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Philly Gets Hit By the BanaHammer !


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Philly Gets Hit By the BanaHammer !

It should surprise no one that I, Blade, the Reapers GM has recently been caught in a scandal of sorts. Yup, you heard it right! It was recently discovered that I as a GM of 3 seasons did not catch that I was over the roster limit of 18 skaters and 2 goalies when I acquired two new hot waiver picks in Brock Louth @Beaviss & Benny Graves @STZ.  The commissioner in their infinite wisdom gave me 24 hours to fix myr roster and Required that I put into words just how magnificent one of our VHLM Commissioners are (as part of my punishment) !  I am going to state here that I am so thankful I was assigned which half of the best commissioning twosome in sims sports I would have to write my article of praise for. Otherwise, I really just don’t know how I would have ever chosen between the dynamic duo.

Here is a picture of my League Mugshot!


Reads: Katherine Blade, Reapers GM -Recruiting too many waivers #TooLoved -VHLM Prison, Warden Banckock @Banackock

Honoring The Greatest Living VHLM Dictator Banackock

As you know in general, I am opposed to ass kissing and ego boosting if I can avoid it. I am usually more likely to pop an ego then to pump one up. That being said in my short article today I will be shamelessly flattering you in ways I’m sure you didn’t even think were possible because as you know I would do anything for my Reapers and of course I just can no longer contain the flood of praise and undying devotion that are about to spring forth from my lips.

On February 19, 2014 something momentous happened in the VHL history that would forever change it’s future. Banackock, the most just and wise VHLM commissioner to ever breathe joined the VHL and started a cascade effect that is still being felt in the VHL as we know it today. He had been around for 5 years and has GMed for over 2.5 of them. If you are looking for a member who has stood the test of time and only become more involved in making the VHLM a better place, Bana is your man. He is one of the most dedicated and patient members on the site and if you are unsure of those facts you can just ask him and he will tell you. Yes our fearless VHLM leader is confident and not afraid to remind us all of the great work he does or of the time he puts in but who could blame him? This is a man that offered up his Easter dinner to monitor a VHLM Draft. Bana is known for his lighthearted sense of humor and responds Si more than any of our actual native Spanish speaking VHL members. As commissioner he has seen most of us GMs at our worst, myself especially, yet always has kind words and patience. He may not always agree with what I say but he always makes me feel heard and sometimes that is half the battle. Bana brings value to the VHLM by making the members feel valued and keeping the peace. When the GMs get fired up we know that Bana is speaking to us as a man that has been in our shoes and also feels passion for the team he GMs. I could not think of a better person to lead us than one who still experiences the ups and downs of GMing.  In case that wasn’t enough to get you all on #TeamBana you might want to consider that he is a dog owner and often shares pics of his delightful doggo on discord brightening up the lives of people who need a pick me up. 

Quotes that describe his leadership style:

Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. — Michael Scott (Steve Carell), The Office, Season 2: The Fight

I believe in benevolent dictatorship provided I am the dictator. Richard Branson

How to get on Bana’s Good side:

  • 1.       Follow the damn rules! (do as I say not as I do lol)
  • 2.       Accept that VHL Authorities have experience and usually know best
  • 3.       Acknowledge his hard work and actions. Don’t take what he does for granted.
  • 4.       Don’t Stir the Pot or air out VHLM dirty laundry in public
  • 5.       Tell him he has the cutest dog in the world, because he actually does!!
  • 6.       Don’t be afraid to pump up his ego, he loves it
  • 7.       Be down to kid around, Bana likes to have fun so make sure to include him! Commissioner like to let loose too!
  • 8.       He is also a chocolate lover and if you need to butter him up you can send him a few Kg of Mini Eggs and the man will love you forever!

In Conclusion

I could probably think of 100’s of ways Bana has made the VHLM a better place since he became commissioner. The league has grown exponentially, and he has helped that expansion to happen fairly seamlessly. If this hasn’t won you over yet for our illustrious VHLM Dictator I don’t know what will. I end with whether  it is on discord or the forum and you message Bana he will do his best to answer your questions and  there are many site members that will tell you that he has been a great support to them when they have gone though difficult times.

So here is to Bana; leader of the VHL Anna Kendrick cult, Chocolate addict, VHLM Dictator and a great man!

A Little Something Extra!

I’m going to add this picture here at the bottom for Bana’s enjoyment. It is a Doberman that was originally being shamed for eating a banana and a whole loaf of garlic bread and I turned it into my own meme of my GMing Shame.


1043 words I don’t get to claim or do I just get to subtract the 150 punishment words from it ? lol ? Can’t blame be for being who I am and looking for loop holes you know you love me Bana. At least I keep it interesting lol

@VHLM Commissioner


Edited by BladeMaiden
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7 hours ago, Nykonax said:

now write one about quik and youll get the vhl job

Not sure that is how the VHL hiring process works lol ? might be something @Jubo07 could do being on Helsinki he knows Quik the best out of any of the applicants.


1 hour ago, Banackock said:

Hehe, little Doberman (ours gets nana’s but I’d be tripping if she ate a whole loaf of garlic bread). 




My 2 dogs also love fruit and get bananas lol but ya i think i would flip if i saw they ate a whole loaf of garlic bread especially because mine only weigh about 12lbs each ? 

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17 hours ago, BladeMaiden said:
  • 8.       He is also a chocolate lover and if you need to butter him up you can send him a few Kg of Mini Eggs and the man will love you forever!


@Banackock which chocolate do you like, I need to mail some out to you

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1 minute ago, BladeMaiden said:


Send him these, like i said he is addicted to mini eggs :)  I know he likes other stuff too but this is top shelf stuff ;)


oof these are my kryptonite

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1 minute ago, fonziGG said:

oof these are my kryptonite


Join the club, I legit can be alone with a bag of them. They are dangerously good!!


If you taste in chocolate is any indicator of how good of a Gm you are going to be, you are destined for greatness lol

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