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Making the Las Vegas Aces Logo


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Making the Las Vegas Aces logo


With the Las Vegas logo being announced and the massive amount of support it’s gotten I figured it would be a cool idea to share the process in making it, and give an insight into some of the challenges we faced as well as some of the original designs.

I was first approached by Spartan about a month ago asking if I would help him create a new logo for Las Vegas. I was always bothered by how the logo at the time looked so I accepted and straight away got to work on coming up with a concept. Spartan had given me two ideas to work with, one he wanted the nighthawk jet incorporated into the design if possible, and two he wanted to keep the ace of spades. My original idea was to take this image

And turn it into the ace of spades using the body and the tail wings but I just couldn’t figure out a good way to do it plus the ace of spades would have had to be upside down. So my next idea was to have a bird-eye view of the plane and put an ace on it similar to the Winnipeg jets logo. The jets logo would be my inspiration moving forward. The original design looked like this,



(It's bad I know but it was the basic design that helped shaped the official one)

I wasn’t happy with how simple it looked so I added lines to the triangle and the jet to add some dimension and make it look less basic, that looked like this:-cN3zfHxu4Td9HfLpH7J5TJigqVinPuf_zA1rbQmQD-B3tqNLMNYk5TU3uEzItt-DeaGBf1It6wq8zEtcrJUxRSyihXEreLUVU3AhelzvRtV-LktkdGPORk0o03aToIiX-DclNjJ

I was pretty happy with how it turned out but felt like it needed something else to be added onto the sides because long vertical logos are a pain to put onto jerseys and make it look good, so I added a design on either side which in hindsight I have to admit was a bit much, I also added an A to make it similar to the original logo. And finally, I removed the club and heart which I’m not sure if that was a good idea but at the time the logo was busy enough already. That design looked like this,


I was happy with it so I sent it to spartan for some feedback. This is when it got a bit crazy, we went through around 40 different designs before nailing the one we wanted, and even more designs that I haven’t shown to anyone. So from this point onward I’ll just show the ones that were the most important ones in the process.

The next step was adding colour to the logo, Before I even started on the project we had to decide a colour scheme, Black was pretty much a given and white is easy to work with and it’s very hard to pull off a logo without it especially one incorporating dead space.
So we had to decide between green or yellow, four colours seemed like too much and would probably not look great on the logo, that’s not to say logos can’t have four colours but for the one we wanted it seemed like three would fit best.
I added a very subtle green that really you couldn’t see then sonnet added green into the diamond which we all agreed looked better.

                    Green            So little green you can’t even notice

Next up was the background or shape in the background. The lines on either side of the diamond just didn’t fit so we had to come up with an alternative It was discussed if we or should just keep it as a diamond and not include a background but I kept pushing for the background and eventually we came up with these two designs:


The one on the left looked way too much like a shoulder patch rather than a logo and so we decided to work on the one on the right and improve the stripes. Which lead to this design.OHLuVQHvwBmte9dwukptDfVzqZH8nGSKlvZ9TRGR5NYlCPZNa38mKmKBF2Ar5806-k6veNotpDAV5Fy1RepeXHr95l0j-rFjXdiaCzH2TPlvEiPmNsP4hgjAJe9e4AG1-WHWQAk2


Then we got feedback from the people in charge, the lines make it look like a tribal mask, not a plane. Change was needed so I adjusted the lines trying to make it look more like a plane sonnet also pitched in an idea for the lines on the plane.

    Mine                                                             Sonnet’s 


Two important changes happened here, sonnet added the line through the middle and I swapped the colour of the spade. Both would make it to the final design. I then added another suggestion, making the plane face upwards. The upward plane made it into the final design over the downward for two reasons. The first, It was easier to tell it was a plane, and second, when a plane is facing down it's considered to be crashing while one going upwards is considered flying.


Again people didn’t like the lines on the plane so after playing around trying a way to implement them we decided against them, Gorlab gave a suggestion to change the green to the felt green used on casino tables which was a great idea that we decided to use. The next step was to put it all together. Sonnet made the diamond that we decided to use and again the idea for just the diamond came up which again using this template sonnet held a vote for some criticism. 

We added minimal detail to a couple of them but it was pretty obvious that no detailing was the way to go. People thought that the casino chip was the way to go so we went into finalizing it I set up a a bunch of options to pick from.


#4 was the one picked and it got accepted almost immediately.

And that is how Las Vegas got it’s new logo.
I would like to give a huge thank you @Spartan for inviting me to work on this project and helped come up with the idea and gave criticism and @Sonnet who helped keep me on track and edit the logo, I doubt it would look even close to as good as it does now without their help. And another thank you to everyone else who helped work on this project.


1,037 words 5,349 characters

claiming weeks ending 06 and 13

Edited by Zetterberg
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10 minutes ago, Zetterberg said:

from the people in charge, the lines make it look like a tribal mask, not a plane.

I gave the same feedback haha.


11 minutes ago, Zetterberg said:

#3 was the one picked and it got accepted almost immediately.

And that is how Las Vegas got it’s new logo.

Isn't it number 4?

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