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Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference


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Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 August 11th:

1. How does it feel to return to or be drafted by the Reapers for this upcoming S95?

2. Which player drafted has the best chance of being the team's MVP?


3. What's the biggest hole GM Iceman needs to address for this team to find success?

4. What stat line would you feel means your player had a good season?

5. If Philly could acquire any current FA or player from another team, who would be your top pick for the Front Office to invest in adding?

6. Is a crepe just a glorified pancake, and why do we need fancier pancakes when the OG is so good on it own?

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Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 August 18th:

1. The further last week's discussion of crepes... is almond milk actually just better than actual cow's milk?

2. What is your dream VHL team to join if you had free will and weren't bound by a draft?

3. Where do you predict Philly ends up in the standings at the end of the season?

4. What team is going to be our top rivals this season in the VHLM?

5. Is Keon Jeannot proud of his son, Jackson Jeannot, for acing the Reapers interview and getting drafted to the franchise legend's alum?

6. What locker room pranks have you pulled and on which teammates or members of team staff?

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1. Well personally I don’t think any type of milk beats cow milk but almond milk does go better in smoothies.

2. If I had to choose one team to play for I would pick New York. That is where dad played and it is a organization that was very nice and kind to him through his years there.

3. I hope we can be higher in the standings this year but we still have a very young team so I can’t be sure where we will finish

4. I don’t know who our rivals might be. Geological it could be Ottawa or Mississauga but as a rookie I don’t know players on these teams.

5. I would think my dad is proud of me being drafted here. From what I remember he loved his time in Philly and it hurt when he eventually had to leave to advance his career.

6. Now locket room pranks I have done a few but I won’t say who but I filled somebody’s stick with water before a practice and another I put hot sauce in his water bottle

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Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 August 18th:

1. The further last week's discussion of crepes... is almond milk actually just better than actual cow's milk?
Dude cows milk is always going to be better than any nut based milk. I don't even know how this is a question. The flavor profile is a lot better, and sweeter. Almond milk is by far way too nutty to even be considered milk and it's part of the greater vegan agenda to eradicate basic carnivore practices.

2. What is your dream VHL team to join if you had free will and weren't bound by a draft?
Probably London. Got a lot of really good memories from former players from there and would love to be part of a new history with them.

3. Where do you predict Philly ends up in the standings at the end of the season?
Probably 4th or 5th. We're a developing team and other teams are closer to the rim when it comes to cup contention.

4. What team is going to be our top rivals this season in the VHLM?
I don't know about the team but Halifax is my personal rival. That's a squad that I used to play for in my inaugural season and would love to tear them a new one.

5. Is Keon Jeannot proud of his son, Jackson Jeannot, for acing the Reapers interview and getting drafted to the franchise legend's alum?

Not unless he wins a championship. 

6. What locker room pranks have you pulled and on which teammates or members of team staff?
I shoved our GM into a locker and played friday on repeat until he made me the 1st line center for the team. 


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Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 August 18th:

1. How does it feel to return to or be drafted by the Reapers for this upcoming S95?

2. Which player drafted has the best chance of being the team's MVP?


3. What's the biggest hole GM Iceman needs to address for this team to find success?

4. What stat line would you feel means your player had a good season?

5. If Philly could acquire any current player from another team, who would be your top pick for the Front Office to invest in adding?

6. Is a crepe just a glorified pancake, and why do we need fancier pancakes when the OG is so good on it own?

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1. I haven't been drafted by the Phillies I chose to be here. It feels good, there's a lot of potential on the team and if we all group up together and trust the coaching and training staff I think we have a good shot at going deep in the playoffs.

2. Our goalie, Ricer, honestly has been standing on his head in the sims. I don't know what it is but he's got an insane 9.12 and 2.39 GAA on a .500 team. Like those stats are insane, plus he has a shutout. Unbelievable. 

3. We have a huge gap on defense right now and you can tell scoring opportunities and stopping them is difficult for us. It's mitigated a little by the amount of defensive coverage we get on the forwards but even having one more defenseman that can just be the guy and play 30 minutes a game would help win us a lot of games. 

4. For me I'm using assists as a marker. A lot of teams, including this one, have really heavy scoring forwards but not a lot of puck movers to take advantage of them. If my player can end the season with more than a PPG, and moreso more than a APG, then I'd be ecstatic with his performance.

5. Las Vegas have a pretty weak team and one extra defenseman that would likely be involved in a trade. Likely Manuel Ceson is a good target as he's got really good growth and Las Vegas likely won't make a deep playoff run. Besides, they need a lot of help on forwards and one prospect could turn that around for them for next year. 

6. Honestly yeah crepes are over rated. Like nothing beats a tall stack of pancakes. There were these Japanese style pancakes in Calgary I really liked and I honestly forgot the name of it but every time I went I cleaned my plate which is super not like me. 

