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Miami Marauders S73 Regular Season Awards


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       Another season has come and gone for the Miami Marauders and was it ever a season to remember for Miami. The team made the jump from finishing as the 8th seed the prior season to finishing the regular season as the number 1 team team in the league and then making it to the Founder's Cup Finals where they were edged out by the Minnesota Storm. Even though the season ended in heart break for Miami it was still one to remember and now has set the bar high for the franchise moving forward. 

      Now after having a chance to look back we will be handing out the season ending awards for the Miami Marauders. I want to congratulate all of the winners ahead of time as they are all very well deserved. Our first award goes to.....

The Lebastard Memorial Trophy

      This trophy is handed out to the Marauder who exemplifies what it means to be a leader on their team. They show that they are willing to put in the effort to not only be great on the ice but also off the ice. This player has shown throughout the season that through the highs and lows they believed we could push through anything. They worked hard to earn max TPE weekly and were a constant presence in the Miami locker room always engaging with team mates and management. Congratulate to the Lebastard Memorial Trophy winner... @Bacon!!! 




Dakota Lamb Award

      Next up is the award to the Marauders leading goal scorer for this season. For the second straight season the leading goal scorer for the Miami Marauders is Dakota Lamb @dlamb! He led the Marauders with 44 goals this season which is 7 more goals than his rookie season. He led the way on the scoresheet for forwards and worked hard to earn this award. Congratulations to Dakota Lamb!



Kosmo Kramerev Award

    While this team had quite a few top notch defensemen there was one that stood above the rest this season. The Kosmo Kramerev is awarded to the top defensemen for the Miami Marauders during the regular season. This award is given to the defensemen who shows elite skill at both ends of the ice. This season I am happy to announce that the recipient of the Kosmo Kramerev award is Matty Socks @fishy!!!!! Matty led the entire roster with 104 points this season which was 12 more than our next player Dakota Lamb at 92 points. Not only did Socks put up the points on a nightly basis his +/- was a + 54!!!!! Those are some insane statistics for what is soon to be an elite defensemen in the VHL! Congrats Matty Socks!


The Byrne

      This trophy is given to a waiver player who has shown to be a valuable member on the Miami roster. They have shown that they will come in and put the work in earning each and every week to help the team on the ice but also shows activity in the team locker room. This season Miami did not sign any waiver players as their roster was quite full so there will be no recipient this season.

Most Valuable Marauder


This is my favorite award given out each season. This award is given to the Marauder that is voted on by their peers to be the most valuable member of the Miami Marauders that season. This years winner clearly left a lasting impression with their performance on ice this season and was always involved in the locker room throughout the season. Congratulations once again to Matty Socks @fishy!!! This vote was close as their were many great individuals in Miami this season that I would consider MVM worthy and Matty was right at the top of the list.

The BigAL Trophy


      This is another favourite award of mine as it is awarded to the member of Miami that is chosen on by VHLM GM's who shows that they will be a valuable member to the VHL community throughout their careers. These are members that contribute to the league, locker rooms and are top earners. They are members that even GM's around the league recognize their activity and believe that they have bright futures ahead of them in this league. After collecting all of the GM's votes this award turned out to be a FOUR way tie!!! I could not believe it when I tallied the votes at the end but it goes to show how many amazing members Miami had on their roster this season and it goes to show the next generation of VHL talent is among the brightest and most involved we have seen in many seasons. So the winners of the BigAL Trophy for season 74 are Patrik Laine @PatrikLaine, Dakota Lamb @dlamb, Kevin King @IamMOOSE and Victor Grachev @KaleebtheMighty! Congratulations to all of you, the future of the VHL is bright with each of you being a part of it. 


Best Graphic

Each season I like to highlight the work that members have done throughout that season. There were a lot of graphics made this season so it was hard to choose just one but this one is a favorite of mine and I might be a little biased but the graphic is still quality work and deserved to be highlighted as the best graphic by a Miami Member this season. Congratulations to Kirishima Wakaro @Snussu for this Kris Rice Graphic.



Best Media Spot

For me this award was easy. There were lots of members who contributed Media Spots throughout the season and did a fantastic job writing them but this member stood above the rest. He was always writing articles updating us on his player throughout the season. He also writes for the VSN and does a very good job despite some controversial work. I could have highlighted any of his articles to put here but I will just post one for the viewers to read. Anyways, Congratulations to @PatrikLainefor writing the best Media Spot this season. Your work deserves some recognition and it was a pleasure to read all the material you put out for us to read this season.

Best Podcast

      Not very many members make podcasts in the VHL but when they do they are great. This podcast is no different and it deserves to be given the spotlight as they do a fantastic job. Congratulations to Matty Socks for her work on the Spartan and Fishy show. They have put together a fun podcast about the VHL that definitely deserves a listen. 

      Not very many members make podcasts in the VHL but when they do they are great. This podcast is no different and it deserves to be given the spotlight as they do a fantastic job. @fishy




Congratulations to all of our Season 74 award winners. It was another great season in Miami and I am excited to see what the future holds for all of you! Also a special shout to Dakota Lamb for creating the graphics for this post!


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There should be individual team awards like this for every team imo. This is pretty awesome stuff, and a great way to get the locker room more involved in the post season. Having the entire media spot italicized made it a little tough to read and places that could have been emphasized weren't because of it. Other than that, the headers might have been better if you put them as a bigger font (with the colour change) rather than underlining them. I loved the article though and it was great that Lamb won the Lamb trophy!

7/10 Format needs to be a little cleaner (Loved the pictures)

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