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2014 NHL Playoff Thread


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  • In game 1, Columbus had a 3-1 lead, but lost 4-3.
  • In game 2, Pittsburgh had a 3-1 lead, but lost 4-3 in 2OT.
  • In game 3, Columbus had a 3-1 lead, but lost 4-3.
  • In game 4, Pittsburgh had a 3-1 lead, but lost 4-3 in OT.

So.... Yeah.  :huh:

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Some teams are known for drafting only out of the OHL or drafting a ton of NCAA prospects, the Flyers are known for trading for/drafting red headed beards.

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Don't act like this series wasn't marred by inconsistent calls though.


Boubabi, take the rose coloured glasses off for a second. Just because Desharnais goes down, doesn't mean it's a penalty. Half the things that should've been called on the Habs weren't called, and the same for the Lightning. We aren't arguing that, we are arguing the consistency from the refs, if you can't understand that then you need to go look at replays. Both teams were getting away with tons, but then they call a very light penalty in the final 2 minutes? Seems rather silly.

boubabi ?

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Eh throwing out your top PP guys when your up 6-2 isn't something I'd consider to keep doing. LA is one of those teams you don't want to give motivation to. They will cheap shot you, run your goalie, injure you. They were talking about this earlier on CBC but this is one of those tough series that because of the nature of how motivated both teams are to play the physical game if this series goes deep it could hurt both teams chances of going deep in the playoffs. I'm not saying San Jose should of just let off, but after you get a big enough lead I'd of just played smarter is all. 


lol wtf?

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Please find me a list of suspensions for all LA Kings players, so I can see how dirty we are.


Jordan Nolan was suspended last month, wasn't he? Brown was last year and should've been again for the hit on Hertl. Suspensions aren't the only thing to judge, the NHL fucks up on those half the time. The Kings will run other team's goalies. The Kings do have people who play dirty. You're blind if you can't see this.

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Jordan Nolan was suspended last month, wasn't he? Brown was last year and should've been again for the hit on Hertl. Suspensions aren't the only thing to judge, the NHL fucks up on those half the time. The Kings will run other team's goalies. The Kings do have people who play dirty. You're blind if you can't see this.

Brown ran over Luu. little bastard. 

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Jordan Nolan was suspended last month, wasn't he? Brown was last year and should've been again for the hit on Hertl. Suspensions aren't the only thing to judge, the NHL fucks up on those half the time. The Kings will run other team's goalies. The Kings do have people who play dirty. You're blind if you can't see this.

Everyone has dirty players, that automatically makes them a dirty team? By this logic, Wild must be the dirtiest team in the NHL because they employ Matt Cooke. Also regards to the Brown/Hertl incident, have you seen all the angles? Pretty obvious it was just a collision. And this is coming from someone who HATES Brown as a Kings fan, guy is a turnover machine. Kopitar should have the C.

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You're blind by homerism if you don't think LA can be a dirty team at times. And I'm a neutral standing point cause I actually like the Kings.


If by dirty you mean physical? I guess. Dirty to me would be what Chicago was doing in Game 2, but I guess we have different perceptions. Obviously with a team that plays physical sometimes the line can be crossed, so I suppose I see what you mean. However, I don't think our players go out to intentionally hurt guys (Brown sometimes makes me think otherwise) so I wouldn't say we are supremely dirty.

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Granted most of the Kings play within the lines most nights. Brown is probably the one that is the dirtiest more often then not mostly because I can think of 4-5 real dirty plays from him alone from the top of my head lol. Nolan and Clifford sometimes are a little out of control too.

Edited by 8Ovechkin8
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