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Recruiting Random Thots


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Ditto to Sterling's recent XM Radio.


- Reddit has been great so far from what I've seen.

- Any graphics communities out there we haven't tapped? we've got a lot of people here now that are damn good. we have kind of stopped advertising the fact that all of our logos are domestically made.

- still no video like 2 years after our recruitment leader (i think it was beketov) said he was going to put one down

- Facebook and Twitter have YET to work. Don't know if that's a lack of focus on it, but it flat out has brought ZERO recruits.

- A lot of recruits come from players that have returned from previous players that have gone inactive (JBlaze, b_ran, etc.) ... guys like that. Should we focus more on re-recruitment of old users and retention of current players?

- Onboarding should be a big part of recruitment.

- VHLM Mag is big - focus new recruits attention to that. Maybe add a link to the VHL Mag forum and VHLM Mag forum in the introductory PM? Also, someone bring back my draftee rankings. I got a ton of PMs for that. I don't have time for it unfortunately.

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I approve on the VHLM Mag. The mag is a great way to do a spotlight on new members and it's good way to motivate. When I was in the VHLM, I was lucky to have an active locker room and being part of that helped a lot too.

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Facebook and Twitter arent gonna really work because many times i feel that people have to be actively searching to find it on those two social medias


I think bringing back ex-players is something big that we should try to focus on more.. we (the commissioners) have the emails for the people, so why not send something to them to hopefully generate their interest again. I plan to do this with a few of my inactives (i got there emails from the commissioners). New recruits, however, are also important so we should not lose focus on them either.




VHLM Mag and VHL Mag are something I really enjoy to read and look at. It is so cool and can definitely be used as a recruiting tool.

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Onboarding = when new members join, welcoming them in and teaching them about the league. What shit means, how to find it, etc. We do all that in our welcome PM, but even the smartest members that I've had chats with, I still am able to offer some good advice on how to earn TPE, what kind of situation they're in with their VHLM team, what they should aspire to over the next couple of seasons, etc.

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and having a html page for the render gallery could be cool too


That's what I'm saying. That would be fucking awesome. We would destroy SportzIn's NHL gallery. We definitely have the capability, we just need someone to give someone with HTML knowledge the AdminCP capabilities (I think).

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Onboarding = when new members join, welcoming them in and teaching them about the league. What shit means, how to find it, etc. We do all that in our welcome PM, but even the smartest members that I've had chats with, I still am able to offer some good advice on how to earn TPE, what kind of situation they're in with their VHLM team, what they should aspire to over the next couple of seasons, etc.


ah okay.. ya thats super important.. if something is too confusing or requires too much, ppl lose interest.. i try chatting to new recruits as soon as they join.. that way i can keep them active and into it. 


Just for example, with Darren Sharp (a new guy), as soon as i saw he was new and online, i immediately started talking with him, helped him get a player created and started, and i opened myself up for any questions he had now or in the future.



could we put on the cover of every VHL/VHLM mag the website address? should we consider looking into a domain? not sure how expensive those are, but www.vhl.com is a lot easier than www.vhlsim.invisionzone.com.


i think if we just linked the mags to our recruitment posts, it would help

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Sportzin gallery is a really basic html page


maybe i don't know the best cut gallery's, but what are some better ones? cut gallery's don't need really complex HTML, right? i haven't fucked with HTML in like 6 years.

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Facebook - This actually did bring a few former members back to the league.  It also helps in rare instances for a few random things like our site going down.  One of the main reasons it won't ever work to the extent it could though is we have to individually share VHL stuff with people on our own profiles.  Most people here probably aren't comfortable enough to share with their 100-300 random facebook friends about the VHL. 60 people on facebook share VHL info with a min of 100 friends thats over 6000 people getting exposed to the VHL.  


Twitter stuff - I don't think Twitter is really for us unless we had a real dedicated social media expert who could effectively chase down current popular trending and relevant tags.  We'd need to hook onto things like OOTP new release versions/NHL 2014 w/e game updates and various things like that.


Recruitment Video - We had a VHL contest to give away TPE for people to create recruitment content in the form of an inspiring cool hockey related video or a more informational VHL How to.  I think we had like 3 max entries.  It has always been a great idea but the truth is there is less than a handful of people in the VHL who can make a video worth using and they haven't done so and we can't blame them.  If it ever was made again it has to be used effectively.  On youtube everyone has to post comments on it and thumbs up it.


I was gonna respond to other stuff but I forgot so this is it for now.

Edited by Mike
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HTML is really easy to work with, I've been working with it for about 6 years now. With the right assistance, it could be an easy page to make, with really good crowds drawn it. I know it's supposed to be a hockey related site, but if it gets big, we expand sports, it's that simple. I don't mean add football or basketball to the sim league, but doing cuts will help substantially. 

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1. Twitter doesn't work because I can count on one hand the guys who use it (To those guys, I appreciate the help). To say lack of focus kind of speaks down upon the work I've tried to do.

2. Beketov did make a video, you just apparently weren't paying attention. 

3. Re-Recruits (A lot have come from me attacking our first board with PM's/Emails)


I think you guys really have to go look at my Recruitment Thread. It has links, resources and things for people to up vote. If people don't look in there, I might as stop it and just let the recruitment team figure their stuff out.

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Onboarding = when new members join, welcoming them in and teaching them about the league. What shit means, how to find it, etc. We do all that in our welcome PM, but even the smartest members that I've had chats with, I still am able to offer some good advice on how to earn TPE, what kind of situation they're in with their VHLM team, what they should aspire to over the next couple of seasons, etc.


I basically try to hold hands on my recruits if they want. Always let them know I am open for questions and if they want to be kept up to date with certain events (like S37 predictions PT) so they wont miss out on anything.


It slows down after a while, but I feel like it's a good thing for them. Had one of my recent recruits go past the 100 mark, it's a start :)

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2. Beketov did make a video, you just apparently weren't paying attention. 


Where's the video? Is it already dated? My guess is we haven't used it in 4 or 5 seasons already. We should avoid having things like # of seasons in there (unless that can be easily updated year to year), any reference to date, etc. I was probably the most active in the Recruitment Crew. Then I stopped as I got another job, and maybe missed it.


If you care to provide a link, let's see if it's cracked 100 views yet!

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