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Why the VHLM needs to change


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The VHLM has a big problem, it always has. Before was a reason a lack of players in the league. Now its issue? Free agent signings. We saw a huge wave of players big name guys recreate every year 2 times during the season due to how offseason works.  Frankly its a broken system, the Houston Bulls who had a ton of draft picks then went an got multiple players for free over 100TPE. Why, because the league doesn't dictate anything they would rather see half the league fail, because they can not sign anyone. And half the league just shit on the rest because of outdated systems from an era where the league had under 100 active members.


New players get to join the bad teams which may seem great, but is it really? Imagine being on Halifax with one win as a new player? Imagine not having anyone working their ass off like you to improve. So your results do not show up, because the team sucks. Chances are that can and HAS driven away many members. Discords for these teams, are silent which means even if you may want to stay, the other reason members stick around friends an fun convos are basically gone. I kept a teams LR despite being only barely active in discord because its me an my GMs in the hounds LR. Plus some guys who don't play for us so they are barely active in it The league needs to do something for one no team should own half the draft. Halifax next year will, a few teams this season did. It creates imbalance, personally the VHLM should not allow trades AT ALL or only able to trade 3rds and lower, or players for players. This means teams draft and those who pick best, compete those who don't win.


Second is putting a CAP on how many major recreates a team can sign for free. We saw a team last year sign everyone an become a contender instantly. This year it was the Bulls.  This means teams can't bank on all their friends recreating that season will join their team. An means we don't create a huge competitive advantage for anyone. Teams should be free to sign new members always because of course they are hit or miss. 


The VHLM is about having fun an its a short experience for everyone, but it also serves as a gate for new blood to this league. Having teams all on even ground, really does encourage new members sticking around. Having teams who could potentially win under double digits, and some who might not even have double digit losses does not do that imo. If i was a new member on the hounds id likely have quit by now an can not blame those who have on us. 


The fact is nothing will change, the VHLM really does not care.

We will continue too see the fluctuation of the league every year. Lose plenty of members because of it like we always do.

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15 minutes ago, Crstats23 said:

You say major recreates is that the people who join with over 100 TPE? Sorry I’m a first gen don’t understand some of the terms 


Ya they are guys who players careers are over, now they are on to new guys and they get carry over depending on how much they earned in their career

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8 minutes ago, STZ said:

I thought this change was announced.. I feel like I read that a week or so ago.


Nope, the changes were clarification on inactivity. An punishment for playing inactives over actives. An official can only own 3 firsts 3 2nds plus unlimited late rounder. Can trade 2 years worth of picks. 


Capping teams at 6 top picks doesnt balence anything. IMO should only be allowed to own 1 first and 1 2nd. 

Edited by Gooningitup
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42 minutes ago, Gooningitup said:


Nope, the changes were clarification on inactivity. An punishment for playing inactives over actives. An official can only own 3 firsts 3 2nds plus unlimited late rounder. Can trade 2 years worth of picks. 


Capping teams at 6 top picks doesnt balence anything. IMO should only be allowed to own 1 first and 1 2nd. 


Draft pick trading is the biggest reason for the roster imbalances in the VHLM. It used to be heavily restricted, but that was changed seasons ago for I'm not really sure why.


The re-create issue is less of an issue now with catch-up TPE. Those players can give you some depth, but they'll also take away from your top 6's playing time.

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5 minutes ago, flyersfan1453 said:


Draft pick trading is the biggest reason for the roster imbalances in the VHLM. It used to be heavily restricted, but that was changed seasons ago for I'm not really sure why.


The re-create issue is less of an issue now with catch-up TPE. Those players can give you some depth, but they'll also take away from your top 6's playing time.

I disagree. Draft pick trading allows teams to be heavily imbalanced, yes. That's the ebb and flow of a league with a hard cap. Restricting how strong a team can build for a specific season they choose makes teams rely even heavier on recreates/new players, which have shown to flock to one or two teams, causing a massive imbalance.

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This is the exact reason I didn't sign with Houston with my recreate this season. They offered me a contract and I saw how stacked their team already was and thought it would be completely unfair.

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I 100% agree. Back when I was VHLM Commish I implemented some sort of rule where teams could not own more than 3 1st round picks, and no more than 6 picks in the top 2 rounds. Not sure what happened to that, but I think it needs to be even more extreme:


No Draft Pick Trading Allowed - All teams keep their picks every season

Player for Player trades are allowed under any of the following exceptions:

Both players were drafted in the same round

Both players are at the VHLM tpe cap

Both players are within x amount of tpe of each other (say 30)

At VHLM Commish discretion (ie a player no longer wishes to be on a team anymore) 





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I was drafted by the Bulls in the 3rd round. Yes, we got resigned players. A lot of recreates that went to our team were guys that had left the league a while ago and were coming back. I can see where you're coming from with the frustration. There are seven teams out of twelve that are good. Having 58% of the league be actual cup contenders is a really good balance. And just like in real life, you're going to have teams that suck. You're also going to have a couple good players on those teams that suck. 


The issue stems from the volatility of the VHLM. The highest TPE players in the minors will only be there for two seasons at most. When one of those two seasons for a top player is dictated by being signed for free, I think we can agree there might be a problem. You can't force recreates to sign with bad teams, because then you're punishing them for staying in the league. Sure, you get like 40 or 60 TPE more than a first-gen (Which is a lot). It isn't enough to warrant ruining someones experience. 


Ideally, you have all of the possible playoff positions slotted with teams that can actually compete in them. Funnily enough there's a system that we can implement that won't need to limit draft picks. The cap system in the VHLM is a placeholder when it shouldn't be. Every player is currently signed to the same thing. First-Gens and recreates alike.


I propose two suggestions: 

  1. Recreates have a higher minimum signing amount depending on their starting TPE.
  2. You introduce a binary cap system where you introduce a new signing amount to recreates and keep the current amount for first-gen players. 

You can weigh in on the pros and cons of both implementations but something does need to change. As for the article itself, it was a great little thought experiment. It isn't every day that we get a view on how to change things from a first-gen perspective. But I think that forcing more teams to have more talent will make the league more competitive. Houston has an amazing GM, and Miami's GM did great work at the draft. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. 



Content: 7/10 I agree with the issue but not the solution. 

Flow: 10/10 No suggestions here

Format: 6/10 It was really blocky. Try colouring some words for effect and italicizing others, or bolding them. 


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