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Everything posted by Victor

  2. @Higgins stahp ignoring my PM
  3. No one. To both those questions. I'm just sayin'
  4. You tagged Jardy.
  5. Brah I'm in this thread.
  6. Riga beating Davos happens once every 20 seasons, this is huge!
  7. What a maverick.
  8. Big statement win here.
  9. he'd still be shit
  10. 99 leadership is so 2014
  11. It skips a game for the team that gets a bye to the conference finals. It thinks 3 teams play but it's only 2. And damn, almost another comeback.
  12. Great start, excellent comeback boys.
  13. Looks like you were holding your training camp in Davos you dirty cheat.
  14. Southpool? Liverhampton?
  15. I don't see anywhere mentioning it Toronto. Looks like some retired stars came to make some money on the side in Switzerland. Nothing wrong here.
  16. Due to other commitments like going to a beach for a week, this will be the last week of S49. It will end at some point next week. PM me numbers 1 to 4 for your questions. As compensation, correct week 5 answers will be worth 1 capped TPE each and 2 leaderboard points each. Week 4 results will be in this week.
  17. Yeah show's understanding of time is warped. Although, if Varys wasn't in Dorne they would have had me convinced.... Well, we could say that Dorne/Essos/Iron Islands are slightly ahead of King's Landing/Riverrun/North. Anyway, they killed off a lot of people. Dem loose ends. Fucking King in the North again ffs. There are like no heirs to any throne. Baratheon line is extinguished. AHHHH Huge missed opportunity to end the episode called WINDS OF WINTER on a shot of the fucking White Walkers. You know, the counterweight to dragons and Jon Snow.
  18. No, but you love abuse.
  19. Shoulda joined us in Quebec.
  20. I don't know what's worse, that it happened or that no one is surprised.
  21. Can't deny I'm looking forward to you beating each other up.
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