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Ranking the fav VHL teams again.

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*too lazy*



Someone mentioned yesterday about members writing trash 500 word articles without a meaning to just get 6 TPE. I guess, this MS is the perfect case, I really don't know what to write about and I need max TPE for Centis. So here are my fav team rankings: the S61 edition. If I recall correctly I already did two same themed articles in past so you can call this Vol.3. I think it's obvious Riga is getting a #1 spot so let's better look at #8 to #2 teams.



#8 YkbcAci.png&key=2f5bbd72699cdc149e836a80


The first two teams are ranked at these spots because I never player for them and only interraction I had are trade talks with their GM's. Also, I didn't like that team from the start for an unknown reason...until S47 NA finals came. Then they beat S52-53 Seattle (with Petenis on their roster) as well which made me hate this team even more. Now I don't really care about NY, but it's not enough to move them from the last place.


#7 GV7gz6D.png&key=f15340b743a0d3f1c4b02125


Another team I never played for. Was fun to play against them when Boubs was here, but now I don't know what more can I say about this team. Like they have a skillful GM...and that's it.


#6 S3UYplM.png&key=bb0080572b896adac239a9e2


This team was meh for me until Bana drafted me and then the fun started. I think I even put them at #2 spot last time. But for now, Seattle probably is the main rival team for Riga so this team goes back to a second half of rankings. Maybe some day they will rise up again, but not when I'm the GM.


#5 qMyydOu.png&key=ec179e10cc9c6810b619ba65


I only played like half season for them with Petenis so I still don't know this team much. But I always kinda liked them even when they beat Riga in S56. Also, having Tyler as their GM makes me like them even more. So even a #5 spot doesn't means shit here, likeable team for me.


#4 ZsXsIWu.png&key=2ad449ca6625f843b5cf7d8a


Was interesting to play under Eagles in that only season. Still fuck NY and thing. I never played for this team after that though so Calgary won't be a TOP 3 team this time, but also I'm not having issues with this squad.


#3 kbDfIPB.png&key=9de04dd41cad7484aaf4ad3b


More close team for me. Was playing for the Meute under two first players and had some success under them. It lowkey was the team that made me look at this league more with making the playoffs in S45 although it was a fringe contending. The only thing I'm salty about is Frank putting Petenis in waivers, that wasn't pretty for me.


#2 Cm8DD5l.png&key=687143c034ef739ade265c47


Toronto is still very high in my rankings. First real success in this league, cool GM, nice memories. I had a little rivalry with them in S58, but in overall I'm still fond of the Legion. I guess this is for the long time.


#1 ttuFXuQ.png&key=81e3354ef73b79a96c709226


''I think it's obvious Riga is getting a #1 spot''. Any questions?


Fun fact: Riga was always a bottom five team for me before I became a GM. But I don't think I'll ever will put the Reign lower than #1 - memories about a GM'ing period won't allow me to do that.



That's it and I'm out.


6 TPE goes to Centis.

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28 minutes ago, hedgehog337 said:


#8 YkbcAci.png&key=2f5bbd72699cdc149e836a80


The first two teams are ranked at these spots because I never player for them and only interraction I had are trade talks with their GM's. Also, I didn't like that team from the start for an unknown reason...until S47 NA finals came. Then they beat S52-53 Seattle (with Petenis on their roster) as well which made me hate this team even more. Now I don't really care about NY, but it's not enough to move them from the last place.


I wonder who the GM of those guys were...



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