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Claimed:The Grading Problem

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  • Head Moderator

I don't know why grading requirements for graders was ever reduced in the first place, it is a way to consistently have positions available for new members to get involved.  Reducing the amount of grades required for points and auto-locking point tasks seems pointless to me.  They are extra points and are way too easy to obtain now, especially with auto-locking 6's where graphic graders can simply say "yes" twice and be done with it.



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Sounds like an easy way out instead of just hiring more people.

if you hire too many people, some never get to grade and leave. there's always only a handful of active graders and when they struggle/get bored with their incredibly shitty job, we have problems.

I don't know what a second grade will give someone who already got a 6/6. We've already established getting a 6/6 on graphics is reserved for actual great people who don't need criticism to improve.

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I've gotten a 6/6 once since the one grade rule, and I honestly felt cheated. I post all of my sigs in the Graphics/Design forum, but usually the feedback is limited to "dooooope" from Kesler and a few other remarks. The only place to get guaranteed feedback is in the Point Tasks forum. There's no reason that GFX graders can't keep up with doing two grades, since so few 6/6s are given out anyway.

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Tell me what they like? Why, in this sig, did I get a 6 instead of another sig? And the second person can just as easily disagree and offer some advice for improvement.

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  • Head Moderator

if you hire too many people, some never get to grade and leave. there's always only a handful of active graders and when they struggle/get bored with their incredibly shitty job, we have problems.

I don't know what a second grade will give someone who already got a 6/6. We've already established getting a 6/6 on graphics is reserved for actual great people who don't need criticism to improve.


1). It's called darwinism.  7 points are easy enough to get around here with a little effort, don't make the extra 2 points that separate the best from the rest a cake walk.  I had no problem firing bums who didn't do their work when I was a head grader, you just have to create a competitive atmosphere.


2). This is a shot in the dark but unless that 'actual great people' list is established you will always have conflicts of interest because graders are a dime a dozen, and they don't know any better.  There will probably be conflict of interest regardless of how that fleshes out.  It is one grade and one opinion; it should not be assumed that it is how everyone views the point task.

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Tell me what they like? Why, in this sig, did I get a 6 instead of another sig? And the second person can just as easily disagree and offer some advice for improvement.


I look at every sig posted in cnc but rarely feel I have the expertise to give advice to people who are obviously better then me. I can try but I'll feel stupid saying it.

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Content: 3/3 - When it comes to grading, it's very black and white with media spots. Either it has 450 words or it doesn't. It has good grammar or it doesn't. It has pictures/colors or it doesn't. With graphics, it suddenly turns into a gray area, something much more subjective. That's where the multitude of different grades come in: the grader's opinions have far more effects on the final grade.
For clarity's sake, when grading score for grammar, I will allow one error per 100 words. I don't think it's reasonable for a 500 word article and a 1,000 word article to be given the same amount of mistakes before being docked. I've really only had to dock for grammar a handful of times, as the writers in this league do a pretty good job with it (and yes, I meticulously check for errors).
Additionally, the simming problem does not begin and end with Jardy. I've always wondered, why is it always on Jardy? Why does no one help? Seems to me it isn't quite as simple as just blaming Jardy.
Grammar: 2/2 - 
nobody is quite sure what to expect from grades = nobody is quite sure what to expect from graders (?)
Appearance: 1/1 - You made graphs. Of course it's a free point.
Overall: 6/6 - Leaving this unlocked to allow further discussion.
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Something I just remembered as I was looking through this thread again is that someone (potentially 808, but I'm not positive) suggested allowing TPE to be earned similar to a fan590 for actual constructive CnC in that part of the forum. This could fix the "problem" of the auto 6 lock for graphics and offer an alternative to a PC.

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"Give members an alternative to writing Fan590s. Giving QUALITY CNC (3 sentences or points or 60 words(not repeating if someone has already commented) on 3-5 graphics in the general graphics section for 1 TPE. This way people will actually comment and give CNC for people that need to improve. Could help the site as a whole. If the idea gets a good reception here I'll post to the main forum."

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How would that help? Then grading just turns into a mess of who's opinion is more valid.

Also flyersfan it was me. I'll post the original thread wording in my next post.


I meant for the CNC thing. Just to verify to make sure people aren't claiming TPE for saying "nice sig".

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