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1. It feels very nice to be here in Philly. Dad brought me here a few times after he retired from New York

2. Goalie. In the games we have played He has kept us in the game and has allowed us to win a game

3. with a thin d core I would say that defence is something we really need to improve to give rice a easier night in net

4. the only stat line in seeking to be better is have more than 62 points. Assist or goals don’t matter but having more then my dad would make debating fun

5. Well it depends on if we go for a championship this year or a piece for next year. If we go for this year either groenvold could be a good pick and if it is next year maybe amnon or Erhardt might be good options.

6. well a crepe and a pancake are similar but have a big enough difference in my opinion to be fine existing abs being made.


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On 8/12/2024 at 6:26 AM, Pifferfish said:

Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 August 18th:

1. How does it feel to return to or be drafted by the Reapers for this upcoming S95?

2. Which player drafted has the best chance of being the team's MVP?


3. What's the biggest hole GM Iceman needs to address for this team to find success?

4. What stat line would you feel means your player had a good season?

5. If Philly could acquire any current player from another team, who would be your top pick for the Front Office to invest in adding?

6. Is a crepe just a glorified pancake, and why do we need fancier pancakes when the OG is so good on it own?


1. I am very excited about this season and am honored to be with the Reapers.


2. That is a tough one.  I am hoping it is me, but it will probably be You're Not Fucking Retiring.


3. I would have to say that we are pretty light on defense. Adam Joy and Leifr Eiriksson are holding down the fort, but I think they need some players to spread out the load.


4. Being a goal scorer, I think that goals are important, but plus/minus is probably 


5. I don't really know who I would say since I have not done any scouting, but check out answer #3 for where we should be looking.


6. Crepes are much more than thin pancakes.  They are like tortillas that taste like pancakes that you can fill with stuff.

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Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 Week of 9/02


1. The team is hovering atop the East Conference in the VHLM, do we finish #1 by the time it's all said and done?


2. Trade deadline approaching, anyone in the league we should target heavily?


3. Who needs to step up their game to another level to get us to a cup, even if they are playing really good already?


4. What's the preparation like for you as the season progresses, are we working harder to stay at peak readiness or taking it easy to stay rested for the incoming playoffs?


5. How do the fans in your player's home country feel about your player whenever they pop back home?


6. What is the BEST TV Show of all time?

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On 8/26/2024 at 8:41 AM, Pifferfish said:

Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 Week of 9/02


1. The team is hovering atop the East Conference in the VHLM, do we finish #1 by the time it's all said and done?


2. Trade deadline approaching, anyone in the league we should target heavily?


3. Who needs to step up their game to another level to get us to a cup, even if they are playing really good already?


4. What's the preparation like for you as the season progresses, are we working harder to stay at peak readiness or taking it easy to stay rested for the incoming playoffs?


5. How do the fans in your player's home country feel about your player whenever they pop back home?


6. What is the BEST TV Show of all time?


1. That would be pretty sweet, but the race is tough with only a few points separating the top 3 teams. I think we can do it.


2. To tell you the truth, I am pretty focused on our team and don't know who is out there. That being said, I think we have a pretty solid team.


3. I would put myself on the shortlist for needing to step up.  I have been playing well, but I can do better.


4. I would say it is a combination of both. I think right now, it is just staying focused on completing the season.


5. Being from a small town, everyone knows who you are.  As I have been progressing in my career, the fan base is growing and the support is definitely there.


6. I love comedies that can be serious as well, so I would have to say SCRUBS.

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On 8/26/2024 at 9:41 AM, Pifferfish said:

Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 Week of 9/02


1. The team is hovering atop the East Conference in the VHLM, do we finish #1 by the time it's all said and done?


2. Trade deadline approaching, anyone in the league we should target heavily?


3. Who needs to step up their game to another level to get us to a cup, even if they are playing really good already?


4. What's the preparation like for you as the season progresses, are we working harder to stay at peak readiness or taking it easy to stay rested for the incoming playoffs?


5. How do the fans in your player's home country feel about your player whenever they pop back home?


6. What is the BEST TV Show of all time?

1. We should 100% be in the top 2 at least, we have some strong earners with good builds that should keep us locked in at the top contending spots in the Conference.

2. Honestly, we need depth on the defense. I know we made a move for a goalie since this was written post trade deadline but I'm pretty happy with the moves we made and I think we have a good chance moving into the last part of the season.

3. I would challenge my player to continue his pace. We rely on him for his playmaking and defensive abilities. These are integral to the outlook of our roster so far, and his success ties directly to the success of the team.

4. Regular season means nothing. Cups are all that matters. Get rested, stay healthy, prep for playoffs. Champions are always remembered.

5. Germans really are indifferent about Jakobs. He had played in the DEL in the past and already had a reputation, but his career had failed there so there's not that great of a good look. 

6. Sponge bob has an incredibly deep and lasting cultural relevance that very few tv shows can capture. Sponge bob is more relevant now than the majority of film and tv right now.

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