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Kendrick last won the day on April 22

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About Kendrick

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    Miles Bryant
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    Tacos and Packers Football

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  1. Not really your fault then, you were just doing your job properly haha I'll keep the carryover TPE and just keep going by using the money elsewhere Edit: I will note in the player store it does say I can use it if I am returning and haven't had a player in 3 years. Is the wording wrong?
  2. I uploaded a graphic last week and then also bought a doubles week. I applied the graphic with the doubles week in my updates and the updater changed the entire update. So now I have a pending doubles week and my graphic has been approved of this week. That was all supposed to be last week and I'm wondering why it wasn't approved for 12 TPE a week ago? I'm confused how to update now
  3. Yeah possibly, I won't even attempt going back there. Thought I was banned
  4. I mean one can't be certain without a K. That being said, when I say I'm bacK is general means little to no effort haha
  5. Old man Boom? That you?
  6. Yeah it's wild what happens in only a few years or so. Kind of crazy that the league is almost at 100 Seasons!
  7. What up big man! Long time since the Express!
  8. Hello fellow old timer! Hope you are doing great and your thriving
  9. So the first thing I had to ask myself is, why? Why would I come back to the league and why now. I wish I had a better answer for you, but it's totally random and not interesting. I have a folder in my bookmarks titled "Sports" and in there was the VHL Link, TSN.ca, Discord, Fantasy Football and Sports Betting. I clicked the wrong one and went here but in turn it technically may have been the right one if you are a VHL lifer. Then I was like, wow when I was 16 (19 years ago) I really enjoyed that place. Now with the odd grey hair coming in, a four year running around and another on the way; it seemed like the worst time to join. But when have I ever done things logically and with much thought? (don't answer that). I'm both excited to see some fresh faces and catch up with some of the guys who made this place what it was. Weird as an original member to come back and feel like the newbie but I might be lost on Point Task stuff. I'll stick to what I do know and then go from there I guess. This is me asking for tips! (Phil, not that type).
  10. Draft class buddies? Ohhhhhhhh I like
  11. I live my life a quarter TPE at a time, I had time in between earning. FR though I just saw it in my folder on my bookmarks
  12. Kendrick

    SEA/HSK; S93

    All of these players are overrated (*I don't know what I'm talking about)
  13. Its' 2024, did you have this on your bingo card?
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