy in real lives. Obviously we had a back up simmer in Smarch go down just when Jardy also got busy, but realistically we also have Corco who can sim, Higgins who can sim. The fact that we don't have a decent process in place other than just rely on a few people and if they don't show up  nothing happens could potentially change. I know it would seem weird to have 4 or 5 simmers and trying to figure out pay, but let's be real the priority is to keep the site going day to day right. 


Same could be said of Blue Team or off-season responsibilities. Some of the work is just organization of dates/times and posting that officially for people to know when we gather. Others parts is just getting award ballots and HoF ballots posted. There is no reason to think any member of a little bigger Blue Team couldn't be able to step in to fill shoes on some of those responsibilities if needed. 

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1 hour ago, Higgins said:



It seems simple, but if someone helps a tad just getting me familiar with it, I can help out with:




Simming (I bought it to create a gm league. no idea what to do though lol).


@JardyB10 can't be tied down to swimming every sim for the next 20 seasons. That's too much. We need 2 simmers.

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7 minutes ago, Banackock said:

It seems simple, but if someone helps a tad just getting me familiar with it, I can help out with:




Simming (I bought it to create a gm league. no idea what to do though lol).


@JardyB10 can't be tied down to swimming every sim for the next 20 seasons. That's too much. We need 2 simmers.


You can do sinning and I'll do financing

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15 minutes ago, Banackock said:

It seems simple, but if someone helps a tad just getting me familiar with it, I can help out with:




Simming (I bought it to create a gm league. no idea what to do though lol).


@JardyB10 can't be tied down to swimming every sim for the next 20 seasons. That's too much. We need 2 simmers.


I heard @JardyB10 could beat Phelps out there, truth. 


Also we did have two simmers.....remember how Smarch was back up simmer? Yeah we handled this already, it's just I don't think it was accounted for the reality that even a single back up could go down. All of this wouldn't matter if Higgins consistent simming wasn't wasted in the VHLM either...I'm just saying. We have technically 3 simmers right now counting Higgins, and Corco is also learning to sim and is simming games, he's handling the All Time Roster stuff. So, that puts us at 4. It's just about having the go ahead and team in place to know who replaces who when someone isn't showing up to sim. 

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50 minutes ago, Devise said:


So what your saying is Draper started a trend? :P 


Also just an idea maybe but I think expanding some of our admin CP roles would go a long way in allowing more people to step in or up when people get busy in real lives. Obviously we had a back up simmer in Smarch go down just when Jardy also got busy, but realistically we also have Corco who can sim, Higgins who can sim. The fact that we don't have a decent process in place other than just rely on a few people and if they don't show up  nothing happens could potentially change. I know it would seem weird to have 4 or 5 simmers and trying to figure out pay, but let's be real the priority is to keep the site going day to day right. 


Same could be said of Blue Team or off-season responsibilities. Some of the work is just organization of dates/times and posting that officially for people to know when we gather. Others parts is just getting award ballots and HoF ballots posted. There is no reason to think any member of a little bigger Blue Team couldn't be able to step in to fill shoes on some of those responsibilities if needed. 


I've never simmed, but from the brief time I looked into it, having multiple simmers (as in 3-4+ instead of the 2 for each league) could run into problems of using/overwriting the correct file. Someone with more experience can chime in and correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I have in my head.


Regarding off-season responsibilities, don't see why that needs to be a Blue Team thing. The BoG can easily step in and help if need by. It's not like either group gets paid for the work anyway. 

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Just now, punkhippie said:


Go try and reproduce first. 

There is honestly no need for that. Seriously, you have to be pretty fucked in the head to actually think that's a respectable thing to say to anyone. But to say it to someone who has lost a kid, that's absolutely insane. Give your head a shake.

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2 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

There is honestly no need for that. Seriously, you have to be pretty fucked in the head to actually think that's a respectable thing to say to anyone. But to say it to someone who has lost a kid, that's absolutely insane. Give your head a shake.


Suck it Kendrick. 

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Just now, punkhippie said:


Suck it Kendrick. 

You can hate me all you want, but to take a jab at someones personal life and their family like that. That speaks volumes about your knee jerk reactions. Completely classless.

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Just now, Kendrick said:

You can hate me all you want, but to take a jab at someones personal life and their family like that. That speaks volumes about your knee jerk reactions. Completely classless.


How about you born in Canada guy check out your grammar. First "sentence" that ended with a period and with "like that" is a total fucking fragment. Just like your life. It's a fragment, because it's missing one of the ancestor, the current generation, and the offspring. 

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1 minute ago, Kendrick said:

Because he already went at me with it. It's low and unnecessary regardless of how much you despise someone.


I meant the fact that it happened. Was he aware of the loss prior to his comment yesterday, or was it a lucky remark that you confirmed?

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Just now, BOOM said:


I meant the fact that it happened. Was he aware of the loss prior to his comment yesterday, or was it a lucky remark that you confirmed?

It was a personal shot that actually hit the nail on the head. It's the reason you don't touch peoples personal lives on a sim league

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1 minute ago, punkhippie said:


How about you born in Canada guy check out your grammar. First "sentence" that ended with a period and with "like that" is a total fucking fragment. Just like your life. It's a fragment, because it's missing one of the ancestor, the current generation, and the offspring. 

Why do you keep digging the hole? So much anger.

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Just now, Kendrick said:

It was a personal shot that actually hit the nail on the head. It's the reason you don't touch peoples personal lives on a sim league


Not too hard to hit when you got a big head. It's  like trying to play tag with your mama.

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