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SITR: Thadius Sales Interview

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SITR: Thadius Sales Interview


{Commercial Break}


(TV screen re-focuses to display the VHL Network New York City Studios)


Host:      Welcome back to the VHL Network, Stick In The Rink! We just had a wonderful interview with VHL New York Americans' upcoming S76 Rookie Defenseman, Cowboy Prout @Prout! Now back from the commercials, we will get to chat with our second guest of the night! Please welcome VHL New York Americans' outstanding Goaltender prospect, Thadius Sales @thadthrasher! Thadius Sales, like Cowboy Prout, will also be joining the New York Americans as a S76 rookie!

(camera focuses on the audience already in a standing ovation and applause; cheers as Thadius enters from backstage)

            Welcome Thadius! Thanks for coming in today!


Thad: Thank you! Of course, it's a pleasure to be here!


Host: First of all, congratulations on a successful VHLM season! You've had a very busy and interactive past season! You were traded midseason from Miami to Las Vegas, and ended up playing 68 games in the VHLM S75 regular season. What are your thoughts on your season? How did you feel about the trade?


Thad: I thought my rookie season was a fairly successful one. We made it to the second round of the playoffs, so I was happy with that. Of course, I wish we would have went on further. The trade itself surprised me, I didn't expect it. 


Host: Very soft spoken. Being a one-for-one goaltender swap with Matthew A Sovick jr @matt sovick heading to Miami, maybe it was a look toward rebuilding for one team and a push for the cup for the other. You played a few games in S74 with the Halifax 21st before being drafted 21st overall to the VHLM by the two-time defending champions, Miami Marauders. And then you were traded to the Las Vegas Aces to end the season. How do you feel about your experience playing for 3 teams in the VHLM? Which team did you like the most? 


Thad: It was nice getting to know a lot of the people in various locker rooms. I didn't really get to know many people in Halifax before being released after they were eliminated in the S74 playoffs, and I was in the Miami locker room for quite some time. I loved playing for both Miami and Las Vegas and it would be hard to pick a favourite. However, since I spent most of my time with Miami I would say I liked playing with them a bit more.


Host: Interesting stuff! As you might have known, you will be joining two Las Vegas Aces alumni and star players in New York. You've played and interacted with quite a lot members and players in the locker rooms and on the ice. Who are some of your favourite people you have played with or against?


Thad: I enjoyed playing with a lot of people! Cabe McJake @RedSus, Chicken Wing @chikn, and Nathan Perry @tinafrombobsburgers were always fun in Miami. In Vegas I really liked playing with Hex Rose @Hex Universe, Linus Zetterstrom @Ledge_and_Dairy and Kelly Power @Nordin. Of course, I enjoyed my time with everyone on each team. There really weren't any bad apples that I could see.


Host: Sounds like you're a people person. From the looks of things, Chicken Wing will continue to help you keep the puck out next season in New York, while the others will do their best to bury them past you. What were your goals prior to S75? Did you achieve your goals? What are your plans for the future? How are you preparing for your move up to the major league, VHL?


Thad: I really wanted to be the leading VHLM goaltender by the end of S75. It didn't happen, but I'm not feeling discouraged. My plan is to be a great presence in the league, encouraging younger players, and hopefully being a top-tier goalie in the VHL in the seasons to come. I'm excited to move up to the New York Americans for S76, and right now my goal is to come in as the starter goaltender, that's my current goal. What a story that would be! 

 (a few woops and squeaks could be heard from the background audience)


Host: What kind of player do you want to be in your prime? What are your goals and expectations for S76? What are you most excited about for the next season?


Thad: I want to be the veteran goaltender that others after me ask "how can I play more like you?" As I said, I want to see myself as New York's starting goaltender at the start of the season. What can I say, I'm optimistic! I'm really excited about playing in the top-tier league in the presence of even more veteran players. I'll learn a lot, that's for sure.


Host: From the looks of things, you will be heading up to the New York Americans and may even find yourself taking the starting job. How do you feel about the Major league team you will be joining? How will you make sure you're going to be ready to face the task of backstopping for the VHL S75 last place team?


Thad: I'm very excited about playing for the New York Americans. I think the incoming players we will have in New York will make us one of the better teams in the league by at least S77. I'm going to continue to grind my TPE, earn what I can, and be incredibly active. S76 will see a fast growing Thadius Sales, and the other players coming up with me will also grow fast. So, while they may have been last in S75, S77 and maybe even S76 will be a vast improvement.  


(loud cheers from the background audience)


Host: Alright! Good stuff! Unfortunately, looks like we are almost out of time. Is there any parting words you want to give to the audience and the fans out there?


Thad: I just appreciate everyone's support. Thank you to all who have followed me since the start of my career not that long ago. It's amazing to see where I have come after prison, and it's exciting to see where I go from here! 


(cheers continue as the audience applause and rise to a standing ovation)


Host: : (talking over the loud background cheering) It's been a pleasure to have you join us today, Thadius! We hope to have you come on again in the future! Best of luck to you for your upcoming rookie VHL season! I look forward to seeing how far the new look New York Americans will go in Season 76! (continual cheers and applause could be heard from the background audience as the TV screen goes to credits)



[Total Word Count: 1126]

[Claim for weeks ending Jan. 24 and Jan. 31]


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With a Bachelor's Degree in Electronic Media, I am overly excited to see the camera directions and indications on here. I think this was set up incredibly well to look and sound like an actual on-air interview. It's creative, and I haven't seen it before. It's well-written, engaging, and was a blast to read! Well done! 10/10

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